
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasia
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66 Chs

38: Sayan Fight! Blaze Attacks!

It has been a few hours since Zelfire met the mysterious beggar in the mountains. Mason's eyes are mostly healed by now. He went to visit Margrit again. Like before, he talked to her about his problems and his feelings.

"Hey, it's a great morning isn't it? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, it sure is a beautiful day. What am I saying? I said this yesterday!" He sighed. "When will you wake up? Come on Margrit...you're stronger than that...If I could I would take your place in that chamber, I will. It's my fault...I'll wait for you. Even if it takes months or even years, I'll wait for you Margrit...I promise I'll be here with you."

Zelfire entered the room in a rush. "...Old man! Crystals! Guardian Planet! Blaze!" he blurted out all at once.

Mason: "What? Slow down Zelfire. Calm down." (Did he hear right? Did Zelfire said Blaze?)

Zelfire: "Mason, get everyone here! It's an emergency!"

Mason: "What is it?"

"Just do it! It's a matter of life and death!"

So Leila, Kane, Kyle, Mason, Zelfire, Jerrell, and Piper entered a private room. Zelfire explained to them about what happened, and about the legend of the crystals he had been told.

"...So, we have to get the seven energy crystals before Dark Spectre or Blaze!" he said, finishing a short version of the old man's story.

Jerrell: "Incredible...energy crystals that can grant powers..."

Leila: "Who is the old man who told you this? Do you know him?"

Zelfire: "Well, not really. But I'm sure we can trust him."

Kane: "What if he's just joking with you? What if it's just a fairy tale?"

Jerrell: "I don't think so. I've heard of this legend before. My parents told me about some of these crystals when I was little. So they're on the Guardian Planet..." Mason: "So, we're not the only ones who know..."

Piper: "Then we better hurry up! Dark is probably on his way there as we speak now!"

Mason: "He's right. We have no time to waste." Suddenly, Mason sensed a huge force approaching the colony. Zelfire sensed it too.

Jerrell: "What's wrong?"

Mason: "We have an intruder! Let's go!"

So, everybody except Leila ran outside to see who it is. It was Blaze again!

Mason: "It's you!"

Blaze: "Hey, nice to meet you again, Mason and Zelfire and Jerrell."

Zelfire: "You again? What did you do with that old man? You didn't hurt him, did you?"

Blaze: "Hmmm, that beggar got away before I could touch him."

Jerrell: "What do you want here?!"

Blaze: "Well, it's like this. After I heard about those crystals, the first thing I was gonna do was to go to Guardian Planet. But silly me, I forgot that my ship broke when I came here, soooo I just dropped by to see if I can borrow a ship..."

Jerrell: "Borrow a ship from me? Forget it! Get lost!"

Blaze: "Hey now, that's not very nice. I asked you politely, and this is how you answer me? Is that anyway to treat an old comrade?"

Jerrell: "Shut up! You're not our ally! Not anymore."

Blaze: "Hey Mason, why don't you tell them what happened the other day?" Kane: "What is he talking about?"

Mason: "Well, he helped me finish off Kori. He didn't hurt me."

Blaze: "Now you see? I'm not such bad guy, now am I? Ha ha ha ha!"

Jerrell: "He just did what he wanted! I know Blaze. He wanted to finish off Dark's men anyway. We can't trust him, Mason..."

Kane: "Jerrell is right. He's sly and tricky! He tried to blow up our colony once..." Mason: "Look, Blaze, I appreciate your help, but our leader doesn't welcome you. So just leave and nobody will get hurt."

Blaze: "This is the thanks I get for what I've done for you...I'm borrowing a ship whether you like it or not! Don't get in my way."

Jerrell: "You're not getting it!"

Mason: "Guys, now's not the time for this."

Blaze: "You want to challenge me?"

Mason: "All I want is you to leave..."

Blaze: "Fool! Those crystals belong to me! I'm the only one who can control their powers! I'm the only one who can stand a chance against Dark Spectre!"

Jerrell took out his gun. "Last warning. Leave now."

Blazer: "I see now. This is how you treat an old friend. Then so be it."

Jerrell fired. Bang. Blaze blocked with his palm. Kane charged first. Then Mason and Jerrell charged.

Kane drew his fist back and punched, Blaze dodged, and hit him in the stomach. Doosh! Kane was thrown off. Jerrell and Mason attacked, but they were hit.

Zelfire and Piper ran to help Kane. "You okay, buddy?"

Kane watched the fight with intensity.

Jerrell: "Mason, let me fight him. This is my fight!"

His words reminded Mason of himself. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, just leave it to me."

Blazer: "Hurry up and quit wasting my time."

Jerrell powered up. Electric sparks produced. "Thunderstorm! Hyaaah!"

Everyone watched with curiosity. What's going to happen?

Mason: (You gotta be careful, Jerrell. Blaze is the one who killed Kori. I didn't even see the fight. What kind of abilities does he have?)

Jerrell released his attack, and Blazer dodged all the currents. Suddenly, Blazer got in front of him, and did a high kick. Doosh! Jerrell was knocked into the air, and Blazer blurred, appeared above, and knocked Jerrell down. Wham!

Zelfire and Piper blurred and appeared close to Blazer. They fired energy balls. Boom.

Mason: "Do you know this person?"

Kane: "Yeah. He used to be part of our colony. But he never obeyed our rules. So Jerrell cast him out."

Zelfire was hit. And so was Piper.

Blaze: "Since you insist, I'll take on any of you. So who's next?"

Mason got upset, and he took on Blaze himself. Pak! Pow! Pak.

Kane: (Blaze is not someone to be taken lightly. This is the sayan that has Dark Spectre worried, after all. But is he fighting at full power?)

Pak! Pow! Pak! Mason got hit in the face while going offensive.

Kane: (Mason is having so much trouble. And Blaze is not even fighting at 100% power. Is he really holding back.)

Doosh, doosh. Blaze kept on dodging the fists. Mason noticed how quick he was.

Mason fired the Energy Bomb and Blaze blocked it. Froom. Blaze's eyeballs moved left and right. He was surrounded by the heroes. Zelfire, Piper, Jerrell, and Kane all stood at different angles from him.

Jerrell: "Alright, enough games. Just leave us Blaze, or suffer the consequences."

Blaze crossed his arms confidently. "So it has come down to this. It's no big deal, I'll fight all of you at once."

Jerrell: "Is that so?"

Blaze smiled and laughed. "Ha ha ha ha!" He powered up.

Everyone could feel his energy level rising. The winds were all out of control. Mason could barely stand still with his shield on.

Kane: "Ahh…what's this power?!"

Zell: "Damn…"

Blaze continued gathering energy and looked like he's almost finished. Suddenly, his hair turned from dark black to golden yellow in a flash. His body was covered by a flashing layer of golden energy. He stopped powering up and relaxed.

Everyone was shocked. Even those not on the battlefield could feel it.

Leila and Kyle were having a cup of coffee pleasantly, until Kyle squeezed his cup so hard that it cracked.

"What's wrong?" Leila asked, completely oblivious to what's happening.

"Such power…" he muttered. "I've never felt anything like it…"

Leila noticed that he grew pale. He looked like he saw a ghost.

Even Margarita felt it, in her state.

Blaze seemed to be emitting a golden energy from his body.

Mason: "W-What the hell did you do?!"

Kane: "Could this be…"

Blaze: "Behold! This is the power of a Super Sayan. Quite impressive, isn't it?"

Mason: "So this is a super sayan? I've noticed you changed your hair, but how is that going to make you stronger?"

"Idiot! Do you even know what a super sayan is? It is the destiny and hope of all the strongest sayans! Not just any ordinary sayan can be a super sayan. Only those strong enough will become one. They must show strength far superior to others. It takes years of training to reach this level."

Jerrell: "So the rumors are true…"

Kane: "This is the highest level of power for sayans?"

Blaze: "Naturally. But of course, weaklings like you can't even dream of becoming one. Not just everyone can become a super sayan. Some people train their whole lives, and they never reach this level. You have to be exceptional like me to become one."

Kane: "Now I see why he's one of the most wanted amongst the Dark Empire."

"Hehehehe. Do you know in this state I am invincible?"

Mason: "No way! You're bluffing!"

"Oh, am I? If you are not convinced, why don't you try me for yourself?" Mason charged at him, and he disappeared in a flash. Blaze flew around the sky in circles.

"Can you keep up with me?"

All five fight Blaze at once, but he defended himself brilliantly. He jumped into the air and they followed him. They were no match for his skills. Not even Mason could land a punch on him.

Blaze charged up energy and shot a bunch of beams at them. They all tried to block them, but the beams were too overwhelming. Suddenly, Blaze fired a shockwave, and the winds produced were so strong, they were blown away. Frooom!

The ground blew up as they fell.

Blaze: "Is that all you've got? Pathetic! Is this the best of the Mascus Colony?" Just then, he sensed someone still active. "Hmm?"

Mason came out from the rubble, coughing and breathing hard. "What a devastating attack. Am I the only one left standing?"

"Wow. You're the only one who survived my attack...I am impressed. But, I must say, no matter how strong you think you are, you'll never beat me in this state."

They began fighting violently. It was the toughest fight Mason has ever fought, but the best one he ever had.

They hurt each other bad. Mason delivered a blow to Blaze's chin and he was down. Blaze slowly got up and hanged on to the rock for support. Blood was dripping from his mouth and his suit was torn, but he was smiling.

Mason had a few bruises, and some blood.

"Mason...we're counting on you..." Zelfire mumbled.

Will Mason be able to pull through this time?