
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasia
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66 Chs

18: Super Sayan Vs. Dark.

Blaze finally transformed into a super sayan, but can he stand a chance against Dark Spectre alone?

Dark: "So this is a super sayan. I'm impressed, you've out done yourself this time."

"I'll show you what a real super sayan can do!"

"Go ahead and try."

Blaze accepted the invitation and charged. Doosh doosh doosh. He kept on punching, even Dark could barely block all of them. Doosh. Dark was knocked against a wall. Crash. Blaze fired laser beams, and Dark jumped away. Boom.

Dark appeared next to him, and hit him back in his face. Pow.

Blaze hit him back in the face, and cracked his mask.

"Ugh!! You damn sayan! Take this!" Dark charged up powerful dark energy and hit Blaze. Although a super sayan, Blaze couldn't handle that much of dark energy, and fell down.

Blaze: "Ahhhhhh!"

"What's the matter? Don't tell me that's all a super sayan can handle."

"...It was...just a lucky hit, that's all! You were just lucky!"

"Ohhh, well you look at that."

He noticed that Blaze's hair was flashing, changing from gold to black, gold to black...Blaze realized it also and worried.

"Oh no! Not now!"

"You seem worried. Why is that? Is it because you're running out of energy?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Stop pretending, I know. You can't stay a super sayan forever! Soon you'll lose your energy, and you need at least a day before you can transform again. I know that you know. I've studied the legend."

"You're right. But what if I can finish you off before I run out of energy."

"I don't think so. Once you return to your normal state, you're history! It's only a matter of time now."

They continued fighting and Blaze was losing his strength after every move.

Dark knew it was time to make his move. He formed the Dark Prison Ball, and threw it at Blaze.

"You think you can stop me with this thing?!" he screamed proudly. Blaze ran at the ball and put his fist into it, but it trapped his arm and sucked him inside. "Nooooo!" "You fool! I can't believe you fell for that! You could've avoided it, but you didn't think twice before making a move. Believe me, Blaze, I know you better than anyone else. You just would take anything head on."

"You can't hold me! I'm a super sayan!!!" Outraged, Blaze released a wave of energy from his body, but the barrier was undamaged. "What?!"

Dark laughed. "You can't escape fool! Now die!" Dark put his hands close and the ball got smaller and squished Blaze. It also drained his energy bit by bit and weakened him. He struggled but it was no use. His hair turned black again and he was longer the super sayan. The barrier broke apart and Blaze fell on the ground.

Dark: "Super sayan? Bah. I am invincible. No one can stop me!"

Blaze's fingers grabbed the ground and he lifted his head up.

"How can this be? I'm beaten...this is impossible! Noooo...The super sayans of the legend were invincible..."

Mason: "Blaze?"

Dark: "Your friend is defeated. There's no hope for you."

Mason: "You're wrong! There's still a way."

Dark: "Hmmph. You're just like him. All sayans are the same. They just don't know when it's over. They think they're so tough, they just won't accept having someone above them."

Zelfire: "No!"

Mason, Zelfire, and Blaze jumped up high into the air a safe distance from Dark on the ground.

Blaze: "Let's give him everything we've got!"

Mason: "Yeah!"

They shoot laser beams at the ground continuously and literally blew up the ground. The whole place exploded many times and it looked as if there was no way Dark could have survived this. The three waited in the air for the smoke to clear up.

Zelfire: "Do you think he's..."

Blaze: "No way! There's no way he could have survived that. Even Dark Spectre couldn't handle all that power..."

Mason: "I don't know...something's not right..."

To their surprise, as the smoke cleared up, they see Dark standing there unharmed.

Blaze: "What?!"

Mason: "Huh?"

Zelfire: "No one could have survived that! It's impossible!"

Dark: "You forget Blaze, I am the impossible. No one has ever beaten me, and no one ever will."

Zelfire: "What do we do now?"

Dark flew toward them and took on all three at once. WHAM! BAM! POW! Dark's speed was incredible. He hit Blaze down first. Then Zelfire was next. Wham!

Now, Mason stood alone against him, the ultimate being in the galaxies, and the fate of the entire universe rests in his hands.