
Guardian Force of the Galaxy Series I

Terry and the heroes discover a sinister plot to throw the universe into disorder. They meet with sayans from a distant planet and travel across the galaxy to fight the Dark Empire, and they enter a conflict beyond imagination.

BenjaminLouie · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
66 Chs

05: Team Battle! The Sayans Perish.

Ren, who was left unconscious from the battle with Mason, was resting in some sort of liquid healing chamber. He was breathing through a respirator that was attached to an oxygen tank. Although unconscious, he could still flash back to what happened the other day, and vowed to get revenge once he got healed.

Terry Spade was checking out the space pod that belonged to Ren. Inside, were advanced computers and technology he had never seen before. He was amazed by all the things he saw. He also found several odd-looking suits inside. "I wonder what are these for?"

Suddenly, the screen on the computer turned on by itself. Destructo's face appeared on the screen.

"I remember you. You're Destructo."

Destructo: "Yes, and you are Mason."

"Listen, my name is Terry. And you'll address me by that name. Don't forget I'm an earthling."

"It doesn't really matter what you are. You have beaten Renegade, and that means you are my enemy."

Terry: "Where are my friends?"

Destructo: "They are fine. But not for long if you don't return Renegade's ship to me! Look, I have something you want, and you have something I want. You know what this means?"

"If I return the pod to you, will you let my friends go free?"

"All I want is the Cyber Suits." Destructo assured him.

"I'll do anything to ensure their safety. How do I bring those suits to you?"

"Here is the location of where your earthling friends are." The screen showed a map, with the coordinates. "See you soon, Mason." The screen went blank.

Terry didn't hesitate to go there immediately, knowing his friends could be tortured at this very moment. The coordinates pointed to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Network City.

The sayans were waiting for him to show up, while Leila, Kane, Zelfire, and Piper were chained to the wall.

Leila: "Don't worry guys, Terry will come and save us. He's never let us down before."

Zelfire: "I hope you're right, Leila."

Kane: "How can you be sure he'll come? Knowing that this is trap, and his enemies are waiting for him to show up so they can kill him? If I were him, I would run away as far as I can from..."

Piper: "Hey, our Terry is not like that! He will never coward out like some people would, especially when his friends are in trouble."

Kane: "You four seem to have an interesting relationship."

Piper: "We have been best friends forever. We won't let each other down."

Kane was impressed by their trust in their good friend. It kinda reminds him of his superiors.

Goldark's scouter detected something. "It must be Mason!" They went outside to

'welcome' him.

"You finally showed up at last. We were thinking you wouldn't come." Lance said.

Mason descended slowly to the ground, looking at them.

"You made the right choice in coming here."

"Where are the Cyber Suits, Mason?" Goldark asked impatiently.

"Oh, I forgot them." he said humorously.

"You forgot?" grumbled Goldark. "You think this is funny? The lives of your friends are in your hands, and you've just lost them."

"Not really. You see, I came to save them."

"Foolish boy, what makes you think we're gonna let you do that?" said Aria. Then he laughed.

Mason prepared to fight. In a flash, the three of them charged at Mason together. They attacked him together, and Terry tried to avoid all their attacks. Although out numbered, he seemed confident, as if it was all part of his plan. Terry with just enough distance from them, used the Flash attack, a technique he learned from his old master. He closed his eyes and a glowing ball appeared in his palms.

"What's he up to?" Lance asked.

Then the ball burst open and a blinding light hit the whole area.

"My eyes!" Goldark shrieked.

Lance: "What kind of trick is this?!"

Aria: "He'll pay for this!"

They covered their eyes from the bright light and couldn't see a thing.

Terry took advantage of their disability and went inside the factory. "It's Terry! See, I told you he would come." Leila said happily.

"You never let us down, bro." Zelfire said.

Terry unchained them as quickly as possible. "You guys alright?"

"Don't worry about us. We're still alive, aren't we?" Piper said.

Kane: "I must admit, it was very brave of you to do this, knowing the risks. When I fought Ren, you stepped in to help me, and now you risked everything to save me and your friends. And to be honest with you, I haven't met anyone with your level of courage in a long time.

"Yeah...save your flattering for later, the sayans are still outside, and quite angry."

The bright light gradually vanished and their eyes recovered bit by bit.

Aria: "I swear I thought I was blind."

Goldark: "That little punk will die!"

Suddenly, a beam hit Aria and pushed him away. Goldark and Lance flew out of the way. Kane flew past them, flying to where Aria is going to land. Smash! Aria jumped out of Kane's attack. Bam.

Lance: "I'll take the on Mason and his other friend. You take the other guy."

Goldark: "With pleasure."

They flew down.

Lance and Terry and Zelfire gave each other the stare. "You've got a lot of nerve," Lane said, "pulling a stunt like that."

Zelfire: "And you've got a lot of nerve, using us as hostages."

Froom! A fire beam went past Kane, burning his shoulder. "Ugh!"

Aria laughed. "Ha ha ha ha! You will die, Kane. You will die, along with that damned colony. "

"You die." Kane fired an energy blast at Aria, making a direct hit. He screamed as his scouter cracked, and broke, and his body disintegrated.

Lance fired a bunch of beams at the ground. Kaboom. Terry and Zelfire ran away from them.

Terry: "I think we should use that technique."

Zelfire: "That one? The one which our master taught us? Alright, let's do it."

Lance: "Where did they go?"

Suddenly, a beam flew at him, and he dodged. Then another one hit him, smashing him to the ground.

"Ugh!" Before Lance can do anything, Terry fired a beam close to the ground, and it hurtled towards Lance, essentially burning the ground. "NOOOO!" Froom! He was hit and burned up as the beam went past him.

Now, only one of the sayans was left.

"Lance and Aria are gone. I guess it's up to me now." said Goldark as he pounded Piper to the ground.

Kane, Mason and Zelfire surrounded Goldark on three sides.

Goldark smiled as he looked at them. Kane grunted at him. They were waiting for each other to make the first move. It was very quiet now, so quiet they can even hear the sound of the wind. "I can take on all three of you together."

Kane said, "That's fine with us."

"C'mon make your move!" screamed Goldark.

The three of them charged at him together, they push him down, but Goldark lifted Zelfire up and threw him away. Then with one arm he punched Terry and knocked him good. With his left leg he kicked Kane and he fell down.

"He's incredibly strong." said Zelfire. "We've got to be careful."

They started attacking him again but his bulky body could take whatever they threw at him.They made a combo attack on him, then Terry used the Energy Blast as the final move. Goldark was only a little bit injured. He laughed as they watched in disbelief. They thought such powerful attacks would cause a lot of damage, but it barely hurt Goldark. After some more fighting, they grew tired, but Goldark wasn't tired at all. They decided to take him on individually. Zelfire was first, but he was beaten easily. Next was Kane. Kane lasted a bit longer than Zelfire, but he lost also. Finally, it was Terry's turn. His friends were counting on him, but he lost as well.

Then Terry said, "Guys, we have to fight together if we want to win." After apause, Kane and Zelfire simultaneously answered, "Right!" Mason, Kane and Zelfire used their energy blasts at the same time.

"Hmmmm, what are they up to?" wondered Goldark.

The three beams flew into the air, then combined into each other to form a thicker, more powerful beam.

"Huh?" Goldark fired some balls at the big beam, but it did no good. It hit him and bang! His body disintegrated slowly as he screamed one last time. In an instant, nothing was left of him but ashes and smoke.

"You did it!" yelled Leila in excitement.

Terry happily said, "We did it together!"

"We make a great team." Zelfire added.

"Indeed we do." Kane said. "I've just met you earthlings, but it feels like we've known for many years. Spade, I must say, you surprised me by showing up here. It takes balls to do that."

Terry: "I don't abandon friends. Even if it's a new friend."

Kane smiled.

Piper joined them, but he could barely stand up. His leg gave up and Zelfire caught him just before he hit the ground.

"Careful there, old buddy."

"We won, haven't we?"

"Yes, we did. C'mon, let's get you to a hospital."

"I'm fine, really." Piper said.

"You can barely stand up!"

And everybody, even Kane, laughed together. But their laughter stopped when Destructo appeared in the sky.

Piper: "Oh no... it's him!

Destructo: "I see you've destroyed my men. But things are going to change."

Spade: "Destructo! It's your turn to pay for your wrong doings."

Kane: "No matter what I will stop you from harming this planet."

Destructo: "You can try, but you will never succeed. Never."

The biggest threat has come. What will the heroes do now?