
Inoki Hunting: Part Two

=Swampy Lands of Mocust=

Celsius: "Argh!!! What the--" He looked straight at Nympha. "Do you have something to explain?"

Ray: "Hmm, guys…It's better for us to stop struggling. It's cramp here. My bones are about to be dislocated."

Nympha: *sigh* "My bad. I made a mistake."

They are stuck inside the trunk of the dead large willow tree.

Celsius: "Why did you put it here?! What are you even thinking?!" He's raging mad.

Nympha: "I know. I'm sorry it's my fault."

Ray: "Guys, stop moving! I'm getting crush here. Before anything else, we should think first on how to get out."

Celsius calms himself down.

Celsius: "Okay. I'll hear your explanation later…Ray since your near the entrance, go out first. Will try to squish ourselves as much possible. After he gets out, Nympha you go. I'll go last."

After sometime they managed to get out from the hollow trunk of the dead tree. They immediately covered their nose as they began to notice the stinking smell in their surroundings.

Nympha: "The foul smell really caught me off guard…and I was really worried about Ray that time…so I just tossed the void gates inside this tree." She explained.

Celsius: *sigh* "I understand your reason and I get the fact that you were concerned about Ray that time, still you could have just throw it in an open space."

Nympha: "I know. I'm guilty. I promise not to do this again."

Celsius: "For the mean time we need something to cover our nose." He took out something from his storage crystal. "Use these." He handed each one of them.

Ray: "A face mask?"

Celsius: "It's not just an ordinary face mask. It can act as a screen and filter the air in our surroundings. It will block the horrible smell."

Everyone put their face mask on.

Nympha: "Thanks."

Celsius just nodded.

Ray put a smile on his face. He's glad that the heavy atmosphere around his two companions disappeared.

Celsius checks his radar.

Celsius: "We need to hurry. The lunar eclipse is about to come."

Both Nympha and Ray spotted a group of Inokis strolling around the area. They starts to make funny faces to annoy them.


Ray: "I'm pretty sure they were the ones we saw at the summit."

Nympha: "They are." She agreed.

Nympha clenched her fists.


Ray: "…And they're laughing…"

Nympha: "They're laughing at us." She got her knuckles on her fist and shifts her movements to reach them.

The Inokis sense the danger quickly and disperse themselves.

Nympha: "Ugh! Come back here!"

Ray tries to chase after the Inokis as well.

Ray: "They're too fast!" *sigh* "It will take us forever to catch them."

Nympha: "Not on my watch! If I ever lay my hands on those Inokis I will turn their heads into real caps!"

Ray: "I'll chop their bodies into pieces and roast them." He seconded.

Frustration is written all over their faces. Celsius is quite disappointed on what he is witnessing.

Celsius: *sigh* "Can't you see that you two are being played? Come on! Use your head!"

Nympha: *deep breath* "Okay…I know we should not react like this. But they're indeed toying with us."

Celsius: "That's their goal. So, you guys shouldn't lose your composure. We're better than this." He cheered them up.

Nympha: "I---I get it." She made a thumbs up. "I'm okay now."

Celsius: "Good gracious."

Ray: "Same here. But still I plan to roast them." He smiled. "I mean I'm curious on how they taste like. They quite look delicious."

Celsius: "I need to ruin your expectation, but I don't think they're edible."

Ray: "Eh?! Really?"

Nympha: "Ray forgot about the roasting part. You can do that after we extract the moonlight essence from its body. We still need to catch one alive. So, let's focus."

Ray: "Okay, sis."

The group of Inoki didn't bother to leave in the middle of their conversation. They must have been thought that the party is not even on par with their level. The Inokis are bouncing up and down and laughing at them.


Nympha: "It's time to get serious."

Ray: "Un."

The two closed their eyes and concentrate. They start to feel every thing in their surroundings. They feel every movement of what the creatures make. A much condense and greater energy flows in Ray and Nympha's body.

Ray appearance then starts to change. His dark horns appear and dark scales on his skin become visible. A dark and light particles surround him.

The group of Inokis fell silent. They feel some change had happened.

Ray shifts his gaze to one of the Inokis and right before the creature disappear, he almost touch its cap.

Ray: (I almost had it.)

Nympha: (That was closed. Now, my turn.)

She clenched both of her fists and smashed the ground with her knuckles. The earth quakes and made the Inokis lost their balance.

Celsius: (Nympha, we're here to catch one alive. We're not here to pulverize them into dust. You need to control your strength for goodness sake!) He reminded.

Nympha: (My bad.)

They went all out to catch one Inoki but still to no avail. They may touch some of its body parts, but they still vanish in the moment they lay their hands on the creatures. The scenario repeats in cycle. The party found themselves in the Ghost Dessert moving to Rocky Mountains, going back to Swamp Lands and vice versa. They switch from one place to another.

Celsius: (Guys…My body can't cope up with this…) *pant* pant* (…it's getting harder for me…) *pant* (I'll just stay in one place.)

Ray: (Okay. Get some rest.)

Nympha: (And stay out of danger.)

Celsius: (I won't. I don't want to become a burden.)

Nympha: (Good.)


Ray and Nympha did a series of chase with the Inoki habitants. Their movements are so swift, the gust of winds can be heard.

Ray: *pant* *pant* "This is an endless chase. Sis, does this creature have any weakness?"

Nympha: "…None." *pant* *pant*

Ray: *pant* "What?"

Nympha: "…I told you before…" *pant* *pant* "…No one has ever caught an Inoki…"

Ray: *sigh* "…We're out of luck…" *pant* "hmm, do you have some useful skill that can help us?"

Nympha: *pant* "None…A scout or a shadow might help us…" *pant* *pant* "…When it comes to speed, they are on the upper hand."

Ray: "But…" *pant* "…but we don't have them in our team…"

Nympha: "Exactly."

Both are now exhausted. The Inokis continue with their annoying charades. The creatures keeps on bouncing and making noises.

The party still continue with the chase, however Nympha is reaching her limit.

Nympha: *pant* *pant* "I don't have enough stamina" *pant* *pant* "Tankers are not built for chasing."

Ray: *pant* "Leave the rest to me, sis."

Nympha: "Un."

She starts to communicate with Celsius.

Nympha: (My bad…) *pant* *pant* (…it seems I already reached my limit…) *pant* *pant* (…I let Ray---)

Celsius: (Let's just put our trust in him. Ray may have the chance to do it.)

Nympha: (*pant*..Okay.)

The party seems to forget the fact that a Lunar Eclipse is bound to happen. Ray was left chasing the bunch of Inokis. After some time, his appearance slowly returns to normal. The thick dark scales on his scales faded and his horns vanished.

Ray: "Great, they disappeared." He felt relief.

Suddenly, one Inoki bounced on Ray's head.


He turn his back and tries to grab its head but he fails. The Inoki smiled broadly flashing its sharp small teeth and disappeared.

Ray: "This creature is on par with my mother's speed. This may be a good exercise for me."


The party failed to notice the quickness of time. The Lunar Eclipse is approaching.

*Blink!* *Blink!* *Blink!*

The flashing of red lights blinks rapidly. Celsius and Nympha rose from where they are sitting and looks at the radar.

Celsius: "Tch! We forgot about it!"

Nympha: "How much time do we got?"

Celsius: "We don't have time left. It's closing in. Just ten ceceli left!"

Nympha quickly sends Ray a message.

Nympha: (Ray! Quick! Hide yourself now!)

Ray: (Sis, I almost got it!)

Nympha: (Forget about the Inoki! Hide now!)

With the last five ceceli left, Ray struggle to chase the last one remaining Inoki. He was able to caught one with his arms!

Ray: (Sis Nympha, I did it!)

Just when he successfully caught the creature, the darkness engulfed the entire plains. Not a single light can be seen. It's an eternal darkness.

Nympha: (Ray,go hide!) Her voice sounds desperate.

Ray is left in the open.

Ray: (But---But I can't see. It's pitch black.)

Nympha: (No matter what happens find a place to hide, you hear me! Don't be in the open!)

Ray feels the Inoki he is holding trembles in fear.

Ray: "What's the problem little one?"

The creature squirms trying to get out from his grip.

As he looks up, he saw something that no one has ever witness before. The body of the creature may not be seen in the darkness but its eyes are way horrifying. The red glowing eyes are staring at Ray.

Plague has appeared.
