

In the olden days the nomads had faced discrimination in the society. They were treated harsh and were labeled as non-significant. The birth of humans determines their roles and factions they will belong. Being a nomad was out of question.

Charles was the predestined nomad that change this cruel caste. Nomads might be just an ordinary people but each one of them had a unique talent that the society need in order to advance and develop. The lineage of genius among the nomads helps their standing in the society.

Celsius belongs to one of the great geniuses born in the nomad's society. His knowledge is vast and his understanding is proficient. At the age of five, he has made a lot of contributions in the Underground City of Ambeist. Due to his gained achievements, he became arrogant. He has a reason though. He acts this way so the society and the factions will not look down on him or his fellow nomads. He also has this dream. He wants to surpass his predecessor Charles and become the Greatest Researcher in the realm.

==1st District - Residence of the Nomad Society==

Therma: "Celsius my dear child, why not enjoy the Founding Festival? You might see interesting stuff on the merchants' stalls this year?"

Therma is the mother of Celsius. She is known as a kind mother and a loving wife to her family.

Celsius: "I don't want to go, mother. I'm still examining this footage. I need to know more about this pillar of light."

Therma: "Do you want me to lend a hand? I know you are eager to go."

Celsius: "Will you do this for me, mother?" His intention is showing.

Therma: "Haha! Of course, I will."

Celsius packed his things and wore a white robe in order to hide his appearance.

Therma: (This child never change.) "Dear, don't forget to bring your mother a souvenir, okay?"

Celsius: "Yes, Mother." He waved as he went out.


Celsius might have been seen as a matured kid for his age, but he still needs to go out and enjoy the festive atmosphere of the city.

Celsius: (Hmm…which stall should I see first? With my disguise, I'm sure no one will notice me.) His eyes sparkles.

Celsius is amazed by the grand Founding Festival this year. New and different stalls were set up from the streets. He was attracted by the unique object displayed in one of the stalls.

Celsius: "Excuse me. What are those?" He pointed.

Merchant: "Oh-ho. You have a pretty good eyes, kid. This object is called wind bracelet."

Celsius: "Wind bracelet?"

Merchant: "Allow me to explain. This circular rings harness wind."

Celsius: (This is new.) "Wind you say?"

Merchant: "Yes."

The merchant took the object for a closer look. It was a golden bracelet with a series of small circular rings spinning.

Celsius: (It's quite unique but it seems useless.) "So what does it do?"

Merchant: "Ah…eh…" He scratched his head.

Celsius: "It's okay, I'll take it." (I'll just turn this one into something else.)

Merchant: (Phew!) "Thanks, kid."

Celsius began to roam around each and every stall and bought each of their products. The products he bought was sucked in a storage crystal he had created.

Celsius: (Good! There's a lot of space left.)

He had finished all his business and had just bought a souvenir for his mother when he spotted Ray and Nympha.

Celsius: "Aren't they the ones who got kick out at the 4th District?"

Celsius followed the two from a distance. He was more like a stalker. He is not much of a fan of any events but he was caught up by the different performance of each faction. This ignites a new passion in him.

During the event, Celsius saw it all, from the beginning until the end where Ray had fought with Berdo. Strangely, he even cheered for Ray.

Celsius: (I didn't think that naughty kid will be that great.)

For some reason, he felt happy.


Therma: "This is odd. He's never been late. He usually roams around and gets back quickly."

Celsius' mother looked outside the window.

Therma: "I guess, he found something very interesting."


Celsius stayed until the last ceremony of The Founding Festival. He witnessed the blessing of the goddess.

Celsius: (I feel pretty light.)

After he received the blessing, he suddenly thought of his mother.

Celsius: "!!!" (I have to hurry! Mother is waiting.)

He then took a detour and went to a dark alley. He was running as fast as he could when two figures appeared in front of him.

"You in a white robe, what are you doing in this part of the city?" The girl spoke.

"Be careful, sis." Said by a familiar voice.

Celsius: *sigh* (I can't believe this two.) He took off his hood.

"Eh?! Isn't this the arrogan---mmm…"

Nympha quickly put her hand to Ray's mouth.

Nympha: "What are you doing here, sir? We spotted you after the end of the ceremony and we thought you're a rogue or something."

Celsius: "I went out to buy some things." (Good thing, they didn't notice.) He reasoned out.

Ray was struggling and trying to take off Nympha's hand.

Nympha: "Oh..sorry"

Ray: *pant* pant* "That almost took my breath, sis Nympha." He looked at Celsius. "Why take this dark alley? You will look suspicious."

Nympha: "Agreed."

Celsius accidentally took the wrong detour. He was rushing to get home.

Celsius: "Hmm. I got lost." He made another excuse.

Nympha: "You got lost, sir?"

Celsius: "Drop the formality. Call me Celsius. It's awkward addressing me "sir" when you are older than me."

Nympha: (Did he just stated that I am older? Nevermind.) "Okay, Celsius."

Ray took out his crystal lamp to light the way.

Ray: "Here. Now you can see where you're going."

Celsius was shocked when he saw the crystal lamp Ray was holding. He quickly grabbed Ray's hand.

Celsius: "I know this lamp!"

Ray: (What's his deal? Now he wants my lamp.) "Look, this is mine."

Nympha: "Yes, Celsius. What are you doing?"

Celsius loosened his grip.

Celsius: "If I'm not mistaken, that crystal lamp was made by the Greatest Researcher named Charles." He explained.

"Charles?" both Nympha and Ray said in unison.

Celsius: "It's a long story. Let me take a closer look. His signatures were carved on his works."

He began to inspect the crystal lamp.

Celsius: (I was right!) "See this." He pointed a strange symbol at the top of the crystal lamp.

Ray: "Huh? I thought that it's just a part of the design."

Nympha: "I don't know what you guys are talking about."

Celsius took out his storage crystal and brought out a small book. The small book contains various drawing, symbols and inscriptions.

Celsius: "Look. It's really his work." He pointed at the picture of the lamp drawn on the pages of the book.

Ray and Nympha were surprised. It was the exact copy of the crystal lamp.

Ray: "Strange. Why it's not written as crystal lamp?"

Celsius: (Huh? He could read these old writings?)

Nympha: "Where and what part? It looks like a bunch of scribbles to me."

Celsius: "You have the seer's guidance."

Nympha: (What is he talking about?)

Celsius: "Could you tell me what this one says?" (Let's put it to a test.)

Ray: "Okay. Hmm…it says phosphorus."

Celsius was astonished. He's been trying to decipher what is written in the book for quite some time. But he didn't think that Ray could read it much better than he is.

Celsius: "You guys need to come to my home." (Now I found the missing piece in my plan.) He smiled.

"EHHHHH??!!!" both Ray and Nympha were shocked.


Celsius: "Mother, I'm back."

Therma: "Welcome back, dear. Oh! You brought some companions with you."

Celsius' features were taken from his mother. Her mother has a smoothed fair skin and an emerald silky hair. Her eyes were emerald as well. Celsius got one of his eye color from his mother while his other eye is silver which he took from his father.

Nympha: (So, he got a beautiful mother.)

Ray: (She looks like an angel compare to her child.)

Celsius: "They are my friends."

Ray: "What? (We are not!)

Nympha: "Huh?"

Celsius looked at them and signaled to just play along.

Ray: "Ah! I mean, yes ma'am! We are his friend." (I'm just doing this for your mother.)

Nympha: "Yes we are, haha."

Therma: "Oh, I didn't know that my child has some friends. You two are adorable!" She hugged them both.

Celsius: "Ahmm, mother. I'm taking them upstairs. We're going to discuss some things."

Therma: "I see."

Ray: (What on earth is he thinking?!) He couldn't help but smiled.

Nympha: "Thank you for welcoming us." *sigh* (This kid is planning something.)

Therma: "Okay then. I'll prepare something good for all of you."

Ray: "Thank you, ma'am."

She smiled at Ray and headed to the kitchen.

Celsius: "Follow me!" (With this two, my plan will succeed hundred percent this time.)
