

In a world where magic and martial arts coexist, a young human accidentally stumbles into an orc camp, unwittingly uncovering a millennia-old mystery of racial warfare. Dragons clash with demonic beasts, elves feud with dwarves, yet the animosity between humans and orcs remains unyielding. As the continent of Belrand once again finds itself in turmoil, this young man may prove to be the pivotal figure in determining the fate of races.

DaoistfDbyhk · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
215 Chs

Chapter 153 Clues from That Year

Tongan City, the main tent of the Snowstorm Corps.

The middle-aged lieutenant hurried into the tent, "Captain, we have a clue. Huey, Gold, and the other three are likely to help a man named Arthur."

"Arthur?" King turned around suddenly.

"His full name is Arthur Hiller, and he is also a student of this year's Blood Glory Academy. They are known as the 'Four Wonders' of this year's Blood Glory Academy. They were also a team in the Blood Trial a few years ago." The middle-aged lieutenant reported all the information he had tortured Moral.

"Arthur, Arthur Hiller..." King repeated the name in a low voice.

King was so impressed by this name that the last time Brother Keynes contacted him was to write a recommendation letter for this child.

Since then, he has lost contact with Keynes and the others. He had privately sent people to Holes City to look for him, but the information he brought back was that the "Blue Enchantress" mercenary group had offended a mysterious force, and no one in the entire mercenary group survived.

In recent years, King has never given up looking for clues related to Keynes and Blue Enchantress. He didn't believe that Keynes would die, but he had never found anything. Today, the information about the child unexpectedly jumped out.

The king raised his head suddenly, "Where is that Arthur?"

"He is also in our Snow Wind Corps, but..." The lieutenant hesitated.

"Just what? Don't hesitate?" King's tone was rarely so urgent.

"Just maybe he has died in battle?"

"Asshole! Did you say that the three of them went to find a dead person?" King couldn't help but curse.

The lieutenant had never seen the King so angry before, and answered cautiously: "I have asked someone to investigate the details. Arthur was assigned by the staff to the Huger Infantry Regiment of the Third Division of the Front Army and stationed at the front line of Cedar Forest. Because the war broke out too suddenly, the garrison troops on the front line of Cedar Forest were not withdrawn in time. Arthur has not returned to the team for more than a month, and his regiment has reported him and the entire squadron of soldiers to the military as a death list."

The king naturally knew the rules of the army. The troops that did not withdraw on the night of the outbreak of the war basically had no chance of survival.

"Why didn't you go through me? Who decided to send him to the front line?"

The lieutenant explained, a little aggrieved: "You have instructed before that except for students with special backgrounds, such trivial matters do not need to be reported to you in person. The staff can decide on their own."

The king was speechless for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh deeply, because the hope rekindled by Arthur's unexpected appearance was shattered again.

The lieutenant hesitated for a moment and stepped forward to persuade: "I think Arthur may not be dead yet."

King was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"I guess Huey and the other three definitely did not get the news of Arthur's disappearance to find him, but Arthur took the initiative to pass the information to them through some means, so they hurriedly asked for leave. And I also got a piece of intelligence to verify this."

"Go ahead."

"There is intelligence from the orcs. A small group of our cavalry is active on the orc side. It is said that it has posed a considerable threat to the orc tribes in the border area."

For a long time, the human and beast tribes have spared no effort in buying off each other's spies. Although the two tribes have been at war for generations, there are always some individuals or orcs who can't resist the temptation of interests and become spies to serve the other side.

King's eyes lit up, "It's very likely that they didn't retreat at that time, but broke through to the orcs' side. He is in trouble with the orcs now, so he asked Huey and the others to help."

All the clues matched, but King's brows frowned even deeper. Running to the orcs' side was unimaginably dangerous. Even a top human warrior of King's level could not guarantee that he would escape unscathed.

"Mobilize all the intelligence sources we have buried there, and find out their movements at all costs." King gritted his teeth and said.

Arthur raised Hicks' head high.

The human warriors roared excitedly on the battlefield. They did it. They really killed the son of the Lion King!

Furthermore, they were full of passion, waving swords and killing the orcs on the opposite side more frantically!

In stark contrast to the excitement of the human warriors, when the orc warriors saw the head held in Arthur's hand, their morale completely sank to the bottom, and they were deeply desperate.

Many orc warriors woke up directly from the frenzy or bloodthirsty state, and even stopped resisting in despair. But many orc warriors became even crazier after being stimulated, and they wanted to avenge the prince even if they died in battle.

The battle is far from over!

Especially the orc warrior Kyoto, the death of Hicks made him completely frenzied, ignoring the weapons that Huey and Gold stabbed at his body, and rushed directly towards Arthur.

After Hicks' kick and gun just now, Arthur now has no strength to fight again, and in a hurry he shouted: "Telugu, help me! I agree to any request you make except the Falling Star Sword, otherwise we will be cut off from now on!"

The old dwarf tilted his head and thought for a while, then threw the hammer in his hand again.

This time, the hammer hit Kyoto's head, smashing his brain and causing it to burst, so he didn't even need to finish off the enemy.

Auto's death put an end to the battle. After Huey, Gold and Joan were free, the remaining orcs could no longer pose any threat to the human warriors.

In the end, all the orc warriors died in the battle.

The human race also paid a painful price. More than a hundred warriors died, and nearly two hundred were injured. Even Land, who had followed Arthur the earliest, died in this battle.

After the battle, the battlefield was hastily cleaned up. Arthur didn't dare to stay there for a moment. He took the bodies of his dead comrades, and the cavalry regiment quickly withdrew.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the human cavalry regiment withdrew, a large group of orc cavalry from the Toto tribe arrived at the battlefield. After all, the noise here was too loud.

When the cavalry saw the orc corpses all over the ground, especially the corpses of the Golden Lion Guards, they were terrified. So many Golden Lion Guards died here, something must have happened!

The orc cavalry sent a small group of cavalry to quickly return to the tribe to report the news, and left a small part of the cavalry to guard the battlefield. The remaining cavalry followed the direction of the human cavalry's withdrawal as soon as possible.

Before this operation, Arthur and Gold had discussed all the details, including the retreat route and anti-tracking. As a result, the orc cavalry from the Toto tribe plunged into the pocket that Gold had prepared in advance, and was completely surrounded by nearly 200 human cavalry led by Gold and Huey who still had the strength to fight, and none of them could escape.

After solving the tail, Arthur's cavalry regiment buried the bodies of his comrades at the first secret supply point arranged in advance, and evacuated immediately after simple bandaging, treating the wounded, and resting. Even the seriously injured were tied to the back of the stag and had to be transferred together.

Alia was exhausted during this period. Even so, only the seriously injured soldiers who were dying had the opportunity to receive magical treatment. Even Hug hie and Gold could only rely on drugs to slowly recover.

Arthur led the cavalry regiment to march day and night. After three days, they had reached a remote mountain village 400 miles away from the battlefield, and finally stopped to rest.

At this time, Arthur and Gold had time to carefully count the gains of this battle.

When the spoils were displayed one by one, everyone's eyes flashed with excitement.

When Arthur and his men were excitedly dividing the spoils, they never thought that they had caused a terrible disaster...