

"You did?"

The mechanic managing the shop came back from his lunch.

Having found the problem Keith was offered to do a race instead of the test drive.

"You into racing?"

"Why, there a race happening in the area?"

"There is one tonight, I was planning to attend but something got in the way. If you finish the race without damaging my ride to much you can keep it, as a company vehicle."

"What kind of ride is it?"

Moving to the side of the comet, the mechanic pulls a tarp from the top of a car. Uncovering a modified Declasse Sabre Turbo – a muscle car being a custom car was plain to see.

"What do you think?"

"Depends wat is under the hood, but it is looking like first place."

"Haha.. true, but first place doesn't matter if you trash the car."

"Don't worry, I know how to drive."

"Confidant, a good trait to have as a racer. The race is on Clinton Avenue, be there at 11 and wait for a while, just give the entry fee to the race organisers and you will be fine."

"Are you sure."

"You need money, Right? So take the chance if you are as confidant as you say."


Arriving At the destination Keith sees a group on the parking lot, rolling down the window to the guy at the entrance.

"Who are the organisers?"

"You Jeffs replacement?"

"You mean La Mesa's LS customs mechanic."

"Aight you the one, 500 up front, winner takes 2250, Just one lap, you know the route?"


Keith handed over the money.

"Sweet, we waiting for the last one also new just one race but he did good."


"Franklin.. you the one we were waiting for. Didn't know you were a street racer."

"Well normally not but I am looking for ways to make some dough."

"me too, anyway see you at the finish line, hope you good with second place.."

"That a challenge cause you are on."


The starting positions of both Keith and Franklin weren't the best, they were the to at the back because they weren't well known enough to put them ahead – meaning the organisers didn't see them winning.

There were six cars in total., meaning Keith had to pas four to get to first place.

Since the race was only one lap, he had to do it on every opportunity. On the map he received outlining the race.

"Lets see what yo got!"

"This is happening!"

The spectators shouted

3..2…1 GOO

Getting a great start Keith passes into third place.

Following the road and taking a sharp right Keith manages to enter second place.

Looking trough the rear view mirror Keith sees Franklin gaining on the third place.

'He is doing good, not good enough to beat me.'

Entering Vinewood hills Keith is right on the tail of the guy ahead of him.

Getting to a sharp turn, the guy In front carries to much speed and spines out into the parking space of the houses at the side. Leaving Keith in first place.

Getting to the straight Keith looks behind him. In second place is franklin, he is exiting the pack but still close.


Finishing the race, Keith got first, Franklin second and the guy who spun out got third.

"Well franklin, you did better than I expected."

"Man you left us in the dust.. guess that why you a crew driver.."

"Your car was doing fine but it seems you don't have turbo?"

"Na man that's too expensive."

"If you need a fix call me up, doing some mechanic work in La Mesa."

"I'll think about it doagg."

Keith got a text form Page while driving home;

[The app is done, ill sent you the file. The payment is 4 thousand.]

"Damm, her services don't come cheap.

Keith muttered to himself.

"That asshole took of my bike."

Keith sees a man screaming for someone to get his bike back, and the supposed robber getting away with the bike.

Keith sighs and turns up the radio

"That's Los Santo's.."


(Couple days later)


"Keith, you in there?!"

Getting out from under the motor Keith looks perplexed. Standing up he shouts;

"Who is it!"



Keith opened the door, to see an inpatient and slightly wet Trevor.

"What happened? You decided to go swimming in the LS river?"

Trever looked kinda mad at you and entered.

"NO, Yes, well kinda, I was helping Franklin. Making some friends, when a guy tried to scam us… The bastard!.. We escaped on jet ski's and I didn't have time to change."

"So why you here?"

"To see what's up, get to know you. Make some friends."

"I was working on my bike, so.."

"Perfect I love bikes, give we the tools."

"NO, I mean its my project I don't want to waste your time. Why don't we go and make some money."

"Oohh, I like the sound of that."

"AIght, let me look something up."

Keith grabs his phone and goes to the Securoserv app, page had made it so that he could order were the droops will be and not wat kind of drop it was.

Ordering 2 drops for 8 thousand. Keith got the information he was looking for, 2 drops will happened at Murietta Heights, the drops were from Merryweather so some heat will be expected.

"You ready to rob Merryweather of some cargo?"

"Those pretentious fucks, always."

Waiting for the drop in a stolen pickup truck to not leave traces behind for Merryweather to track.

"The cargo should be here any second now."

"I have my own business that operates the same way, if you ever interested."

"What does your business do?"

"Mostly drugs, but got some smuggling to since a while ago."

"You looking to expand?"

"Who doesn't."

"I am planning to set something up in the area, if you want to invest… We can make something happened."

"You got it."

An aircraft flew over dropping two packages.

"Its here."

Getting closer to the landing spot Keith gets out of the truck, followed by Trevor.

"Get the back open, I will pick up the cargo, set it in the back and get into the driver seat. You pick up the second cargo and get into the back with it, when Merryweather show up it will be to late."

"Why do I need to sit in the back?"

Trever questions disgruntledly while opening the back.

"We might not be completely save ones we leave, if we have a tail you will shoot them."

"You worry, just like Michael, you will die sooner if you keep stressing yourself out."

"At least I plan to live long enough to get the backlash of my stress."

Keith got the first crate in the back of the van. He got into the driver seat and backed up a little so Trevor didn't have to travel to far.

"I am not that old."

"I know but speed is key."

"SHIT Merryweather on there way."

Keith looked towards the front, spotting the Merryweather SUV's approaching their location, just like Trevor said.

"Get in, they haven't seen us and even if they did, we just some hooligans. They won't suspect anything if we drive slow."

"Fine, your way."

Trevor got into the back of the truck, closing the doors at the back.

Getting the car moving not at a fast pace as to not arouse suspicion from the Merryweather agents.

The truck drove by them without a hitch.

"I am going to speed up a little."

"If you need me to shoot just say it."

"Don't do that, we clear I think."

"Wow, aren't you a lucky one, if it were just me we be having the army on our tale."

"Why do you say that."

"Because it happened.."

"Damm man, you get into a lot of trouble on your own."

"I certainly do."


Arriving to the Warehouse

Keith and Trevor inspect the place.

"The van could fit in here right?"

"It could but if I am to fill the whole warehouse it doesn't."

"Can't you leave the last two crates in the truck and just park it."

"Would you look at that Trevor, Business ingenuity."

"A fine quality of a CEO."

"Haha yes.. yes it is."


Keith had new contacts on his phone with the latest addition being Franklin and Trevor.

He had the numbers of

Assistant – Stacy, trough buying the warehouse

Franklin, he got it after the race

Lester, trough his old contacts

Malcom, gave him the number after purchasing the clubhouse

Mechanic – Jeff, got the number after fixing the car

Page, from Lester

Trevor, from him after stealing cargo from Merryweather.


"So do I need to drop you of somewhere?"

Keith hoped for a no but it was not meant to be.

"Yes, Vespucci Beach. I am staying at a friends house."

"Sounds like fun."

"ooh it is."


Arriving to Vespucci Beach Keith drops Trevor of to a home with people shouting within it.

"Crazy neighbours you got."

"getting out of the car Trevor replies

"You could say that, ye… See you later got some Biz to take care of."

"Don't worry about it, see you around."

Trevor leaves for the apartments.

"Well while I am here."

Keith parks his car into the parking lot next to the apartment Trever is staying in.

"Lets enjoy the beach live."

Walking down the beach Keith sees some interesting shops, a mask store and a weed store are the biggest outliers.

Continuing his walk he spots a woman doing stretches, checking her out he sees that while she has muscles they don't really look healthy.

"Stop looking at my ass." The woman spoke towards Keith

"I was just looking at your muscles."

"They are fit just like me." She says while breathing heavily

"If you see malnourished as fit, then yes."

"Fuck of!"

"I was just making conversation?"

The woman turned to look Keith straight in the eyes

"If you don't plan on helping, then shut up."

"What do you need help with?"

"Someone to test my skill against, you'll do."

"Wat are we doing?"

"A run you idiot.. Lets go."

"Fine.. Ls with their crazies.." muttering the last part you get ready to run a part of the beach… "what's the finish line?"

"Vespucci Beach resort, first one there wins."
