

"Then why don't we go somewhere else…" It was getting late, but they could still go to a couple of places, or stay there.. as Keith didn't mind staying for a while..

"And do what.." Most of the crowd of spectators were already leaving, they had seen the finish and were heading home just as the racers were.

"Enjoy a drink, maybe head to a bar.." The only places Keith could see open at the time was a bar or other night active place..

"No thanks.." She didn't seem interested in going anywhere…

"Alright.. then I will see you around, when are you starting tomorrow?" Keith began to head back to his car, before remembering that he promised to help with the cars she had missed to complete his own car..

"I.. you know what.. lets grab a drink.." Alex glanced a final time back to Kai, before pulling Keith to her own car..

"Where are we going?" Keith thought of heading into the city, stopping by some bars to let loose..

"I got some drinks in the boot of my car… for the celebrations.." She opened the back of her car, pulling out a crate filled with beers..

"Nice.." Keith tried grabbing one, only for his hand to get slapped away..

"Let me show you something first.." Alex guided, him to a place, carrying the crate herself..

"So what do you think." Keith already liked the view he had before, now only liking it more as he now could overlook the entire city, even being able to see the beach in the distance..

"Its beautiful." They sat down, enjoying the view as they opened their first beer.

"I discovered this spot when I was young… I like to just go here from time to time… you know.." Sipping it Keith was reminded of the mediocre taste, he had grown accustomed to.

"yeah.. I can imagen.." Keith already liked it there..

"its even better at dawn." She seemed still a little sad, likely thinking back to something.

"Well ill just have to wait until then wont I?" Keith picked up on it, not wanting to leave someone he knew alone in such a state.

"Don't you have anything to do?.." She glanced sideways, not turning her head towards him.

"Nothing important enough to just leave.." Keith relaxed, getting himself comfortable, having the time to just relax..

"thanks.." Alex leaned her back on him… enjoying the view together..

Some time passed, with mostly little actual conversations and more just enjoying each others company..

Keith stopped with the drinking halfway, with the crate already mostly empty at that time.. and the one handing them over asleep… leaving Keith to just stare off into the distance, with a sleeping girl at his side….

He tried to make sure that she was warm, but it wasn't to difficult to do so as it was still pretty hot even during Fall… it was just lucky that it didn't rain..

Some embers of light shined over the mountaintops to the east, illuminating the city, creating a beautiful scene…

Stirring Alex awake, Keith showed her the sight, something she would likely enjoy, even if she had seen it before..

With them both awake, Keith decided to go down the mountain for breakfast, bringing Alex with him as they walked back to their cars..

"you sure you can drive on your own?" Keith's car was closer by, causing him to stop, before overing the second seat to her..

"You had more than me to drink." Keith didn't really feel it that much, writing it up as having a good tolerance to it..

"Fair, but just curious.." She punched him in the shoulder, before heading to her own car..

"Ill be fine…" She smiled confidently, something that Keith couldn't help but return in kind.

"You immediately heading home?"

"I am thinking of grabbing something before getting to the auto warehouse." Alex opened the car door, standing in the opening as she glanced back at Keith.

"I can come with if you want.." He promised to help her, so going with her would just mean starting with each other already there..

"No… it will be better if you come tomorrow, as we have some more cars coming in over the day that we can get done then.."

"If you say so." Keith got into his car, planning a route to the nearest burger place, as he wanted something quick and tasty to fill his hunger..

He waived Alex off, before going his own rout down to the north…

As the sun finally peaked over the mountains, Keith enjoyed himself at a somewhat run down joint up in the mountains north of Los Santo's..

Finishing up his drink as he looked out of the window to his side…

He was pretty tired, but the cup of coffee in his hand helped fend of the sleepiness… the finals were set to be in a weeks time, more than enough for Keith to prepare the upgrades he wanted..

Still needing the help of Alex to do so.

He had learned a bit about it during one of the talks he had with Alex, gaining an overall view of the course as well as gaining an overall assessment as to what he would expect from the race itself…

It would start at the top of the mountain near the Vinewood sign, the finishing place of the last match, having four participants race down the mountain and towards the north, going around the Alamo sea, before making a final run to the finish..

His car would be at a slight disadvantage in the uneven roads around the Alamo sea, but otherwise he was set..

Tacking another sip, Keith realised that his cup was empty, getting another refill, before paying his bill..

Halve way through the cup he got a call..

"Hi Lester.." Keith greeted him lazily, wondering what the call was about..

["The plan is a go.. met us at the unicorn strip club.."] Keith heard Lester loud and clear, downing his remaining coffee in one go before standing up.

"..Ill be there within the hour." Hanging up the phone Keith exited the place, heading back to the city..

He would likely be the last one there, but Keith couldn't change his arrival time by to much, too tired to pull of something crazy like driving on the opposite lane on a small mountain road.. thus limiting himself to be going the normal pace, something that felt incredibly slow in comparison to the race he had the night before..

As the city was becoming lively again, Keith arrived to the strip club, entering the establishment just for him to be waved through..

"You Keith right?.. the boss said you would come… " Keith nodded to the first question, before being nodded in, with some instructions to reach the back as well..

With it being morning, there were less people present, the once who were seemed a bit out of it, likely being there for more than just an hour…

As Keith walked to the back, he was noticed by one of the strippers, who seemed to see money walking around as Keith still wore the suit he had put on the day before, the lighting in the club disguising any of the flaws that had appeared during the time he wore it…

"Hey there handsome, what if I take you to a privet room and show you what this club really has to offer?.. it is only forty dollars." She grazed her hand against his chest, feeling the muscles underneath..

"Perhaps another time…?" Keith wondered what her name was, finding the goth aesthetic to be pleasing, at least enough for him to give a try when he had time…

"Chasity." She outstretched her hand loosely, giving Keith the opportunity to kiss it…

"See you around Chasity." Keith left her hanging, giving her a sly smile, leaving her…

Keith always seemed to gravitate to goths, but he wasn't obsessed, he just generally liked them a bit more, as he found them to be more down to earth, realistic, or just fun to tease..

He had previously tried to get to know Paige more, although that had gotten nowhere…

Putting the thought out of his mind Keith headed for the back, entering the dressing room for the girls before walking past the entrance to the stage…

"you know for a guy who is always stepping on his friends to get ahead he has an unfortunate low sense of self esteem." Keith heard some shouting, identifying it as coming from Trevor..

"Alright alright.." Opening the door Keith could feel the somewhat tense atmosphere inside..

"Am I missing something here?" the attention shifted to him as Keith entered the room..

"No.. not particularly, just making sure this, snake knows that..." Trevor answered him, still agitated..

"Alight…alright we get it Trevor.. now what I was trying to say was.." Lester went over everything even including some of the things Keith had suggested in order to supplement the other missions..

With all the details worked out, Keith thought they were all almost similarly possible, only needing different amount of preparation and timing to get it right…

"So what do you say?"

"I say that the subtle approach is to risky… the timing is just to tight and even if we get in, what if we are discovered… so, I think our best option is to go the obvious route, distract them and get the gold out, hopefully without any problems.."

"Alright.. with us going through the wall we will just need a skeleton crew… lets say two drivers and one gunner.."

"One to pilot the chopper getting the gold out and the other manning the train and bringing it to a secure location… the last gunner will help get the gold out if that is alright with all of you?" Lester glanced around, getting no signs of disagreement from any of them.

"Lets go with these three.." Michael laid out three documents, each with a picture of the crewmate and the cut they were asking for…

"Are you sure that these are the once you want?.. We have been waiting for this all our lives, so we don't want to mess this up.." Lester seemed unsure about some of the people chosen, but knew Michael was competent enough to chose for himself..

"Yes these are the once.." Keith looked down, noting that he recognised some of the names..

"Alright then… we will need a getaway.. a drill.. and a train… I am sure you guys can manage the workload distribution.." Lester walked to the desk, setting himself behind a laptop..

"I can get a car ready with some good modifications.. even get a nitro in there if needed.."

"Anything you deem necessary Keith.. what about I get the drill while you two work on getting the train.." Michael didn't seem to want to go with Trevor

"Always pushing your responsibilities to others ey Michael.."

"Just get it done… ill be busy finding the drill so just go somewhere to not bother me.." Lester didn't want to be interrupted, wanting them out.

"Right lets go Trevor… we can take this one right away.." Franklin almost physically pushed Trevor out… letting some peace fill the room..

"Ill get the car ready… by tonight… the train and drill will take two days at most, so we getting it done before the week is over?"

"I hope so.." Michael seemed to hold a grudge against something, not hiding his longing..

Keith exited the club via the main door, deciding on which car he would need for the heist..

Something fast and discreet, with enough room for four people as well as their gear…

'A family car might just be for the best..' It would blend in well, plus he could replace the engine to make it go faster than any cop car….

They would be making a window by fighting through the police, meaning that getting out of their sight would be immensely useful…

Keith wasn't planning on purchasing a car, not wanting to leave any possible paper trail to his doorsteps and thus he was more inclined to steal one of the street…