

The next day Fenris and Zoe were elated to present Grinwald with several scrolls enchanted basic cleaning charms. Grinwald was stunned for a minute then he bombarded Fenris with questions, what spells could he scribe, how long did it take to make each scroll, what did it take to make a scroll. Fenris was able to endure the flood of questions and held up his hand to stop the goblin before gesturing at the scrolls, " Each scroll is made by a process called enchanting, with this skill I can channel my magic into an item. Making these scrolls is relatively simple I need to infuse my magic into the paper ink and quill then I simply write down the magic word on the enchanted paper. Each scroll can only be used once, but the spell in the scroll will be cast instantly.

Silenced by his explanation Grinwald pressed his lips together thinking it over for a second before speaking, " Before we start to sell these we should stockpile ink and paper so we don't have to buy supplies when the prices increase. Also since only Lord Fenris can make them we should wait at least a month so we have a stockpile. " When Grinwald stopped talking a quest prompt appeared in front of him.


[ Quest: Grind ]

Grinwald had asked you to stockpile your new magic scrolls before you start selling. Beware this is your first quest with a penalty if you fail to complete the task in the allotted time. Make 1000 magic scrolls. 5/1000

Reward: Access to the Shop, ability to automate scroll production.

Penalty: Shop function will be locked forever

Time Limit: 1 month


Fenris spaced out thinking of how harsh the punishment was he's brooding interrupted when Grinwald called his name multiple times, " W- what, sorry can you repeat that one more time " with a light sigh Grinwald repeated himself, " I was just asking if there was anything else you two would like to speak about " when Fenris and Zoe both shook their heads no Grinwald quickly apparated them back to their home. Wasting no time Fenris hurried down to the basement wanting to complete his quest as soon as possible leaving Zoe all by herself. With a sigh, Zoe went to complete her own quest.


[ Quest: Dream Realm ]

It is time to take your first step as a succubus. The next time you fall asleep you will have the option to create your dream realm. This is similar to your mindscape but down the road, it will offer so much more.

Reward: Shop Function unlocked


In the basement, Fenris spent an hour enchanting the paper and ink needed to complete his quest. When it came writing the words on the scroll things became a little more difficult, after he wrote five scrolls with the cleaning spell his mind had wondered seemingly on it own and the scroll he was writing on turned to ashes. Curious Fenris grabbed another sheet of paper and tried again when he succeeded he continued to make scrolls until he failed on the third one were his hand accidentally slipped again turning the scroll to ashes. Gritting his teeth Fenris tried again failing only to fail to make a single scroll, he tried two more times then he felt something similar to electric shock running up his arms making him drop the metal quill. When the pain faded a notification appeared in front of him.



You have suffered a magical backlash. When you enchant something it will strain your magical and mental stamina the longer you enchant without a break the greater chance of you failing the enchantment and destroying the items increases. If you fail too many time you suffer a magical backlash that will prevent you from enchanting for a period of time depending on the severity of the backlash.

Effect: Enchanting will be blocked for thirty minutes.


Suddenly the 1 month grace period didn't seem so generous before Fenris had thought he could easily complete the quest within a week, but now he would have to take breaks regularly or risk a backlash. Sighing Fenris push enchanting out of his mind and went to check what effect his blood had on the monsters and refill the trough with food and water. When he entered the large garden all the monsters were in various states of sleep, none of the animals showed any signs of mutation until he saw the female Manticore. From afar the only change Fenris saw was that its mane had turned from gold to bright scarlet, but when he got closer he could tell that a change in hair color was just the surface of its mutation.

A Manticore is a beast with a lions body, a dragon's wings, and the tail of a scorpion. When Fenris searched the Manticores sleeping form he found several things, what he had thought was a single tail was in fact three separate appendages tightly wrapped together so it looked like there was only one. The stingers were also barbed so when the Manticore stung something the prey would have a choice die from the venom or die from the stinger taking large chunks of you with it.

There were two other major changes that Fenris discovered, the edge of each wind was sharp enough that Fenris cut himself. The last change Fenris discovered when he pressed down on the Manticores paw each claw seemed to be coated in some sort of clear liquid that he instinctually knew would prevent blood from clotting. When he was about to leave Fenris the cub opened its eyes, the orbs contained an awareness that stopped Fenris in his tracks. Kneeling down Fenris took out a slice of meat and put it in front of the animal, without hesitation the Manticore ran over and started to eat the meat from the palm of his hand.

When it was done it leaped onto Fenris shoulder making itself at home rubbing its mane against his cheek. Laughing at its playful nature Fenris let it stay there leaving the garden with new furry companion on his shoulder.

Hey, there it's me the author I please suggest names for the Manticore remember its female and vote on harem members.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts