
Handling Business

When they were done perusing their vaults Fenris and Zoe returned to the first room they were in to organize and assess their wealth. In total, their wealth was around 50 million galleons and that was only in hard cash not including the array of artifacts and alchemical components. On the table, there were many documents that listed deeds to various buildings and patents, trying to keep track of all the numbers made Zoe's and Fernis's heads throb.

" What's your name " the goblin was startled by Fenris's outburst so it took him a moment to respond, " I am Grinwald Ridion, why do you ask sir. " Fenris cracked a smile at the ancient goblin, " How would you feel being hired to manage all of our assets " the goblin stood so still that Fenris thought he had died before he readily accepted. Being the personal accountant for the five largest vaults in Gringotts would elevate his position, " Grinwald, GRINWALD! " Fenris had to shout the goblins name several times before he replies, " Yes my lord. "

Once he had the goblin attention Fenris told him to invest in companies and business he thought would do well and sell a few of the smaller properties they owned. That's when Grinwald brought one very important thing to their attention, each of them owned a part of Hogwarts. When the four founders had died the Ministry of Magic took "temporary" ownership of the school until the heirs of the four wizards could be found. The last piece of business was to build their reputation, Grinwald would tip off the Daily Prophet about their status as the heirs of the five greatest wizards. He would then go on to release several potion patents that Salazar Slytherin created to put them in a greater light.

With that, they concluded their business Zoe and Fenris left the bank, with one thousand Galleons each. The rest of the day was spent shopping, they bought everything clothes, books, potion supplies, while Fenris only bought the essentials, Zoe bought every single article of clothing she could. Luckily one of the things they both got was the equivalent to a spatial bag, everything they bought could fit into a pouch small enough to fit on their hip.

By the end of the day there, two thousand was reduced to five hundred when it was around eight pm Zoe and Fenris returned to the bank to get an update on Grinwald's progress. Nothing major had been finished, but the old goblin had thought ahead and had rented a room for the both of them at Leaky Cauldron. Before they left, they visited Merlin's vault once again and cleaned it out taking the contents of the vault in their magical pouches. From there it was a quick walk to the Leaky Cauldron before they were settled into their room. Reaching his hand into his ouch Fenris pulled out one the books he had bought, the book was on simple charms things like cleaning and cooking.

Fenris and Zoe spent the night reading up on charms before trying to cast them with varying levels of success. What really helped them was to think of magic as mana from games like Skyrim and World of Warcraft. In those games, mana was a force present in people and mages were people who could exert their will on mana to cast spells. With that concept, the charms became simple as they used their magic with ease. Once they had accomplished that Zoe embraced the world of dream leaving Fenris alone, that was completely fine with him as it gave him time read Salazar's notes on alchemy quickly leafing through the pages Fenris then downloaded the book. When he finished his knowledge on potions was unmatched by anyone except Nicholas Flamel, this didn't mean his potion-making however wasn't top tier that could only come from decades of failures and successes.

The next day Fenris and Zoe visited the bank once again, but this time everyone looked at them when they passed by. At first, Fenris was confused until Zoe showed him a newspaper with their names and somehow their pictures on the front page. The whole article was how they appeared out of nowhere and claimed the vaults of the five greatest wizards of all time. People whispered as they stood there reading the article, Fenris caught snippets of conversation most people had a positive opinion of the duo but some people thought they might have somehow cheated Gringotts.

Ignoring the poorly hidden stares, Fenris and Zoe made it into the bank unmolested unlike before they were quickly escorted to another room this one furnished with padded chairs. Fenris also cups of water placed in front of them. Like before Grinwald was already seated at the desk he had also changed, his clothing had gold accents with a smile on his aged face Grinwald greeted the two children that had brought him so much success. Grinwald was glad to report that he had completed every single task they had given, he had also found a plot of land that met all the requirements listed.

Grinwald had also called in an architect to help plan their house, the land was actually a forest that hadn't been touched by humans in decades. When the architect arrived Fenris pulled out plans for a building he had worked on as a construction worker, the blueprint confused the planner because most of the tech in the house hadn't been seen yet. Asking for paper Fenris hastily sketched out blueprints for modern-day electronics and told Grinwald to get patents for every item and start mass producing them under the name Merlin Industries. After that Grinwald hired some goblin to cast charms on the finished building, the estimated time it would take to finish was only one week with the help of magic. So that gave Zoe and Fenris plenty of time to settle into there new lives.

What the house looks like will also be in the comment section https://www.redfin.com/CA/Beverly-Hills/1201-Laurel-Way-90210/home/6822304

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