

[ I will update every other day ]


" Fenris, Fenris wake up come on. " Opening his eyes Fenris saw Zoe looking over him her blue eyes full of concern. Groaning he sat up, looking around the white void that he and Zoe found themselves in.

Seeing his confused look, Zoe grabbed his shoulder forcing him to look at her. " Fenris, talk to me please tell me your okay! " Zoe's shout was like a slap to the face, he pulled her in wrapping his arms around her calming her down immediately, " Don't worry I'm here, remember I promised that I would never leave you "

Fenris's earliest memory was when he and Zoe first met fifteen years ago when they were three, both Fenris and Zoe's parents were college friends so they made sure that their children had many opportunities to see and play with each other. The time of happy memories stopped when both their parents died in a fire that burned down the apartment they both lived in when they were ten. Miraculously both of them were not separated and were put in the same orphanage, from then on Fenris and Zoe promised that no matter what they wouldn't be separated. Fate seemed to smile on them and their promise was never broken, both of them shied away from others as they immersed themselves in the world of books. Their favorite genre was fantasy, a world full of magic and creatures, this Naturally included Harry Potter.

When they turned sixteen they moved out of the orphanage wanting to try their luck in the real world. They both found jobs quickly and with the money from their parents will they bought an apartment large enough for both of them.

After reminiscing about their past Fenris stood up carrying Zoe with him, they stood there for a minute Zoe's arms around his neck. Breaking away from the hug Zoe wiped tears from the corner of her eyes, " Sorry, it's just when you didn't move I thought that you died and left me " Fenris tilted her chin up then lightly kissed Zoe on the lips, with all their years together and no one else to rely on overtime, friendship turned into love. They gazed into each other's eyes conveying the love that they felt for each other, the loving atmosphere was broken by a voice.

" Excuse me, my Lord I'm sorry to interrupt your time with Lady Zoe but there are things we must discuss. " Both of them jumped at the monotone voice, after calming down Zoe glared at the white space and started cursing, " What the hell, where are you don't you know it's rude to scare people like that. Also, why are you call us Lord and Lady it's the 21 century " after a moment a sound like glass breaking pierced the air and the same book from there apartment appeared floating in the air between Fenris and Zoe. Again they both jumped but shouting out expletives, as they tried to calm their beating hearts the book began talking, " I apologize for frightening you, Lady Zoe. The reason as to why I am calling you is that what my creator told me to call his descendants."

" What, that's insane as far as I know none of my grandparents made floating, talking magical books " Fenris glared at the book still mad at it for scaring him twice. The book pulsed emitting a blue light for a second, for some reason Fenris compared it to a parent shaking their head at a child. " You would have no knowledge about my creator at least in the real world, you see my creator was the Great Wizzard Merlin " There was a moment of silence before a chuckle reverberated through the white void, that chuckle turned into one then two then into full out laughter. Fenris looked over his shoulder to see Zoe clutching her stomach after a straight minute of laugher then she sighed, " Okay, where are the cameras this must be a prank show, you're telling me to believe that Fenris is the descendant of the most generic Wizzard referenced in hundreds of books and movies "

" Let me explain, you have learned from books about the multiverse and ways that people traveled through it. Well through powerful magic Merlin was able to travel through dimensions when he was near the end of his life he created me to find his descendants to continue his adventure. " By the end of the book's explanation, Fenris was only more confused, " So you're telling me that Merlin was able to travel through the multiverse then when was about to die he created a magical book that can find his descendants and also take them through the multiverse "

" Yes " after making sure no one else wanted to talk the book continued " If you so choose I can send you and Lady Zoe to the universe of Harry Potter, Merlin's original world, but I must tell you you will be stuck in that world for a long time possible decades. I'll give you time to make your decision " With that and the sound of breaking glass the book disappeared, Fenris faced Zoe as was about to speak when he saw the look in her eyes. Fenris lightly caressed her shoulder, " If this is real and that's a big if I think we should take it. But whatever you choose I'll follow you just know that okay "

Zoe pouted by Fenris could tell she wasn't really upset, " You thought I was thinking about staying or leaving, were definitely leaving we both know that there is no way we're giving this up. What I was thinking about is what we should do when we get there" A huge grin split both their faces at how crazy it all was. The book appeared again not managing to scare the couple a third time, " I believe that both of you have made your decision " when they nodded the book pulsed brightly " I will now begin casting the spell to transport both of you. You will arrive on the night were James and Lilly Potter died at the hands of Voldemort, now please don't interrupt me if anything goes wrong the both of you might become lost in the null " Fenris was about to object when the book pulled in space once again taking Zoe and Fenris with it.

They will be reborn as children.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts