

A young boy named Nero harbors a lofty ambition that even great individuals find challenging to attain: he wants to conquer the continent of Grimfield and establish restaurants worldwide. Grimfield is an enigmatic continent filled with hidden secrets. Adventurers compete to satiate their inner curiosity because the continent is situated at the world's edge. Every adventurer attempting to conquer Grimfield will face three formidable beings guarding the enigmatic land. Nero has a close friend named Feline, a girl of the half-cat human race, who offers to assist Nero in his quest to conquer Grimfield and become a cook in his restaurant. However, Nero was skeptical of her offer and found himself in an unexpected situation. As an apology for doubting her, Nero had to give a drop of his blood and marry Feline. Upon reaching the age of 16, both of them registered as adventurers and embarked on their journey to conquer the continent of Grimfield, now as a married couple. *Character illustrations are in the chapter comments and paragraph comments*

Aegasakki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

Chapter 29 - After the disaster. Mommy committed treason?

Four days after the battle in the Gerolus forest and the appearance of the lightning of freedom. The 'Storm of Destruction' disasters leaving sorrow and destruction everywhere.

August 30, year 3138

In the western part of the kingdom of Spica, a devastating disaster known as the 'Storm of Destruction' struck, destroying everything in its path. This disaster brought devastation to civilians, soldiers, children, and adventurers who were struggling to survive the terrible storm.

[Civilians in fear]

Villages were destroyed under the force of the storm. Civilians were the main victims, with thousands missing and injured. Tens of thousands of people lost their homes and possessions. Families were separated, and shattered communities were in fear.

[Soldiers' merit]

The soldiers became the saviors in this situation. They plunged into the fray against the "Storm of Destruction" in hopes of rescuing civilians caught in the destruction. However, the uncontrollable danger of the storm made their task extremely arduous and several military personnel died with honor.

[Intrepid adventurers]

A number of brave adventurers also joined the rescue effort. In the face of this devastating storm, they risked their lives. They tried to ride out the storm and rescue trapped civilians, providing much-needed assistance.

However, the extreme weather conditions and breakdown of communications made the rescue effort extremely difficult. These rescuers had to work hard and collaborate to overcome unimaginable challenges.

[The situation is under control]

At this time, the situation was well under control, and the sudden appearance of gigantic golden lightning seemed to mark the end of the Storm of Destruction. The rescuers, both soldiers and adventurers, worked tirelessly to save the civilians. The warriors who bravely faced the dragon Varknar, the main cause of the disaster, fought valiantly. The government of the kingdom of Spica expressed their appreciation for the efforts of the rescuers and warriors by awarding them medals of honor and generous rewards.


Amidst the relentless blaze of the sun, Stella emerged as an enchanting vision. Her opulent ebony gown cascaded like midnight tides, beckoning the gaze of all onlookers. Crowning her allure, a noir hat bestowed an enigmatic aura to her ensemble, leaving an indelible mark on anyone fortunate enough to witness her.

With every graceful stride, Stella embodied a regal presence, akin to a shadowy monarch approaching her coveted throne. Her right hand gripped a gilded cane, infusing each step with an air of sophistication, and the faint chime it created harmonized with the vibrant rhythm of the bustling city streets.

"It's high noon on a scorching day, where the sun's rays blaze down, yet the breeze carries a refreshing coolness... As I stroll along this path, I can't help but daydream of encountering a striking, alluring young man. Fufufu." Stella's words were laced with a saccharine grin, but beneath that facade of sweetness, there seemed to be a mischievous glint, hinting at some devious ulterior motive.

As the hustle and bustle of the capital's streets unfolded, Stella became a living masterpiece that drew the gaze of everyone in her path. Her beauty, like a shining star, left a trail of whispered admiration and animated conversations in her wake as she strolled with unwavering confidence through the bustling capital city.

Male citizen A, wide-eyed: "Wow, look at Stella! She's really amazing!"

Female citizen B, nodding in agreement: "That's right, she always looks so stunning. How does she always look so perfect like that?"

Lady C, smiling: "It must be because she's a famous fashion model. She's always under the spotlight."

Male resident D: It's not just her amazing work, but also her hair, her skin, and her style of dress that are always stunning.

Male resident E, with a teasing smile: "You know, I heard she has a personal care team who always on hand to keep her look perfect. And rumor has it that Stella has a thing for fresh, handsome young men."

Female resident F: "Ah, I think I need a personal care team like that too. But of course, Stella is a wonderful person."

Lady G: We are lucky to see her walking the streets of our capital city. She is an inspiration to women.

Stella, like a celestial being gracefully gracing the earthly realm, walked closer to the majestic Spica Palace, which seemed to emerge from the horizon like a mythical citadel. The boundless azure expanse above served as a flawless canvas to highlight her ethereal presence. Every step she took was a stride towards her fated rendezvous, basking in the gentle caress of the sun's warm embrace, as the palace beckoned her with an irresistible allure.


In the grand entrance of the colossal palace, an imposing display of power and majesty greeted all who dared to approach. The royal sentinels, resplendent in their meticulously crafted attire, stood as formidable embodiments of regal authority, each draped in ornate uniforms and bearing an impressive array of weapons.

Swords gleamed in the daylight, their polished blades reflecting the opulence of the palace itself. Gleaming spears reached skyward, a forest of gleaming steel. Towering shields, emblazoned with the royal crest, stood ready to defend. Wands, encrusted with gems and studded with enchantments, exuded an air of mystique and arcane power. Firearms, sleek and menacing, emphasized the kingdom's commitment to security in the face of change.

The guards, with their unwavering resolve, scanned the perimeter with eyes sharp as falcons, a living, breathing testament to their unwavering dedication to the protection of their Spica king's realm.

As Stella approached the towering gates of the grand palace, her path was obstructed by two formidable royal sentinels, clad in resplendent armor, brandishing gleaming spears and swords. Undaunted, Stella gracefully halted before the imposing guardians, gracing them with a sweet smile.

"Stop! What is your purpose in entering the royal palace of Spica, the fashion model, Stella?!" Asked the spear-wielding royal guard sternly.

"I'm here to rendezvous with your monarch, bearing tidings worth unraveling in the tapestry of conversation." Stella donned an expression woven with warmth, her smile a masterpiece painted in hues of hospitality.

"Do you have a pass to the palace or a letter of invitation from the king, Lady Stella?" Asked the royal guard armed with a sword.

"Then you can't enter the Palace without those two items, please leave here right now!" Said a speared royal guard.

"Well, I have to get into the palace and meet the king somehow." Stella's grin unfolded like a mischievous secret, her eyes dancing with a playful glint as she cast a sly glance at the two royal guards.

"If you still insist on entering the Palace, then we will not hesitate to use force!"

Stella found herself encircled as the two royal guards, in synchronized precision, stepped back, aiming their weapons tips directly at her.

"Geez, what troublesome men...."

Stella gracefully channeled the pulsating waves of Zeno energy through the sinews of her left hand. With a deliberate finesse, she snapped her middle finger and thumb, unleashing a torrent of accumulated Zeno that pierced through the air, leaving a resonant hum. The two royal guards, once stalwart defenders, succumbed in an instant, their forms collapsing to the ground. Eyes upturned, mouths frothing, they lay in a mystic stupor, ensnared by Stella's formidable prowess.

"To halt my unstoppable prowess, you might consider a mere three millennia of honing your physical might. Fufufu." Stella's grin dripped with wicked charm, her eyes casting a condescending gaze upon the two royal sentinels.

"Hey, Lady! What the fuck are you doing?!"

A ripple of tension swept through the remaining royal guards as they witnessed their comrades crumble. With a dangerous glint in her eyes, Stella found herself at the heart of their focused gaze. Branded a formidable adversary after incapacitating two of their comrades, she stood encircled by a cadre of royal guards, each one tightening their grip on weapons poised for imminent retaliation.

In Stella's eyes, the royal guards encircling her seemed more like a troupe of disgruntled toddlers longing for a milk rather than a formidable security detail.

"Fufufu. You're all so cute." Stella smiled happily.

Stella's slender fingers gracefully reached for the heavens, weaving an enchanting dance through the air. With the swiftness of a whispered incantation, an arcane tapestry unfolded, ensnaring the royal guards in an ethereal filament. Bound by the magical threads, the guards, though valiantly resisting, found themselves marionettes in Stella's mystical puppetry. Her left hand, an orchestrator of unseen forces, directed them in a mesmerizing ballet of controlled conflict, a dance of dominance woven with magical finesse, fighting with each other.

"Stop... please stop!" Male royal guard A slashed his own partner with a sword.

"What the hell is this?! My body is moving on its own, even though I've coated my body with zeno!" Female royal guard B stabbed her partner with a spear.

"NO! Stop it! Spare me, Lady Stella!" Male royal guard C fired a gun at the body of his female comrades, who was his lover.

"This is ancient Marionette magic?! Magic that can control other people. How is that possible?!" Male royal guard D used wind magic to blow away his own comrades.

Stella, the orchestrator of chaos, gazed upon the royal guards like a sinister puppeteer, manipulating them with the ancient Marionette magic. A devilish grin stretched across her face, so broad that it seemed to defy the limits of her cheekbones, reveling in the mayhem she had unleashed.

"Ah, it's been eons since I savored the exquisite essence of a desperate soul. I reminisce about the days when I danced through the chaos of world wars, relishing the unique flavors of countless souls... such a delectable feast. Your souls beckon, and oh, the temptation is simply tantalizing. Fufufu." Stella blushed, feeling an intriguing satisfaction that stirred a hint of arousal within her.

After orchestrating a mesmerizing dance of conflict among the royal guards, rendering them incapacitated and intertwined in a ballet of combat, Stella gracefully dispelled her ancient Marionette magic. With regal poise, she strolled into the expansive palace courtyard, a tapestry of fallen royal guards weaving a tale of bewitching chaos behind her.


Beneath the shelter of a sturdy table within the confines of his post room, a youthful royal bodyguard cowered, gripped by terror. His visage, once marked by youthful exuberance, now drained of color, quivered with apprehension. Through wide eyes, he beheld a surreal spectacle—his fellow royal guards ensnared in a mystical dance of conflict, manipulated like puppets by Stella's potent sorcery. As the chaos momentarily subsided, the young sentinel, still haunted by the recent pandemonium, fumbled to reach a communication device. The tenor of his voice, a symphony of dread, resonated as he urgently relayed the unsettling events to the palace center.

"Alert! Stella, the famed fashion model, has gracefully defeated the royal guards in front of the palace gate and now she has entered the palace, heading towards the front yard. Her power is unparalleled. Quickly, dispatch reinforcements to the palace grounds!"

To be continued....