
the little town I call home

There was a stronger wind than a normal day in Greenvale. Why is it the first day back in this shit town with the same rich people living in it? Why did mum not move in with me and Rose in New York? Why did I have to move back home the doctors are not even that good in the small town. Why is she killing me like this why? And Rose won't even look at me and she is only six. I had her when I was 16 in the summer her dad and my husband died 3 years ago.

"Rose please talk to me it's your mum so can you talk to me. " this child will be the death of me. She is so Stuben like her dad and me.

the wind was slowing down now and I was in Greenvale second mum and her magic book. Yes, I said magic book she and I were witches and my Rose she was a witch plus a wolf.

She got the dog sid from her father but in Greenvale, there was only humans, witch and the worst of all vampire. Now I think about it, I hope Alex left this place if I saw him I would die.

Not just because he was vampier it was because I love him and left the shit town because he was going to turn me into him a monster even though I could change him into a human. But lever mid about HIM. He is dead to me, if I saw him again I would run and hope He did not see me. If he did I would

die. That night I left he said he would kill me if he saw me again so why did mum tell me to come home she knows the story so why? I was finally home but the door was open and the window was shattered shards of glass everywhere.

"Rose stay I the car no matter what you can see and ears."

"mummy why do I have to stay in the car." said rose worried about what was going on in the hose. " it's okay love I will be back before you know it. Okay?"

As I opened the door. "Alex what are you doing here."

"your mum called me we have to go to my places now." He said angrily.

" what the fuck is going on oh shit sorry Rose sorry." realising that I was swearing.

"how is ROSE your friend?."

" mum didn't tell you she is my daughter."

"what you have a fucking daughter, the kid isn't. min is it."

"No, she is not you child, mum did think that for like a week or two. but I am surprised you did not smell the wove."

"oh about that I am not a vampire ."

"what" what the hell he is not a vampire he said that he would rather die the be human again. He did not love me.

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