

How could he do that to me I loved him and he turned human after I left. We could have lived together and would have been happy. He did not love me I saw that when I look at his eyes as he got closer to me and the car. I hate him but I still loved him. How can mum call him of all things him the one I'd loved once upon a time but now it was nothing but a Dream and I hate it.

"Roes stay in the car I will be back," I said turning not to cry.

"mummy what is wrong you're going to cry." her magic was getting stronger I hope she is not like me because if she is they will try to kill her and I will kill everyone that chose her.

"It's okay I will be fine I am going to get some food we are going to Uncle Axles home okay. Alex gets in the car." I said angrily.

"Petal plesess can we just go" ,he siad.

"Don't you fucking ever call me that you know my name." how did he know that name was what my husband called me. "how did you know that name"

"can I drive the car you can sit next to your Rose?" NO. no that is not why not is going to happen.


"why not"

"The last time we even talked was when you said you would kill me if you saw me back in this shit town. so how could I even trust you at all? tell me goon tell me now.

"what car you even talking about when you left I was at home fitting will my bother about how I was going to tack the pill so I would be human and not a monster. why are you even thinking I would kill you I was fucking in love with you I was going to marry me and you left me. you left not me. left you me." he was crying now but it did not make sense it was him now was with me that night. if it was not him who was it? who was with me that night and how did they look like him?