
chapter 11

The once muscular physique of All Might seemed to evaporate with the rapid staggering emotions he felt whilst pulling young Shigaraki into a warm embrace. After the most recent attack at U.A, Tomura had been brought to a local hospital to be looked over. All Might had tagged along, wishing to discuss the topic he overheard during the conversation with their enemy. What started as a simple blood test to ensure all was fine with the blue haired boy, ended with the discovery of his fallen family.

"Nana Shimura..", the pro hero sobbed upon realization of Tomura's heritage. Young Shigaraki was taken back by the sudden hug, as well as confused by the pro hero's sudden transition of appearance.

Before Tomura could ask a single question, All Might began giving an explanation. "Your grandmother was my master.. and a very kind person.", the words struck young Shigaraki harder than any of All For One's abusive slaps had.

"Does.. that mean you also knew my parents?", the blue haired boy asked, desperately wishing to know more.

All Might shook his head like an apology, "They were killed along with my master and your grandmother, by a man called..", the truth then hit the pro hero harder than any of the punches he had taken from Nomu. "All For One.. he took you after their murder..", the sinister scheme began to sink into All Might's brain. "He must have wanted to use you, to turn you against me.", the blonde hero gritted his teeth & clenched his fists in anger.

Tomura fell back as if he had been shoved by the truth, "All For One.. killed them?", young Shigaraki had to be sure he had heard the words correctly.

All Might looked at his decrepit fingers, the hand looked more shriveled than an elder person coming out of the pool. "Yes. What you see now is my true form..", the pro hero began to explain the villain's history as the muscle mass returned. "But when I look like this, I'm using the inherited power of One For All, a gift given to me by your grandmother!", All Might informed the boy.

"All For One has been battling the power passed on through generations. He killed her and has been trying to kill me too.", All Might said whilst lifting his shirt to reveal a ghastly wound. The injury covered the majority of the hero's left side, scars veered off from a massive bruise and caused veins to stray across his chest. "As you can see, he's a threat to be reckoned with. That's why I wanted to speak with you about what your relationship with that other boy was, the mention of All For One peeked my interest.", All Might added.

Tomura's head spun as he tried to process all of the information at once. What young Shigaraki had considered to be his father figure was actually the murderer of his true parents, the masked man's cold & manipulative side finally dawned upon Tomura. "He took me in and trained me with Izuku, we were supposed to be his successors..", the blue haired boy recalled the scenario while also explaining it to All Might. "After Izuku showed more promise, I was cast aside and found my way here..", Tomura skipped over a few details out of worry what the truth about the Nomu army would bring him.

"Do you know where they reside?", All Might pushed the matter in hopes to finally catch his enemy.

"If I really think about it, I can probably remember..", Tomura answered truthfully. After a moment passed, young Shigaraki dared to ask a question about his fate. "All Might-", the blue haired boy started to say something but the pro hero cut him off before he could finish.

"Call me Toshinori Yagi. My real name..", even with the iconic muscular form evaporating, the smile instilled hope in young Shigaraki.

"Toshinori, am I as bad as All For One?", Tomura asked.

The blonde hero was overwhelmed with sympathy as he brought the boy into another hug. "No, never! What makes you say that?", Toshinori wondered.

Tomura had trouble fighting back tears as he recalled ordering an attack of Nomus. "I've done bad things..", the blue haired boy cried.

All Might shushed the sobbing child, "No matter what happened then, you're here now. You can only do good things from here on.", Toshinori reassured the boy.

"I couldn't agree more.", Kurogiri said as he entered the room. The man made of purple mist gave a thankful nod to the pro hero upon hearing the kind words.

"Kurogiri!", Tomura exclaimed as he pulled the other man into the hug.

"I came as soon as I could.", Kurogiri apologized while returning the embrace.

After a long lasting moment of heartfelt tears, the group departed from one another. "Thank you for saving Tomura.", Kurogiri held out his hand to shake with All Might.

The pro hero didn't hesitate to use it as a pulley system and reign in the man of purple mist for another hug. "Thank YOU for taking him in!", Toshinori returned the appreciation.

Despite Kurogiri having missed the part in their conversation about the relationship everyone shared, he returned the favor with a pat on the man's back. "Could I have just one more minute to speak with Tomura alone?", All Might asked. Kurogiri looked between his adopted son and the pro hero, giving a hesitant nod before leaving the room. As soon as the man made of purple mist was gone, All Might returned to his scrawnier form.

"All For One wanted to make you his successor for a reason other than to harm me and your grandmother's reputation. He saw great potential in you and I can see it too. Which is why I ask now that you become my successor instead.", Toshinori offered.

"W- What do you mean?", Tomura was baffled.

"I wish to pass the power of One For All onto you.", Toshinori beamed.

"Do.. do you really think I'm worthy?", Tomura felt tears escaping for his eyes once again.

"Don't be such a crybaby. You're more than worthy. Now.. what do you say?", Toshinori laughed.

Tomura wiped the water from his face before returning the smile with his own, "I'd be honored."

"Great! Then it's time that you... EAT MY HAIR!", Toshinori replied whilst plucking a strand from his head.

"Wait, WHAT?!", Tomura contorted his face in confusion.

The shout could be heard from a few rooms over in which Katsuki Bakugo resided. The blonde haired teen yelled back in pain as his physical therapist continued the forced movements Best Jeanist had started. When the involuntary motions first started, it felt although Katsuki were caught inside an explosion, but progress showed as the pain subsided to that of a gunshot wound. Doctors and other patients often cheered the boy on as Katsuki gripped handlebars and used them to edge forward. Young Bakugo often complained about the strained recovery, the whole situation was similar to a baby learning how to walk, but the outbursts were controlled by Best Jeanist who became a sort of mentor in time. Despite the miracle of progress, not too many knew of Katsuki's slow but sure recovery.

The bandages wrapped around Izuku Midoriya's sore eyes became wet to the touch, a result of being soaked with shared blood. All For One had instructed the green haired man to be patient during recovery, the transplant would take time to return his eye sight. He may have been blind for the time being, but Izuku could still hear perfectly. The hero killer had been recruited to share his fighting technique and aid in capturing Eraserhead, but the unforeseen arrival of All Might created a drift between the two. Stain hadn't witnessed what Izuku had during the Entrance Exam, nor had he been on the receiving end of hurtful words. Midoriya shared the hero killer's ideology to a higher degree when it came to the symbol of peace, while Stain still idolized & respected All Might. The hero killer complained to All For One as Izuku recovered, frustrating every member of the trio.

"I wish to speak with him.", Stain continued demanding All For One to allow Izuku a visit.

"He's still recovering from the battle. Give him a while longer.", All For One brushed off the hero killer. The masked man's patience ran thin as Stain continued to speak in such a disrespectful manner.

"I'm prepared to leave, your operation is completely unprofessional and sloppy!", Stain continued protesting. From the way he was complaining, Izuku expected to hear more but was surprised by a stifling silence.

A moment passed with Izuku trying to hear a single sound with nothing falling upon deaf ears. The quiet ambiance sent a chill down Midoriya's spine, only worsening when a sudden sound broke the silence. The creaking of a door caught Izuku's attention, "Stain?", he wondered outloud.

"Just me.", All For One reassured his disciple.

"I heard you two arguing..", Izuku explained his concern.

"Regrettably.. Stain decided to leave.", All For One replied. Due to the wraps covering Izuku's eyes, Midoriya couldn't see the corpse of his former partner within the doorway.

"I wasn't finished training with him.", Midoriya complained.

"He filled his purpose. Thanks to him, I was able to transfuse Aizawa's eyes with yours.", the masked man tried to reassure Izuku that the loss was no issue. All For One stared down at the corpse of Stain, disappointed with how easily & quick it was to dispose of the hero killer. "Besides, his training couldn't have been that useful..", All For One couldn't help but chuckle at his self centered joke.

"We'll just have to find a proper replacement.. actually, several of them. I still haven't given up on recruiting my former classmates.", Midoriya considered.

"Whatever you have planned, I'll do my best to assist you.", All For One replied as he pulled the corpse away.