
Devil Fruit

Alex woke up, he helped some villagers to prepare funeral. Alex saw the marines ship far away after they had taken all pirates belonging and some of merchants belonging. There weren't treasure left to rebuild the village. That was the marines captain decision. Alex wanted to take the treasure which it should be used by villagers. But the marines already to far away, he was too late chasing them, his condition wasn't good, he had injuries. The mental and physical condition of the villagers wasn't good after the raid yesterday.

After helped the village to cremate the dead body of their family, they rebuild some building at the village. South blue was chaotic sea, there were many war and raid at some island. Marines didn't do the right jobs here, higher official was more corrupt, but if they made a move to alex or someone he loved, he wouldn't give mercy. In south blue, too many pirates ran rampage.

Alex checked his body condition after the battle, he tried to understand his devil fruit ability. The devil fruit had been eaten by alex was fuin fuin no mi, he could place any runes at any object except for living being, water, object which it couldn't be touched like a fire or an air. His devil fruit was paramecia type. His devil fruit should be the weakest because people didn't understand how to use its power. His devil fruit power was to make runes, control it, and teleported near the runes that had been created. He needed to touch the object to make runes.

First, power of teleportation. Alex needed to feel the runes connection with his body, so he made marks on the stones floor under his feet. He teleported when enemies wanted to block and counter attack him. The past user of his devil fruit thought it was troublesome, because the area connection was too short when he wanted to mark his enemy while using armament haki, he couldn't mark his enemy. Maybe if enel used this ability, he would be undefeated.

Second, sealing was the function of this devil fruit. But it couldn't be used for a living being. He couldn't make a gravity seal yet. Alex had a regret about this, but he had a clue how to use this ability.

Third, there were some sort of connection thread between alex and the runes, but he couldn't see it. To use this power like telekinesis, he needed to use martial arts, he could feel the connection more stronger when he was using martial arts, he felt he could touch the connection thread with his skin.

Alex knew when he was avoid pirates attack with some martial arts, the connection on his runes became stronger. In the previous battle, alex lifted up the marked stones with his thread connection, he moved and threw it. The past user didn't use this skill because it was rare to see martial arts techniques like katas. He thought maybe he could use telekinesis or pull the object with minds. Alex felt there were connection to his intent or philosophy, if there were swordman that ate this devil fruit, maybe he/she could use telekinesis moves.

In one piece, strong individuals used simple techniques with only a raw power. They preferred haki cultivation. Alex thought about his development of his devil fruit and his haki training. There were a locked potential of his devil fruit. He was happy, at the same time felt sad. Because he had lost his family to awaken his haki.

"Oh alex, what are you doing at the border of the village and the forest?" Said some villager, his age seemed at twenties.

"Oh, hello roan-san, I'm thinking about what i will do in the future." Said alex with sad tone.

"Well, don't think too much, you're always training. Moving forward alex, enjoy your life. Don't always serious. Sometimes, you needed to take a break." Said roan.

"Yeah, you could be right roan-san, maybe i need beautiful onee-san." Alex said while running to the forest.

Roan saw alex and shook his head. He knew alex was a smart kid. He smiled wherever he went. He had more mature than the average child at the same age. Alex was a pervert, he liked touching boob and ass.

In the forest. "Hah, i need to become more strong. I need more training. If I'm too weak, i couldn't be strong." Alex.

Then alex did more intense training. He informed the village that he would stay in the forest because he needed to beat some beast to protect the village. He came back from the forest while carrying big boar to show to the village that he became stronger.

This village paid to marine for their protection from beasts from the forest. But now the village was in dire economy situation, they couldn't pay the marines, most of village guard was injured or died.

At the forest, alex tried to feel his surounding, he must control his haki. He needed to battle some wild animal. The animal was strong, need 5 adult too kill some of them. "Ugh, it is my first time go to the forest, it is beautiful. There is rare plant which it could be eaten." Alex felt the surrounding with his observation haki, he could feel small animal around. He hadn't know how to use armament haki yet, also he could use conqueror haki.

"Huh, what is that?" Alex.

His devil fruit is half-awaken (3rd skill).

Nettogecreators' thoughts