
Chapter 95 – What Did I Do?!

Bam bam bam!

"Flexy! Open the damn door!"

Tap tap tap!

Max frantically knocked on Flexy's room door and pressed the bell repeatedly after reading Lily's message. Of course, it came after messaging Flexy. It wasn't even read.

He panicked and didn't know what to do. That was why he went to find his friend, the main culprit behind everything and probably the only sober person last night.

Before he could reply to the message, he wanted to know the truth first.

"Flexy! Open the–"


Just before Max could finish his sentence and punch the door once again, it opened from inside, and a sleepy-looking Flexy with unkempt hair appeared. He was half-naked and rubbed his stomach.

"Ugh… What's going on? It's still morning, buddy. Don't make a commotion… Yawn…–" He asked with a lazy tone and yawned.