
Greatest Rebirth

On a planet, a thousand times the size of Earth, dominated by magical systems and powers, lives a man, the legendary one known as one of the oldest and strongest sorcerers throughout this particular plane of the multiverse. His search for conquest ended long ago when he gained absolute control of his dimension, which now renders him invincible. By siphoning bits of original energy from neighboring dimensions, he found a way to achieve immortality. However, as millennia passed with constant peace and order maintained throughout his domain, his endless life became extremely boring without the excitement of his younger days, when he used to fight various enemies. The thrill and excitement had long disappeared, despite having many descendants whose conflicts he couldn't be bothered with, viewing them as tiny insects quarreling. Now, he's had enough of this repetitive life of overseeing everything from the highest level of his magic tower. Finally, the Reincarnation Magic he has long been researching is completed. This magic, transcending time and spatial laws without affecting the river of time, is the most powerful he has created. He longs for a different, exciting brand new life, be it a normal mortal life or one filled with adventures and excitement. 'I have finally succeeded! How ironic, I'm the most powerful conqueror in this dimension, yet my most powerful self-created magic is a non-combat one, hahaha. Oh well, it's time to test... I mean, to use this and see which dimension I'll end up in. Too bad I'll lose all my powers since I'll theoretically get a new body when I reincarnate.' The magic circle emitted a low hum that vibrated the entire domain briefly, before emitting a blinding light so bright that it probably had the same wavelengths as a supernova event. Not surprisingly, this brightness didn't affect the man at all, as he could still see everything clearly until the last moment when everything went blank in his mind, his body disintegrating, and his soul transported to a far multiversal plane in a completely different dimension. Unbeknownst to the strongest magician, another conqueror is just a few dimensions away from his domain and is waiting for him to leave. It is currently unknown how this external party has known that he is creating magic capable of reincarnation. But this part of the story will be known in the future.

DaoTianjun · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Chapter 19: The Gathering Storm

The Abyssal Nexus was eerily silent after the vanquishing of its monstrous guardian. The air, thick with the remnants of chaotic energy, gradually began to calm as Xu Han and Yu Xue ventured deeper into the twisted dimension. The oppressive atmosphere, however, did little to quell the sense of unease that had taken root within Yu Xue.

Though he trusted in Xu Han's unmatched strength, the Abyssal Nexus was unlike anything he had ever encountered. It was a place where the very laws of reality were corrupted, where even the smallest mistake could prove fatal. But what troubled him more was the realization that he had barely scratched the surface of his own potential, while his master seemed to wield power that defied comprehension.

As they traversed the shifting terrain, Yu Xue couldn't help but reflect on the words Xu Han had spoken earlier about confronting the shadows of the past. He had never truly considered what those words might mean for him, but now, surrounded by the manifestations of chaos, he began to wonder if there were parts of himself that he had yet to confront—parts that might one day rise to challenge him.

Xu Han noticed the contemplative expression on his disciple's face but remained silent. He knew that Yu Xue was grappling with his own thoughts, and he chose to give him the space to process them. There would be time for guidance later; for now, they needed to focus on their mission.

The path before them led to a towering structure in the distance, its form constantly shifting and changing as if it were alive. It was a colossal fortress, built from the very essence of the Nexus itself—a stronghold where the source of the disturbances likely resided.

"We're getting close," Xu Han said, his voice cutting through the heavy air. "The source of the disturbance is within that fortress. Whatever lies inside, we must be prepared to face it."

Yu Xue nodded, shaking off his thoughts as he steeled himself for the task ahead. "I'm ready, Master."

As they approached the fortress, they were met with resistance—waves of chaotic energy surged from the structure, attempting to repel the intruders. But Xu Han, unfazed, raised his hand and summoned a protective barrier, its surface shimmering with the power of the Great Daos. The energy washed over the barrier, harmlessly dissipating into the void.

They reached the entrance, a massive gateway carved from the blackened stone of the Nexus. Strange symbols, glowing with an eerie light, adorned the archway, pulsing in rhythm with the heartbeat of the dimension.

Xu Han reached out and touched the surface of the gateway, his hand glowing with a faint golden light. The symbols flared in response, and with a deep rumble, the gate slowly began to open.

The interior of the fortress was a labyrinth of twisting corridors and shifting walls. The air was thick with a palpable sense of dread, and the shadows seemed to move of their own accord, whispering secrets that had long been forgotten.

As they navigated the maze-like structure, Xu Han remained alert, his senses attuned to any signs of danger. Yu Xue followed closely, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any threats. It wasn't long before they encountered the first of many.

A figure emerged from the shadows, its form cloaked in darkness. It was humanoid, but its features were obscured, hidden beneath a hooded cloak that seemed to absorb all light. The figure moved with a fluid grace, its movements almost hypnotic as it approached them.

"Welcome, intruders," the figure spoke, its voice a haunting echo that reverberated through the corridors. "You have entered the domain of the Abyssal Lord. Turn back now, or face the consequences."

Yu Xue tensed, his instincts telling him that this being was not to be underestimated. But Xu Han remained calm, his expression unreadable as he studied the figure.

"Who are you?" Xu Han asked, his voice carrying an authority that demanded an answer.

The figure chuckled, a low, sinister sound. "I am but a servant of the Abyssal Lord, a guardian of this realm. My name is unimportant, for soon you will be nothing but dust in the wind."

Without warning, the figure lunged at them, its cloak billowing like a shadowy storm. Yu Xue reacted instantly, summoning a blade of pure darkness and striking out at the attacker. The blade sliced through the air, but the figure vanished, reappearing behind them with unnatural speed.

Xu Han moved with fluid precision, countering the figure's attack with a burst of energy that sent it crashing into the wall. The figure hissed in anger, its form rippling as it recovered from the blow.

Yu Xue took the opportunity to strike again, this time channeling the power of the Dao of Space. He focused on the figure, warping the space around it to trap it in place. The figure struggled against the invisible bonds, but Yu Xue's control over space held firm.

"You're strong, but you're not invincible," Yu Xue said, his voice steady as he tightened the spatial bonds.

The figure laughed, a sound that sent chills down Yu Xue's spine. "You think this is enough to stop me? Foolish child, you have no idea what you're dealing with."

The figure's form shifted once more, slipping through the bonds as if they were made of air. It moved with blinding speed, aiming a strike at Yu Xue's chest, but Xu Han intercepted it effortlessly, blocking the attack with a wave of his hand.

"Enough," Xu Han said, his voice laced with finality. "You are not the one we seek. Step aside, or be destroyed."

The figure hesitated, sensing the power behind Xu Han's words. It was clear that this intruder was far beyond anything it had encountered before, and the realization of that power sent a shiver of fear through the shadowy being.

"You may pass," the figure finally said, its voice now tinged with a trace of respect. "But be warned—the Abyssal Lord will not be as merciful as I."

With that, the figure dissolved into the shadows, vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. The path before them was now clear, leading deeper into the heart of the fortress.

Yu Xue exhaled, his muscles relaxing as the tension in the air dissipated. "That was close," he said, turning to Xu Han. "What do you think we'll find ahead, Master?"

Xu Han's gaze was fixed on the corridor before them, his mind already focused on the challenges to come. "The Abyssal Lord is a being of immense power, forged from the chaos of the Nexus itself. We must be prepared for anything. But remember, Yu Xue—no matter what we face, you are not alone. We fight together."

Yu Xue nodded, the weight of his master's words giving him strength. "I won't let you down, Master."

As they continued their journey deeper into the fortress, the air grew colder, and the walls seemed to close in around them. The feeling of unease that had lingered in the background now intensified, and Yu Xue couldn't shake the sense that they were being watched.

But Xu Han pressed on, undeterred by the malevolent presence that surrounded them. He knew that the real battle was yet to come, and that the Abyssal Lord would be a foe unlike any they had faced before.

But Xu Han was ready. No matter how powerful the Abyssal Lord might be, he would face it head-on, and he would emerge victorious.