
Chapter 59: Before the Decisive Battle_1

The elaborate Ice Arena designed specifically for Fang Yuan and Eevee had no effect, which left Xu Lan in silence.

Having seen Eevee's performance, she knew from the start that this was going to be a tough battle.

With Snorunt's current level of training, they could only rely on the arena to restrict Eevee's movements in order to win.

However, Xu Lan never anticipated that Eevee would break the Ice Arena in such a manner.

The Ice Girl suspected Fang Yuan and his team were cheating, but she had no proof.

"Stopped at the top four..."

Xu Lan wasn't satisfied with the achievement others envied, and after recalling Snorunt, she said to Fang Yuan, "If there's a next time, I will beat you."

"A good Trainer isn't afraid of any challenges," Fang Yuan said with a grin, displaying an infuriatingly smug smile.

Eevee truly delivered!

This battle was all thanks to Cloth God leading the charge; he almost started chanting "666" for Eevee from the sidelines.

Entering the finals, Eevee was also very happy, excitedly jumping into Fang Yuan's arms, just a step away from his phone.


As Fang Yuan and Xu Lan left the stage, the Commentator was still reviewing the battle with the video footage, while the guests in the guest area looked at each other in bemusement.

"Pokémon figure skating, I've seen two such competitions, which test the Pokemon's control over their body, an attribute rarely demanded by the average Trainer."

"Although compared to those professional skater's Pokémon, Eevee's skills are still quite simple without any highly difficult maneuvers, but after all, this is a battle between New Trainers, and Eevee hasn't undergone professional training..."

"To be able to adapt to the ice surface like that, it's only fair to say that this Eevee's Coordination Ability is too outstanding."

"Just don't know where they came across this stuff..."

In this world, without the grand contests and derivative professions like Coordinating Trainers, other fields certainly aren't lacking, and these fields equally demand various abilities of the Pokémon, closely related to coordination.

Ice skating, table tennis, baseball, swimming, passenger fancy flying...

Not only do humans engage in these sports, but corresponding Pokémon sporting events have also emerged.

Compared to battles, these competitions may not be as visually stunning, but they have their own competitiveness, and the technical skills involved place high demands on the Pokémon themselves.

The world champions of these sporting events, if placed in the Pokémon World, might well earn the honor of a top-tier Coordinator.

It could be said that Eevee's rapid adaptation to the Ice Arena was also thanks to Fang Yuan's attention to coordination training: miracles often belong to those who are prepared.

Fang Yuan returned to the contestant's stand, and Lin Jing, once again with the earnestness of a little fan girl, respectfully handed Fang Yuan a cold cola.

Now, even if Fang Yuan directly took the championship of the Little Phoenix King Cup, Lin Jing wouldn't be surprised at all.

She felt that with Fang Yuan and Eevee, anything was possible...

There was another semifinal battle to come, the advancement struggle between Xu Jing and Xiao Wen Yu.

This battle was also very important for Fang Yuan, as the outcome would determine his opponent for the finals.

On the field, flames blazed as a Torkoal, burning coal within, stood imposingly. A small hole on the top of its black-gray shell continuously emitted smoke, producing a very hot Fire Vortex from its mouth, sweeping towards what looked like Casey asleep on the other side.

This Torkoal was one of the few Pokémon to showcase wide-range Moves in the Little Phoenix King Cup appearances.

In these New Trainer competitions where everyone is clashing with "Tackle" or squirting "Water Gun," you come with an intense, broad-reaching Fire Vortex, which is just bullying.

Thus, even the fastest Pokémon practically had no chance against this Torkoal.

"Xiao Wen Yu, Xiao… must be a relative of the Flame Trainer who guards the harsh mountain secret location. Although he is very strong, it's a pity he encountered my little junior sister," Lu Hai said with a gleeful smile as he watched the arena.

After being nourished by Xu Jing's Superpower, this Casey's propensity for sleepiness had improved.

On this basis, combined with the unique Meditation Method of Heavenly Heart Dojo, Casey also successfully learned offensive moves ahead of time; its strength was definitely on a BUG level for a Pokémon at this stage.

Lu Hai might misjudge the battle trend in other fights, but here, he felt confident making predictions.

Because he truly believed in the strength of Xu Jing and her Casey.

It wasn't that he was boasting, but Fang Yuan's Eevee had surprised him with its Predictive Ability and response speed. However, Lu Hai knew there was someone even more astonishing.

And that was Xu Jing's Casey.

A Casey Pokémon spends 18 hours a day sleeping, but even while asleep, it can sense the presence of enemies and use Teleport to escape. This is one of Casey's natural talents, as well as an instinctive form of self-protection.

With Teleport as an escape move, it is difficult for enemies to even touch Casey.

Just like in the current battle...

Faced with the oncoming Fire Vortex, at Xu Jing's command, Casey disappeared in an instant, reappearing behind the Torkoal, leaving the Fire Vortex to strike nothing but air!

Seeing this, Xiao Wen Yu felt somewhat desperate.

The Torkoal's speed was extremely slow, even slower than some Pokémon eliminated in the preliminary rounds; it had made it thus far relying on Defense and attack power—a completely different combat style from Eevee's.

Therefore, against Casey's attacks, Torkoal could only passively defend.

"Casey can Teleport at will, which is very troublesome, but it also consumes a lot. Continuously using Superpower will lead to its brain becoming excessively fatigued and its spiritual power depleted. Moreover, since this Casey also attacks with Superpower, its spiritual power should be draining quickly. Prolonged battle is quite disadvantageous for Casey."

"This is a breakthrough."

On the players' stand, Fang Yuan suddenly looked astonished as he pondered tactics for Torkoal, which was trying to shake off the Confusion with High-speed Rotation.


Being bound by Confusion, if one could break free with sheer strength, there was nothing wrong with using High-speed Rotation's force to break free from Confusion, even having a bit of the Counter Shield appeal. But Xu Jing's thought process was too strong.

She straightforwardly let Casey accelerate Torkoal's spin with Telekinesis, and as Torkoal started rotating at high speed, it soon lost control of the rotation speed that surpassed its own limitations, and ended up making itself dizzy, with stars swirling before its eyes.

"Oh my Guigui." On the field, Xiao Wen Yu slapped her forehead, it's just a Little Phoenix King Cup, why is every player so exceptionally talented?

Thankfully, Torkoal had some capacity to withstand spinning, unlike Eevee when it first trained the Counter Shield, almost vomiting Moomoo Fresh Milk after a few spins.

After being dazed for a moment, it quickly regained its senses.

But Confusion struck again.

Clutching the stopwatch on his phone, Fang Yuan fell into deep thought.

Since he first observed Xu Jing's battle to now, Fang Yuan had collected quite a bit of data.

The time taken for Casey to receive a command from Xu Jing, to initiate Confusion, and for the Confusion to begin affecting the opponent - Fang Yuan had almost figured it out.

The time was very brief, but if Eevee could react quickly enough, it could still dodge.

However, Eevee's attack moves, for Casey, could be easily dodged as well.

The speed of Teleport was much faster than Eevee's Quick Attack.

Therefore, Eevee's close-range Moves were almost impossible to hit, and it would ultimately still depend on the Counter Shield.