
Chapter 327: Suzuki Group, Trait Capsule_1

Although Fang Yuan still didn't know Natalie's identity, he already had some speculations.

The other party was most likely also a Trainer transported here by Emuritto.

Which meant, this person could very well become his enemy.

Even if the other party was of a kind nature, because of their differing stances, there was no possibility of them becoming friends.

"A rival, huh..."

Even though Fang Yuan disliked harboring malicious suspicions about others, in a place like this, he still thought it was better to be cautious.


Fang Yuan and Natalie faced each other, their communication not going smoothly.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath. The other person had bumped into the same path as his, probably also headed for that lake, right?


Fang Yuan and Natalie, neither sure of the other's intentions and both not wanting to be the first to act, were at this moment startled by a violent tremor from afar.

Columns of white smoke rose into the sky from a distance, indicating a battle was in progress, and the sudden disturbance caused both of them to glance sideways.


The aftershocks of the battle swept over them, and in the visible range of Fang Yuan and his company, a black dot rapidly grew in size: a Trainer riding a Pidgeot was fleeing towards them.

This Pidgeot was quite agile and well-trained, but at this moment, it was covered in wounds, its proud speed not fully on display.

Behind the Pidgeot chased a Fossil Pterosaur, and upon seeing this Pokemon, both Fang Yuan and Natalie's pupils constricted.

A Fossil Pterosaur!

In the depths of Champion Mountain, there were actually Fossil Pterosaurs residing!

Since the first Fossil Pterosaur appeared from a secret location two years ago, people had gained some understanding of this species.

The carnivorous Fossil Pterosaurs, not only powerful, but also brutally vicious; upon sighting one, fleeing would be wise.

That being said...

Still, countless Trainers hoped to tame a Fossil Pterosaur as a mainstay; on Earth, due to their scarce numbers and sufficient novelty, the value of taming a Fossil Pterosaur exceeded that of a Dragonite, Tyranitar, and other Pokemon by a lot.

"Quick, go ask those people for help!!" Atop the Pidgeot was a Trainer who looked like she could be a rich heiress, currently in a sorry state and panic-stricken under the pursuit of the Fossil Pterosaur.

"What a pity." Seeing this, Fang Yuan lost interest in continuing the standoff with Natalie, and instead started moving towards the direction of the Fossil Pterosaur.

"Wait!!" Natalie's expression turned sour as she said, "What are you going to do?"

"Save them, otherwise... they will perish at the jaws of the Fossil Pterosaur," Fang Yuan replied and then commanded his Self-detonating Magnetic Monster to rush towards the scene.

"Save... save people?" Natalie's expression shifted subtly as Fang Yuan spoke.


Fang Yuan knew that meddling was not a good idea, but having been rescued by Yang Han from a Pidgeot and inspired to become a Professional Trainer himself, he still chose to save others when he had the ability to change something.

Harming others might need a motive, but saving others didn't need a reason.


In the process of chasing its prey, the Fossil Pterosaur was ferocious and intimidating, flying while spewing out Destruction Dead Light, sweeping away everything in its path.

Yoko Suzuki was now in utter despair, having been mysteriously transported to this place and having provoked a powerful Fossil Pterosaur. If the mood hadn't been so inappropriate, she would have wanted to burst into tears right then.

"Will those people save us?" Yoko Suzuki clutched the Pidgeot, crying out in her heart.


Suddenly, a golden beam shot past Pidgeot, bringing a powerful gust of wind that slapped Yoko Suzuki's face, snapping her back to her senses.

A cry of distress was heard, and Pidgeot instinctively turned around to see the Fossil Pterosaur being blasted down.

Turning back again, both Pidgeot and Yoko Suzuki noticed the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster that had appeared in front of them.

It was this Self-detonating Magnetic Monster that had launched the attack and taken down the Fossil Pterosaur!


With a helper in sight, the Pidgeot, exhausted from the great battle, finally couldn't hold on any longer and descended powerlessly. However, under the assault of the Super Electromagnetic Gun from the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster, the Fossil Pterosaur did not lose its fighting ability. Although it seemed to have suffered substantial damage, it was still able to fly again, and it could even angrily shoot a Destruction Dead Light at the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster.

"A Fossil Pterosaur that can compete with a Professional Trainer's main Pokémon?" Fang Yuan thought of taming it.

Although it was not as ferocious and powerful as the Fossil Pterosaur that chased a Trainer Team around Liaoxi Grand Canyon, its strength was a good match for Fang Yuan's current abilities. However, it seemed difficult to train, so he decided against it.

"Thank... Thank you." Both Pidgeot and Yoko Suzuki landed next to Fang Yuan, and upon seeing him, Yoko Suzuki immediately expressed her gratitude.

Japanese, huh... Fang Yuan sighed inwardly.

"It's nothing."

This Fossil Pterosaur... the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster could handle it...

Rocco and the Sun Eevee, as well as the Glutton, hadn't gone after it.

Aside from the Sun Eevee, both Rocco and the Glutton concealed themselves, secretly protecting Fang Yuan. As for the Fierce Fire Monkey, because it was a bit of a drag, Fang Yuan had recalled it into the Poké Ball.

The Sun Eevee stayed close to protect Fang Yuan, but Rocco used an Illusion Technique to hide its presence, making Fang Yuan appear defenseless. But in reality, Fang Yuan's safety was greatly ensured.

Nobody would expect that Fang Yuan had an "invisible" bodyguard.

Yoko Suzuki looked up anxiously at the aerial battle between the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster and the Fossil Pterosaur before turning to Fang Yuan.

"Thank you very much, sir. My name is Yoko Suzuki, the daughter of the chairman of the Suzuki Group. You saved me, and I will definitely repay you!"

The words of Yoko Suzuki, the second daughter of the Suzuki Group, reached Fang Yuan's ears, causing a moment of surprise. The Suzuki Group... why did that sound so familiar?

That's right...

It seemed to be a huge conglomerate from Japan... it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say they were rolling in wealth.

Over the winter holiday, the Suzuki Group announced they had developed the "Trait Capsule", which caused a global sensation.

It was then that Fang Yuan learned of this group's name.

Trait Capsule...

Fang Yuan looked at Yoko Suzuki, who indeed looked like the daughter of a noble family, and smiled.

"Don't worry, I stand for justice," Fang Yuan replied in his broken Japanese.

At that moment, the tide turned in the battle in the sky. A black wave of Evil Fluctuation shot through, blocking the Fossil Pterosaur, and a Raven Boss joined the fray, assisting the Self-detonating Magnetic Monster against the Fossil Pterosaur.

Seeing the Raven Boss, Fang Yuan showed a look of surprise. Wasn't that the Pokémon of the woman from before?