
Chapter 310: The Prototype of Lightning Armor_1

After chatting with Ms. Aria for a while, Fang Yuan had achieved his purpose for coming to the Lightning Club.

The sparring content Fang Yuan requested was very simple, just to have Coach Aria's Lightning Zebra act as the battle opponent for his Fierce Fire Monkey.

When not battling, the Lightning Zebra needed to serve as a mimic for the Fierce Fire Monkey.

Fang Yuan spent a fortune to book most of the Lightning Zebra's battle time, which made Aria laugh for quite a while...

When the front desk mentioned that the trainer who had requested her specifically to be their sparring partner was a college student, Aria didn't pay much attention to it, but she later realized that although Fang Yuan was young, he was quite wealthy.


"You came to the Lightning Fight Club just for the Lightning Zebra?"

After leaving the club, Lin Jing asked with confusion.

"It's to train my other Pokemon, the Fierce Fire Monkey," Fang Yuan said.

"What kind of novel training method is it this time..." Liu Le muttered from behind.

Fang Yuan's Fierce Fire Monkey, with the power to knock out a Pot-Pot with one punch, still needs special training? That's unheard of!

"Not novel, just painful."

Fang Yuan smiled, keeping the mysterious vibe. The Thunder Armor Training Method was his own secret, and he couldn't just tell others about it.

Although the Fierce Fire Monkey was currently the weakest in his team, once it mastered this technique, its strength would at least catch up with the others.



Lin Jing and Liu Le exchanged looks. How were they going to torture the Fierce Fire Monkey?

However, as the topic was part of the trainer's privacy, they both refrained from asking further questions.

I don't know and I don't dare to ask.jpg


The next day.

Lightning Club.


On the field, the Fierce Fire Monkey was battling a zebra-like creature with black skin, adorned with many white patterns and stripes.

The one-meter-tall Fierce Fire Monkey painfully spread its arms, enduring the electric shocks from the Lightning Zebra!

"Didn't you eat? Fierce Fire Monkey says your Electric Shock is like tickling," Fang Yuan sat to the side, speaking to the Lightning Zebra.


The Lightning Zebra's grey hooves stomped the ground, and its white mane instantly stood up, forming a spherical explosion like electric sparks. After it increased its power, the Fierce Fire Monkey cursed in its mind.

It would be more accurate to say that the aim was not to find Coach Aria of the Lightning Club for sparring, but to find the Lightning Zebra for it.

After Fang Yuan arrived at the club, and the training got underway, Aria found that she had nothing to do throughout the process. Fang Yuan did not need her intervention for the Fierce Fire Monkey's training at all.

Even the actions of the Lightning Zebra were arranged by Fang Yuan.

Which is to say, outside of battling other trainers, she, Aria, was fully dispensable, which was quite frustrating.

However, Fang Yuan had paid. The demands had to be met according to his terms, and that was just the way things were. After agonizing over it for a while, Aria went with the flow. Following Fang Yuan's suggestion, she simply left the Lightning Zebra in the club and went to do other things.

"Whinny!" The Lightning Zebra called out irritably. It was already quite displeased to be left here by its owner as a tool horse, and now it was even being mocked.

In anger, the Lightning Zebra began zapping the Fierce Fire Monkey without holding back...


Countless currents flowed over the Fierce Fire Monkey's body, causing its eyes to turn bloodshot. The electricity from outside was like an explosive force entering its body, filling it with energy. At that moment, the Fierce Fire Monkey felt that in this state, it could run for a whole day and night without getting tired.

By then, the Fierce Fire Monkey had already acquired the Electrical Engine Feature through mimicry from the Lightning Zebra, which was also why it could withstand the constant electric attacks and gain a surge of strength.

However, even with the Electrical Engine Feature, it wasn't its own ability, and it wasn't an Electric Pokemon. With the powerful thunder and lightning hitting its body, the Fierce Fire Monkey still felt the pain of numbness, burning, and tearing all over.

"Ahchoo!!" Now, the Fierce Fire Monkey finally believed that Electric Armor Skills were indeed not something a normal Pokemon could accomplish.

After being electrocuted for about a minute, the Fierce Fire Monkey's body was charred black, only its eyes still shining brightly. The pain in its body made the Fierce Fire Monkey wish it could scream out loud.


The next moment, a gold Energy Block wrapped in a blue Confusion glow shot towards the Fierce Fire Monkey and went straight into its mouth.


The Fierce Fire Monkey skillfully opened its mouth and bit down, as rich Life Energy nourished its entire body, making the Fierce Fire Monkey smile and then give Fang Yuan and the others a thumbs-up.

As long as it was given Life Energy Blocks, it could endure any amount of pain and injury!

Feeling rejuvenated, the Fierce Fire Monkey recalled the specific path the electricity had taken through its body...

"This is too wasteful to continue," Fang Yuan said, shaking his head as he looked at the Fierce Fire Monkey which had recovered its condition. Although this method was efficient, it was extravagant.

"Trio Magnet Monsters, when the Lightning Zebra gets tired and runs out of electricity, you should join it in shocking the Fierce Fire Monkey. We can't waste the effects of the Energy Blocks," Fang Yuan said after some thought.

"Magnemite!" The Trio Magnet Monsters nodded in agreement.

Meanwhile, Fang Yuan turned his attention to the Fierce Fire Monkey, who had eaten the Energy Blocks and now wore a look of pleasure...

He was a Trainer, not just someone who looked after Pokemon.

There must be love, as well as harm!

Only in this way, the Fierce Fire Monkey could achieve better training results...

As it was the first day, Fang Yuan did not skimp on various Energy Blocks and nutritional products; he provided plenty, aiming to get the Fierce Fire Monkey accustomed to electric shocks as quickly as possible.

After extensive training and mastering of Electric Armor Skills, Fang Yuan believed that, in the future, even if the Fierce Fire Monkey encountered Electric-type Moves, it could bear them directly without causing much harm to its body; this was because the strength of the Fierce Fire Monkey's body would improve under constant electric shocks, developing a resistance to them.

Some Trainers could train a Sandshrew to not be much afraid of water with the simplest of methods. Fang Yuan, with better resources, naturally could train the Fierce Fire Monkey to not fear electricity as much.


In such a training method, the days flew by, and in the blink of an eye, more than half a month had passed.

The Fierce Fire Monkey's Mimic moves became increasingly skilled, and it assumed many characteristics in line with Electric Armor Skills under Fang Yuan's guidance.

On the sixteenth day since the Fierce Fire Monkey started learning the Electric Armor Skills, it began to show the initial form of the technique.


The Fierce Fire Monkey unleashed a Thunder Punch that triggered the energy of Awakened Electricity within its body, making its entire arm seem to shine, containing immense power. Without Gathering Energy, an ordinary Thunder Punch packed more punch than Fire Punch, Sonic Fist, and came close to Qi Fist, leaving Ghostss, Trio Magnet Monsters, and Eevee watching in astonishment.


Although using Thunder Punch resulted in the impact similar to Crazy Volt, it caused the Fierce Fire Monkey's arm to become numb from the electric shock, making it difficult to casually deliver a second punch.

"So it's just a one-punch with power?" Fang Yuan concluded.

The fact that the Fierce Fire Monkey achieved this one formidable, yet side effect-laden punch in just sixteen days was unexpected to Fang Yuan.

This might have been related to Fierce Fire Monkey's talent or possibly the effectiveness of the Energy Blocks.


Fang Yuan's theory of Electric Armor Skills did not include the limitation of only stimulating the arm with the power of thunder and electricity.

The perfect form should wrap the body, limbs, and tail—every part of the body—in Electric Armor!

And it should offer not just power but also speed and Explosive Power!

Moreover, and most importantly, the side effects of the Electric Armor should be absolutely minimal, if not non-existent.

Only with this trait could Electric Armor Skills be considered successful; otherwise, they were no different from those self-harming powerful moves.

During his visit to Pingcheng No.1 Middle School, Fang Yuan let the Fierce Fire Monkey practice mimicking Static characteristic and Charge.

Visiting Mr. Shanmi of the Starlight Club, Fang Yuan had the Fierce Fire Monkey practice mimicking the Guts Ability.

In the Lightning Club, the Fierce Fire Monkey became familiar with the Electric Engine Feature, and as for the Quick Feet Trait, Fang Yuan was too embarrassed to seek help from Uncle Lin, so instead, he opted for a paid arrangement with an Ordinary Trainer who owned a Bear Baby with the Quick Feet Trait.

This approach meant that this Ordinary Trainer's Pokémon were not very skilled in employing the Quick Feet Trait, or one might even say they hadn't mastered it, which in turn prolonged the Fierce Fire Monkey's time to mimic and become proficient.