
Chapter 206 New Student Enrollment_1

September 1st, September 2nd, and September 3rd were Magic City University's new student registration days.

Classes officially started on Monday, September 4th, and these three days were also an opportunity for the new students to get familiar with the environment of Magic City University.

Early in the morning on September 1st, Fang Yuan, who was still in bed and not fully awake, heard the noise outside.

It must be the new students moving in with their belongings...

Fang Yuan turned over and went back to sleep; he had played games with Eevee until two-thirty the night before and was still feeling sleepy.


Suddenly, Fang Yuan felt an uncomfortable pressure on his abdomen and quickly woke up.

It was then that Fang Yuan realized he had accidentally turned onto Eevee's tail. The pressure on its tail made Eevee instinctively protect itself, and Fang Yuan patted his chest with relief as he looked at the tail that almost shone with a metallic gloss.

Good thing he woke up quickly, or he might have been murdered by Iron Tail.

At that moment, Eevee also opened its eyes groggily and yawned.

Is it morning already?

The Trio Magnet Monsters that were on the charging device above him heard the commotion below and flew down as well.

"It's not even nine o'clock..."

Fang Yuan took out his phone, shook his head, and mumbled. The report time for the Research Department was before one o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still time.

Even though he had already moved into the dormitory, he still needed to collect his class assignment and textbooks.

There would probably be a class meeting in the afternoon to meet the academic advisor.

Having been jolted awake by Eevee, Fang Yuan lost all desire to sleep and decided to get up, finish his morning routine, and take Eevee out for some training early.


Within the campus, all the volunteers who were now guiding the new students were upperclassmen who had returned to school early.

Fang Yuan collected his notification letter for the Research Department from a senior sister without drawing much attention, then went back to the dormitory building.

17-level Spirit Research Department Class 1.

There was also a QR code on the paper, which was for the class announcement group.

Once Fang Yuan returned to his dormitory, he scanned the QR code to join the group, where there were already 13 people present.

The group owner was probably the academic advisor, and if the profile picture was indeed hers, it suggested that the advisor might be a woman in her early forties.

"Excluding the academic advisor, the male-to-female ratio is 2:10, huh. Is the percentage of female students this high in the Research Department?" Fang Yuan mused while looking at the group statistics.

But after thinking about it, it made sense; there were fewer girls who liked combat, and thus compared to the Combat Series, which required intensive training, the Cultivation Series, Research Series, and Pokemon Medical Specialties might be more popular among female students.

At the moment, no one was chatting in the group, and Fang Yuan felt bored. Just as he was about to close the chat, the next moment... his eyes widened.

The line of text below gave Fang Yuan a bit of a stomachache.

"Eevee has joined the chat group."

"Fuck," Fang Yuan hurriedly turned around and saw Eevee with the phone scanning his new student notification letter.

Fang Yuan quickly snatched the phone from Eevee's paws.

"What are you doing joining in? Is that appropriate?"

The chat account was something Fang Yuan had registered for Eevee during the past few days after much coaxing and cajoling from Eevee itself. Currently, Eevee's friend list only included Fang Yuan, and what troubled Fang Yuan was that Eevee had decided to make use of the chat account today...

"Bwoo... Bwoo?" Eevee looked confused. Can't it join?

Fang Yuan was a student of this class, and as Fang Yuan's Pokemon, it reasoned that it was also a student of this class...

This line of reasoning seemed to make sense to it.

"This..." Fang Yuan scratched his head, he had never encountered a situation like this.

"Forget it." Looking at Eevee's pitiful eyes, Fang Yuan gave the phone back to it.

It wasn't a big deal anyway, Eevee wasn't likely to discuss sensitive topics or send inappropriate images or anything... By the time the counselor realizes there's one extra person, they should kick the un-renamed Eevee out of the group, well, probably.

"Bwoo..." Eevee gazed at the phone screen with a hopeful expression.

Besides the group owner, it began to add other members as friends...



The number of people in the group reached 41.

The counselor sent the first message: "We will have a meeting at 3 p.m. in room 107 on the 4th floor of the teaching building. Make sure to arrive on time, as we will be distributing campus cards and textbooks."

Immediately after, there was a bunch of 'received, received, received...'

It seems that Class 1 consists of 40 people, Eevee not included.

The male-to-female ratio had now become 11:29.

Of course, it doesn't exclude the possibility that some boys changed their gender to female in the profile—there are too many of them.

"Let's go eat." In the dormitory, Fang Yuan rubbed his stomach.

The cafeteria at Magic City University was indeed commendable. Fang Yuan had been eating there for several days without getting tired of it, which shows that Mo Da did a really good job in this aspect.

After the meal, Fang Yuan took Eevee and the Trio Magnet Monsters to the training grounds of Demon Capital University.

The running track, training grounds, and battle arenas are separate at Mo Da, and there are also several gymnasiums.

Next, Fang Yuan was there for a training mission, so he went to the training ground closest to the Research Department Dormitory.

The content of the training was simple: to have Eevee practice controlling the Solar Energy within its Destruction Gene and to practice Fire Awakening. The sunlight was ideal for training today.

For the Trio Magnet Monsters, the task was to practice building a magnetic field. The more skilled and the larger the range of the magnetic field, the better, a goal with no limits.

Perhaps because school was about to start, there were far more people at the training grounds now than during the summer holidays. During the summer, it was rare for Fang Yuan to spot two or three people here, but now, there were over a dozen at a glance.

"Eh." Suddenly, Fang Yuan saw an old acquaintance and couldn't help but smile.

Hey, looking at that Trainer walking with Bulbasaur, Fang Yuan smiled. Wasn't that Lin Sen, the seed player he eliminated first at the Little Phoenix King Cup? After parting ways at the Magic University Haunted House, they were about to become schoolmates...


"???" Lin Sen's expression froze as he suddenly saw Fang Yuan and Eevee appear in front of him.

"Holy shit..." Lin Sen felt a mixture of emotions. Fang Yuan had indeed come to Magic City University.

When Fang Yuan had come to experience Mo Da's Haunted House, Lin Sen had had a premonition, which now proved to be true.

Lin Sen had followed the Rookie competitions in Su province and knew that Fang Yuan was the new Rookie King from the neighboring province. At this moment, he had abandoned any thoughts of revenge against Fang Yuan.

At least, not now.

"Long time no see," Fang Yuan said with a smile.

"Long time no see..." Lin Sen looked at Eevee on Fang Yuan's shoulder and asked, "Haven't you had Eevee evolve yet?"

"Isn't your Bulbasaur also unevolved?" Fang Yuan looked towards Lin Sen's Bulbasaur.

Lin Sen was speechless. Were these two Pokemon really comparable? And besides, his Bulbasaur was close to evolving.

During the conversation, Fang Yuan learned that Lin Sen was a student in Combat Series Class 3, and upon learning that Fang Yuan was a new student in the Research Series, Lin Sen had a look of disbelief on his face.

Fang Yuan remained as unpredictable as ever. Lin Sen just couldn't understand him—why would the strongest new Trainer in Su province go into research? It seemed like such a pointless move.