
Chapter 156 Newcomer vs Professional_2

Meanwhile, as the Dragon's Wrath gathered in its mouth, the massive energy fluctuations caused Eevee to shudder, regretting having provoked the adversary.

"Charizard!!" Yang Han bellowed, and Charizard quickly recovered, scratching its head in a daze.

"What is that?" When Charizard was angry, the flame on its tail would turn blue and white, which Yang Han knew well. Still, he was quite surprised that his Charizard was so easily provoked by a New Trainer's Pokemon.

"Pretentious moves, one of Eevee's major achievements recently," Fang Yuan said.

Yang Han was taken aback, realizing that Eevee must have really benefited in terms of spiritual power. He immediately glanced at Zhuang Xin, signaling him to take note.

As a Professional Trainer, Zhuang Xin naturally understood what such a level of Pretentiousness represented—it meant disrupting the enemy's rhythm in an instant, securing a great advantage for the team.

"Not a bad move..." said Yang Han, "but you do realize who it works best against, right?"

Fang Yuan and Eevee responded sheepishly.

Of course, they understood. This move should be used sparingly in official battles and never against Pokemon in the wild or secret locations; that was just asking for trouble.

Especially in the instance just before, if Charizard hadn't been awakened by Yang Han, even if it lost its senses, it still wouldn't be something Eevee could contend with. Had Charizard unleashed a heavy blow then, Eevee truly would have "ripened."


After the mutual taunting as a sign of friendliness, Charizard and Eevee stood opposite each other.

Eevee stood steadily on all fours, its gaze seriously fixed on Charizard.

Then it launched directly into Payback, a move not recognized as such in the eyes of Yang Han and others. Eevee's move looked more like Quick Attack or perhaps Tackle or Wild Charge Technique.

Given Eevee's current speed, other Trainers would subconsciously assume it was using Quick Attack.


Eevee dashed past, kicking up the dust on the ground. Compared to its performance in the battle against Wuzhou Number One High School a few months earlier, Eevee's Payback Technique showed slight improvements in both power and speed.

There were two factors involved.

The use of Rage Energy in the Pretentious moves had provided some insight into the manipulation of other Emotional Energies, allowing Eevee to control them more skillfully.

Secondly, the bond between Fang Yuan and Eevee had strengthened.

Although the improvements to Payback were not particularly notable and lacked a qualitative leap, the combined advancements in physical strength, Explosive Power, speed, and Coordination Ability still produced remarkable effects.

Seeing Eevee's figure turn into a flash of white light rushing towards him, Charizard raised its arms high, fists wrapped in flames, and forcefully smashed it toward the approaching shape.

In the meantime, Eevee quickly changed direction, attempting a sneak attack, but Charizard's combat experience was clearly richer, and it managed to connect a precise Fire Punch with the move, blocking Eevee's body. The moment of impact triggered a massive surge of energy fluctuation.

Charizard's arm muscles trembled slightly as it looked at Eevee with a touch of surprise on its face.

Then, it swung its tail forcefully, using the power to fling Eevee away.

"Eevee pff..."

After rolling a considerable distance, Eevee spit out the dust it had inhaled, looking dissatisfiedly at its own tail.

Stupid lizard, taking advantage of its short tail.

"So strength and speed have reached this level..."

Noticing Charizard's reaction, Yang Han and Zhuang Xin were also secretly astonished.

Although Eevee didn't seem very outstanding from the confrontation results, if you compared it with Liu Le, Lin Jing, and the others' Pokemon, Eevee's strength was definitely at another level.

Had Liu Le's Little Kabigon or Lin Jing's Growlithe faced that Fire Punch just now, they would certainly have been sent flying instantly.

The fact that Eevee could challenge a Professional Trainer's Trump Card Elf goes to show how powerful the Payback Technique had been.

"The gap between me and a Professional Trainer is really huge…" Watching Charizard easily catch one of Eevee's most powerful moves with Fire Punch, Fang Yuan shook his head. Now he was more curious about who would be stronger if School sister Xie Qingyi from Mo Da fought against Yang Han.

Now Fang Yuan had a clearer goal, which was to reach the level of Xie Qingyi during his college years.

Clearly... The battle between a New Trainer and a Professional Trainer wasn't about the same thing at all.

"Is this all the progress you've made in these three months?"

Three minutes later.

Charizard looked unharmed at the panting Eevee.

Yang Han voiced his curiosity.

Fang Yuan and Eevee have improved greatly, but knowing Fang Yuan, he felt there was still something up his sleeve.

"Of course not," Fang Yuan grinned, "There is one more move. But this one is a bit special, Brother Yang, you'll have to tell Charizard to stay still for this to work."

"???" Yang Han was left with question marks above his head. What kind of request was that?

"Alright," Yang Han agreed promptly.

Fang Yuan added, "Uh... I mean, as long as Charizard doesn't attack while Eevee is using the move, that's fine. Once Eevee executes the move, then you can resist."

Yang Han nodded, curious to see what Fang Yuan was getting at.

Zhuang Xin too shifted his gaze from the dense data in his notebook to the field, judging from Fang Yuan's performance so far, it seemed unlikely that there was a New Trainer in Su province who could defeat him.