
Great war of Polemos

A world where Humans and Mythical Creatures of every kind lived among with each other in harmony for over 300 years. Till the great war of Polemos arise almost causing humans into extinctions. With the humans having nowhere else to go they started hiding away from everyone even from each other for not to be caught. Now the world run by these mythical creatures capturing and killing humans for market, enslavement and breeding. As we follow Alcmene in her adventure to find the truth of the war and try to live in harmony again with these mystical creatures or find another place to call home.

AtlasHarvestMoon · Fantasia
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5 Chs


Running down the alley together in the dark I started to hear a whistling noise until a loud boom echoed in the air. It made the buildings around us rumble as the ground shook under me. I fell on my knees immediately letting go of his hands covering my ears tight. Seeing a bright orange light reflecting off the walls. I started to feel my body begin to shake, but soon realizing it was Achilles pushing me to get up. He grabbed my arm pulling me to get up, my legs felt weak and unstable. My head was spinning, and I started reminiscing my old town being burned around me the loud noises of people screaming. Finally, I got ahold of myself when he kept calling my name over and over again and was able to get on my feet as he kept pulling on my arm to run another direction. My ears were making a loud ring noise and couldn't hear what he was yelling at me for, all I see was face expression looking scared and frantic. We kept running making random turns down the narrow alley until we hit a dead end. Achilles pushed me behind him having me up against the wall as I faced looking at the alley way, we came from I saw 2 adult figures cover in black cloak hoodies coming towards us. I grabbed onto back of his clothes with a tight grip scared of the situation we were in whispering to Achilles "I'm sorry, it's all my fault". Only if I didn't react to the loud noise we wouldn't be in this mess. Achilles pulled out a small dagger pointing at the men walking towards us, until one of them remove his hood from his face. It was a middle-aged man with white short hair and a long scar down his face, Achilles lowered his dagger with his voice cracking the word "father". The man came closer to us and reach at Achilles head and ruffled his hair than smack the back of his head. "What the hell are you doing out here, you could've been killed. Do you think using a magic spell of yours can hide your identities. You're still too weak you could've got yourself both capture or killed"! Achilles started to cry but holding it back best he could as he attempt his best to apologize to his father, but the words couldn't come out correctly making it hard to understand. The other man behind him started approaching me removing his hood looking down at me with sad look in his eyes was my father. It was the look that he didn't even have to say how disappointed he was with me, he calmy said with a quiet tone "your mother will deal with this". It hurt as if I wasn't important to him anymore, I felt a heavy stone on my chest. I couldn't say anything back to him. I rather have been yelled at like Achilles and show my concern, but he looked the other way after he spoke his few words to me. After Achilles father stop yelling at him, his last words "we are going home now". He grabbed Achilles arm and Achilles hurry and grabbed my hand pulling me behind him. My father walked behind everyone as we stayed in a straight line not to be separated. As soon as we got home our mothers were already awake as they seem to have been waiting for us for a while. Both of our mothers came running towards us hugging us tight checking everywhere to make sure we were okay until the yelling started. I zoned out from it was the same words being repeated over and over again. I looked over at Achilles feeling he was getting the worse of it from both of his parents were griding on him. Only my mother was yelling at me when my father just stood in a corner waiting for it to end. As my mother pushed me back into the room shut the door behind us, she gave me a whack right behind my legs leaving a handprint with all 5 fingers covering my leg. I bit down bottom of my lip not to scream or utter a word. She turned me around facing her grabbing my face shaking with her 2 hands "this could've been a lot worse". She pulled me close to her repeating herself "you have to promise me to never do this again". As I promised over and over every time, she asked she kissed my head and tucked me in and left the room. Before closing the door "We will figure something out tomorrow now that your father is back". Soon the room became dark with no lights glowing or shinning around me, but she's right my father left to return with news about us leaving and finding a new home. My eyes got heavy from all the emotions today I didn't realize I drift asleep. The next morning came, and I saw a light coming from the crack under the door. I didn't want to get up from all the emotions and embarrassment from everything that happened last night. I flipped over to try go back to sleep the door slowly open and walked in was my mother telling me to wake up. She bent down to shake me and told me to get up and dress we need to talk with everyone at the table this morning. As I rolled out of bed to go wash up, I saw my mother packing belongings in a bag. I guess we have to leave after all. All set and ready I sat down at the table not seeing Achilles yet with us, his father was at the end writing stuff down in a book drinking a cup of coffee while his mother preparing breakfast. My father just came out of Achilles room with Achilles walking behind him, I wonder what they were doing together in his room. Achilles sat down across from me next to his father not looking up at me like usual and kept looking down at the table. Soon my mother came out and everyone was seated at the table together. Achilles father spoke up first, "I would like to interduce myself to everyone to call me White, that seems to be my nick name from the hair color and I've sticked with it now. As of last night, I do not ever want to see that happening again. But today there are things that need to be discus first". My father spoked up next, "As I was traveling, I came upon White, and we discovered and learned some new things of everything that is happening right now. We've gone to other villages and came across a lot of dangerous situations. White knows our situation and we both agree that it be best we take off and leave Alcmene with Whites family to study magic and learn basic knowledge of survival" while we search further for the other humans". I stood up from out of my chair after hearing my family wanted to leave me behind, "you want to leave me father"? My mother grabbed my hand shaking her head no "we don't want to leave you, but we have to, you're too young and won't survive without 24hrs supervision. You just proved yourself yesterday you're not ready from the stunt you did last night". "How long will you be gone for"? My eyes started to tear up, my mother got up from her chair and held me tightly stroking my back whispering to me "we are not sure ourselves". My father spoke up again "We will be leaving today and soon after we finished packing". Ruby walked towards me "Don't worry dear, will keep you safe and you'll have Achilles to play with and both of you can practice magic together. Plus, White will be here for a while to teach you the medical field to help you". Still holding onto my mother, I looked back at her "but I thought only wizards and witches can do that". "Well yes in most situations but humans can learn some stuff as well and potions come a long way to help in these situations". My mother pushed me back into the chair "I want to have one more family meal with you before we leave so can you please enjoy this time with me before we go". I didn't have much of an appetite anymore but agreed to stay seated holding on my mother's hand the entire time we sat at the table with my father in the background going around collecting some belongings with Whites help giving him some tools and craft items. Soon the time came with my mother and father waiting at the door to leave. My mother lean down gave me a final hug and kiss goodbye handing me one of her red bracelets she always wore. "Make sure to take good care of it so when we see each other again I'll still be able to wear it, so don't break it" as she smiles at me. My father kneed down and gave me a good hug, whispering "I'm sorry, be good you'll pull through you always do". They both waved goodbyes closing the door behind them. I fell down to my knees right after I heard the click of the door sobbing like a baby already wanting them to come back. Ruby picked me up as if I was 3 years old holding me tight, trying to shh me patting my back to calm me down. I never saw my parents since then, never received a letter or a sign from them...Days gone by, soon became months and then years learning everything from the outside world, medical field and potions and little bit of magic. I was on my way to be able to discover things on my own.