
Great love God

"The Human Spirit: Gu, the Essence of the Universe. Distorted beliefs lead to the rebirth of demons. An old dream from the past, a new tale with the same name. It's a story of a time-traveler's endless reincarnations."

laitong_luo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter four: Ancient Moon Fang Source!

The sun is rising and the sun is shining brightly. 

The mountain fog is not very thick, and it is easily penetrated by the sunshine like a sword. 

More than a hundred 15-year-olds gathered in front of the family cabinet. 

The main house is in the middle of the cottage, up to five stories, cornices and corners, heavily guarded. In front of the pavilion is the square, the pavilion enshrines the memorial tablet of Guyue's ancestors. Every generation of patriarch also lives in this inside, every major ceremony, or there are unexpected events, will also gather the family elders here to discuss. This is the whole Shanzhai power center. 

"Good, they're all here on time. Today is a rite of passage, a major turning point in your lives. Without further ado, come with me." In charge of this trip, is the school family old. His beard and hair were white, and he led the young men into the main cabinet of the house. 

But instead of going upstairs, he went down through the entrance to the lobby on the first floor. 

Follow the built stone stairs to enter the underground cave. 

There was an exclamation of wonder from the teenagers. The underground cave is beautiful and magnificent, and the stalactites emit red orange yellow green blue purple and seven colors of light, which is reflected in the faces of the teenagers, and is neon gorgeous. 

Fang Yuan mixed in the center of the crowd, quietly looking at all this, thinking secretly in his heart: "Hundreds of years ago, the Guyue family migrated from the Middle Earth to southern Xinjiang, stationed in this Qingmao Mountain." Just fancy a spirit spring in the underground cave here. This spirit spring produces a large number of Yuan stone, can be said to be the foundation of the ancient moon cottage." 

After hundreds of steps, it was getting darker and darker, and the sound of water was faintly heard. 

Turning the corner, an underground river more than three meters wide was displayed in front of everyone's eyes. 

The color of the stalactites has completely disappeared. 

But in the dark, the river is emitting a faint blue light, like a star river in the night sky. 

The river flows from the dark depths of the cave, so clear that you can even see fish, water plants, and sand on the bottom of the river. 

On the other side of the river, there is a sea of flowers. 

This is the Guyue family deliberately cultivated moon orchid, petals such as crescent, showing a clear and elegant blue pink. The stem of the flower is like jade, and the heart of the flower shines, as if the pearl is reflected in the light. 

At first glance, in the dark background, the river flower sea looks like a large blue and green carpet, dotted with countless pearls. 

"Moon orchids are food for many insects. This sea of flowers can be said to be the biggest cultivation base of the family." Fang Yuan knows this. 

"It's beautiful." 

"It's beautiful." 

The teenagers opened their eyes, their eyes shining, both excited and nervous. 

"Ok, now let me sign up and call the people across the river to the other side." Go as far as you can, but as far as you can. Are you all clear?" The old man is talking now. 

"That's clear." And the boys all should be. In fact, before I came, I heard my family or predecessors say that the farther you go, the better your qualifications are and the greater your achievements in the future. 

"Old Moon Chen Bo." The elder took the list and named the first person. 

The river is wide but not deep, barely up to a teenager's knees. Chen Bo with a serious face, set foot on the river flower sea. 

At once he felt an invisible pressure, as if there were an invisible wall in front of him, blocking his progress. 

When it was difficult to walk, a bright spot suddenly floated in the sea of flowers beside the foot, and the spot was very thin, showing a plain white color. 

The radiance gathered the past towards Chen Bo and threw it into his body. 

Chen Bo instantly felt the pressure drop dramatically. The invisible wall suddenly became soft. 

He gritted his teeth and pushed his way in. After three steps, the pressure in front of him increased again, just like the wall before, and he could not enter any more. 

Seeing this scene, the old sigh, on the spot while recording, while said: "Guyue Chen Bo, three steps, no teacher quality." Next, the ancient crescent Pavilion." 

Chen Bo's face suddenly turned pale, he bit his teeth, crossed the river and returned to his original place. Without qualifications, you can only live as a mortal in the future, and you can only be the lowest status in the family. 

His body was crumbling, and the blow was so great that it killed the hope of a lifetime. 

Many people cast pity eyes on him, and more people were concerned about the second teenager who landed on the other side. 

It is a pity that this teenager can only move forward four steps and is also not qualified. 

Not everyone has the aptitude to practice. Generally speaking, if five out of ten people can practice, it is good enough. In the Guyue family, the proportion is even higher, reaching six people. 

This is because Guyue ancestor, that is, a generation of patriarch, is a famous legendary strong, because of the practice of his blood to hide the bearing of power genes. The Guyue people are generally more qualified because they have his blood. 

Two consecutive unqualified situation, so that the other old people are secretly concerned about the face ugly, that is, old and heavy Guyue patriarch, also slightly frowns. 

At this time, the old schoolhouse called out the third name: "Ancient moon Mobei." 

'Yes! A horse-faced young man in sackcloth gave a soft drink and stood out. 

He was tall, much stronger than his peers, with a hint of toughness. 

Three or two steps across the river, set foot on the opposite bank. 

Ten steps, twenty steps, thirty steps, a faint light fell into his body. 

I walked until I took 36 steps, and I couldn't go any further. 

The young people across the shore looked dumbfounded, and the old school family cried out with joy: "Good, ancient moon Mobei, B qualification, come here, let me see your Yuan Sea." 

Ancient moon mobei then returned to the old side of the school home, the latter stretched out his hand, put on the shoulders of the young, closed his eyes and probed for a while, then withdrew his hand, nodded, and recorded on the paper: "Ancient moon mobei, Yuan sea sixty-six percent, can vigorously cultivate." 

This qualification from top to bottom, divided into A, B, C and D four grades. 

A young man of Grade D qualification, training for three years, can be promoted to a senior prank teacher, become the cornerstone of the family. 

A teenager with C qualifications, trained for two years, can mostly become a second turn of the master, and become the backbone of the family. 

A Class B qualification, to be taken care of. Often as the future of the family old training, six or seven years of effort, can become a three-turn master. 

As for A-level qualifications, the whole family is lucky to have even one. To care carefully, tilt resources, ten years or so will be able to become a four-turn master, then can compete for the patriarch position! 

That is to say, as long as the Guyue Mobei grows up, it is the home of the Guyue family in the future. No wonder the elders of the school laughed with joy, and the elderly who were secretly concerned all breathed a sigh of relief, and then cast envious eyes to one of the elderly. 

This old is also a horse face, it is the Guyue Mobei grandpa Guyue Moo dust. His face was already rippling with a smile, and he took a defiant look at his old enemy: "Well, my grandson is not bad, Guyue Chian." 

Old old moon red hair, at this time cold hum, did not answer, the face is very gloomy is ugly. 

Half an hour later, half of the young people have set foot on the sea of flowers, there are a lot of C, D qualifications, of course, no qualifications accounted for almost half. 

"Alas, the blood is getting thinner and thinner, and over the years, the family has not appeared several four-turn strong, to enhance the blood." The fourth generation of the patriarch is the only five-turn strong, but the result and the flower wine traveler died together, leaving no blood descendants. The qualifications of the younger generation of Guyue are getting weaker and weaker." The patriarch sighed deeply. 

At this time, the old school family shouted: "Ancient moon Akagi." 

Hear this name, the old people have looked to Guyuecilian, this is Guyuecilian's grandson. 

Furutsuki Akagi was short, pockmarked, holding his fists, sweating, and particularly nervous. 

He stepped on to the other side, and the points of light poured into his body, and he walked thirty-six steps in a row, and then he stopped. 

"Another B!" The schoolboys were always Shouting. 

The young men were stirring up, and they cast envious eyes to the ancient moon Akagi. 

"Ha ha ha, thirty-six steps, thirty-six steps!" Guyue Chi Lian shouted, demonstration to stare at the Guyue desert dust. 

This time it was the turn of the ancient moon dust to be livid. 

"Ancient moon Akagi..." In the crowd, Fang Yuan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 

In my memory, he was severely punished by his people for cheating in the initiation ceremony. 

In fact, his qualification is only grade C, but his grandfather Gu Yuecilian faked for him, so he has the illusion of Grade B qualification. 

In fact, to cheat, Fang Yuan has dozens of schemes in mind, and some schemes are more perfect than Guyue Akagi. If you show class B, or class A qualifications, you must be vigorously cultivated by the family. 

But for one thing, the time of Fang Yuan's rebirth is too short, and it is difficult to prepare cheating means in his situation. 

Second, even if the cheating is successful, the speed of practice in the future cannot be covered up, and it will still be revealed. 

And this Guyue Akagi is different, his grandfather is Guyue Chilian, is one of the two most powerful families in the family, can cover for him. 

"Guyue Chilian has always been hostile to Guyue Mo-dust, and these two families are the two largest forces in the family." To crush his opponents, he needs his grandson to be qualified. It is also because he is behind the cover, Guyue Akagi can hide for a while. If it hadn't been for the accident, it wouldn't have been exposed." 

Fang Yuan eyes flashing fine mang, thinking about how to use this to seek the greatest benefits? 

Expose on the spot, although it will get a little reward from the family, but it will offend the powerful Guyue Chi Lian, never advisable. 

And no blackmail any time soon. Because the strength is too low, but will bring its own disaster. 

While thinking about it, I suddenly heard the old schoolhouse call out his name: "Guyue Fang Source!"