
Great Alchemist - GOT

Alexander suddenly found himself in the body of a master of the alchemists' guild in GOT, he gained advanced knowledge of the true art of alchemy as a gift of transmigration, no longer playing with fire, as he now mastered true alchemy, potions of healing and strength , transmutation or even create homunculus soldiers, why not help the mad king stay in power to increase his guild status Now alexander is lord rossart and hand of the king

Jade_beauty_tits · TV
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12 Chs

The Sad End of Tywin Lannister

The region where the bombers attacked was completely destroyed, nearby houses and even the ground were destroyed, fortunately it did not affect any important location.

Rossart and his men were checking for any survivors.

although there are a few lucky ones who survived but the number was small and after nearly half an hour of checking just over 80 men were still alive

"great master, look this giant looks alive" Belis shouted

Rossart approached to check and saw a very large man on the ground, his body was brutally burned to the point that the steel of the armor melted into the flesh, his face was totally disfigured but somehow that man was still breathing

'gregor clegane.....no wonder he was the man with the greatest physical strength in the world, managed to live in that state until now' thought Rossart

Rossart naturally recognized the man, only Clegane could be that tall.

Rossart seemed to think of something, then turned and spoke

"Get this man too, but not from an E-tier healing potion, just an F-tier one to keep him alive, I have another plan for him" Rossart told Belis

Rossart knew that Gregor should have killed Aegon and abused Elia at this point if not for him, he didn't want to hand this aberration back to the Lannisters as the common surviving soldiers.

However, Rossart felt it would be a waste to just kill Gregor, so why not create a "zombie" Gregor again?

And then to use this new Gregor as a soldier to protect the future young king would be an ironic fate, Gregor who was supposed to kill Aegon would now stand by him and protect him.

After deciding to perform this ironic little act, Rossart continued to look for

Finally the most important person was found, but he was no longer breathing.

Tywin Lannister's corpse was taken to Rossart

the old lion's body was missing an arm and a leg, but strangely his face was intact, albeit dirty, soon Rossart saw Tywin's body

Rossart suddenly felt a little pride, in his first battle he actually defeated and killed perhaps the greatest living military leader in Westeros.

"Take Tywin's body, use preservatives and clean the body, treat this man's body with respect" Rossart ordered

Rossart ordered this because it was important to trade Tywin's body with the West

'so just deal with Kevan, Jaime is alive and well so he will be the natural heir....besides keeping Jaime in line will be easy, just summon Tyrion to the capital as a hostage, Jaime should be the only one who loves that one poor dwarf' thought Rossart

with that all the danger of the western region was resolved and a historic victory took place.

'However, there is still one more battle to win, Robert is recovering, but soon he must march here, so just kill him and this stupid war is over!' Rossart

"Garigus, go with the rest of the gold robes and start recruiting strong men from the townspeople, we need to resupply all 2000 gold robes soldiers" Rossart ordered

After finishing everything, Rossart still asked that all the dead men be cremated, the few survivors were rescued and taken to the dungeon.

Jaime Lannister was comfortable and calm in a dungeon cell, but when he saw about 80 men being arrested he recognized some, no doubt his father's soldiers.

A feeling of sadness filled Jaime's heart, some tears fell, even without knowing anything he had a terrible feeling.