

"Wake up, Dipper, come on! Don't be a party pooper!" I groaned in annoyance, and looked up at Mabel, wondering why she was so excited about today. Well, she's excited about every day, but she seemed the most excited about today. "Why?" I asked, sitting up, and rubbing at my eyes. She frowned. "Don't you remember?" I raised an eyebrow, and looked at her calendar, then realized what today was. "O-our birthday?" I guessed, and she nodded, smiling. "And the anniversary of Bill's defeat!" "Don't remind me." I complained, and hopped out of bed, getting ready for the day. But something about today felt...off. I could've sworn our birthday wasn't for another three months. I thought, throwing on my blue jacket, my hat, and my shoes. Am I going crazy? Or have those three months just flown by without me realizing? I went downstairs, and into the kitchen, greeted by Grunkle Stan. "Hey, Dipper!" He'd recovered his full memory, thankfully. "Morning." I told him, taking my seat at the table. Mabel came in a minute later, wearing her pink sweater with the shooting star. "Mabel! How's it hanging?" "Good! How's your morning?" Grunkle Stan set four plates on the table. "Not bad, actually. And don't think I've forgotten what today is, you knuckleheads!" "Happy birthday to the twins!" Ford strode into the room, dressed in his usual cloak, his hands hidden behind his back. "Morning, Ford!" Mabel and I greeted. Stan piled all the plates with some pancakes. Then he sat down, and Ford joined him, before they both shared a knowing look with each other. Mabel poured syrup on her pancakes. I eyed the two old men. "What's going on here? You two know something." "Oh, we just know that your both going to love these presents!" Before I could respond to that, he brought his hands in front of him, revealing two bags filled with tissue paper. One was pink and the other was blue. "Go on, open them!" Ford told us, sliding the bags across the table. We opened them without question. And what I found inside wasn't what I'd been expecting.