
Life's Solace

The head maid Yingying was setting the breakfast table when she saw the sect leader coming.

The sect leader was wearing a traditional Chinese dress in a deep red colour, the fabric of the dress was thick and layers were pleated in a dainty manner. She was blessed with a healthy body and a nice face, her almond-shaped eyes were dark and her lips were a deep pink.

She had a short bob hairstyle that was parted to the side and she had adorned her head with a matching red flower accessory. Her skin was fair, almost porcelain in its colouration, indicating she was about forty years old. She wore pearls and simple silver jewellery, the combination of the colours making her look elegant and sophisticated. Her posture was dignified, and she practised grace in her every movement.

The head maid bowed instantly as she greeted, ''Sect leader Wang Yuling''.

''Where are my sons?'' Sect leader asked politely.

''Elder Master Jiang Guangyi is inside the hall discussing some important matters and young Master Jiang Xudong went out of the main house early in the morning''. Yingying reported.

He was sitting at the head of the long main hall, surrounded by officials and members of his entourage.

He was wearing a set of imperial robes of varying shades of brightly coloured silk, adorned with gold thread embroidery and jade embellishments. His head was crowned with a large and impressive headdress, indicative of a wealthy and powerful man.

His aura was of a commanding presence, a man of authority and power who wasn't afraid to use it as his mother Wang Yuling.

Despite his arrogance, all stood in his presence with respect and admiration - they knew not to cross him. Every word spoken was met with attentive ears, and no one dared to talk over him or contradict his words. He commanded the room with a combination of commanding presence and keen intelligence that few of them could match.

Despite the occasionally haughty tone, there was no denying he was a formidable presence with a mysterious yet handsome air about him.

Calling one of his servants, he handed him and letter and said, ''Send this letter to Master Wu He and tell him to read it thoroughly''.

As he spoke, he gestured with his hands, raising his chin slightly in an expression of superiority. His voice was clipped and to the point, and he expected that every word he said would be obeyed.

He was outwardly threatening another official with a piece of information he had received secretly—a dangerous move, as he was aware that the consequences couldn't be undone.

He seemed to be daring the official to defy him and just as quickly, he would move on. There was a quiet intimidation in the air, as it seemed that with the mere snap of his fingers, he could bring down any who dare oppose him. Despite his arrogance, he could also be surprisingly charming when he chose to be, but at the end of the day, his true nature would always come through.

Looking at the person sitting next to him, Jiang Guangyi said, ''Tell the lady not to meet Master Wu He anymore and leave the sect as soon as possible. My man will shift her to a much safe place''.

When the officials left the hall, Master Jiang Guangyi called his personnel retainer and ordered, ''Fan Peng go and meet Master Wu He and tell him that if I show the letters and amount of treasury he had spent to his wife and children, that man would be homeless''.

''Yes master''. Fan Peng immediately left.

Leaving the main hall, he went to meet his mother, the sect leader.

''Mother!'' Greeting his mother and kissing her hand, Master Jiang Guangyi settled in front of her. ''I thought you would have left for the joint meeting in the imperial city''.

Sect leader Wang Yuling sighed, ''How could I leave the upcoming event's preparations solely on your wife''.

''Jiaxin Xu is making preparations for Jiang Xudongs birthday?'' He asked carelessly and in return, Madam Wang Yuling nodded her head.

''Anyways, I have secured Master Wu He's support. There's no one left to oppose in the meeting, you can rest now''. He informed his mother.

Madam Wang's hand holding the teapot stopped and a wide smile appeared on her face. ''How are you so vigilant while your young brother stirs trouble for me everywhere?''

Jiang Guangyi smiled, ''Leave him, mother. He's still young''.

Madam Wang thought something and then placed her warm hand on Jiang Guangyi's hand firmly, ''My son, why don't you leave the sect matters to me and work hard to improve your cultivation maybe a God might notice you''.

Jiang Guangyi spoke calmly, ''Mother, how many times I have told you that what inspires me is the throne? I have no interest in ascending''.

Before his mother could say anything, he said, ''Nothing makes me inferior to Jiang Xicheng. Even if he lived a life in the heavens as God's favoured one, now he's nothing but a murderer''.

Madam Wang Yuling nodded her head.

''Mother, I can take care of anything if it involves you and my brother''. Jiang Guangyi said with a slight smile.

''But you can't discipline the servants. They ruin my clothes and misplace my favourite dip pens''.

The two turned around to look at the source of the voice and it was the young master Jiang Xudong standing beside them with a sneer on his face.

Apparently, the servants accidentally washed his clothes with strong soap and while cleaning his room, someone misplaced his favourite calligraphy dip pens.

Jiang Guangyi couldn't help but smile at his brother, ''I will discipline them but why don't you leave your childish habits and start improving your sword skills''.

The youth sat with him and said, ''Why do I need to pick a sword when I have my brother to protect me''.

''There will be a time in life when I won't be beside you, so you need to be ready for whatever comes with the future''. Jiang Guanyi scolded him lightly.