
Chapter 15

[I don't know what I'm doing]

The result in Imperishable night is Kaguya losing her five treasures and she got beaten up by Mokou


A week or two has passed since the incident

Kusa can be seen hugging Marisa in the bed

When Kusa suddenly perk up making Marisa wakes up

Kusa: I felt a great disturbance in the Force

Marisa sits up in the bed

Kusa: Ah... sorry did I wake you up?

Marisa: it's fine...

Marisa rubs her eyes making the clothes slide off exposing her left shoulder

Kusa saw this scene and she smiles

Kusa: you know, I didn't think I like girls until I see you...

Marisa: ehh? That's  so sudden

Kusa: you made me gay...

Kusa kissed Marisa on the lips

Kusa: and I like it

Marisa blushes and hits Kusa with a pillow

Marisa: it's still an early idiot!

Kusa laughter heartily at Marisa's reaction

They take a bath and eat some breakfast

Marisa: What do you mean about you sense a disturbance in the force?

Kusa: you will know after I opened the door


The outside is full of flowers different colours and different types

Marisa: ehh?! Did you do this?

Kusa: Nope

Marisa: then why are they are here?!!

Kusa: who knows... (all I know is They are annoying as fvk)

Marisa: maybe this Is an Incident! Let's find Reimu!

Kusa: okay...

Kusa turns into her tiny form and hops into Marisa

They fly towards the sky


Marisa: Is it just I or the whole Gensokyo is filled with flowers?

Kusa: it's just you...

Marisa squishes Kusa's cheeks

Marisa: I see...

Kusa flails her arms because she can't talk with the current situation


In the Shrine Reimu is troubled because the unusual Flowers in the shrine

Marisa: Reimu!

Reimu: Marisa?

Marisa: even in the shrine there are flowers?

Reimu: Yes... I want to say its Yuuka is the one that did it but if you look closely The plants can move without the presence of the wind

Reimu: means they are sentient by far

Kusa: ohh! It seems you aren't the impulsive Reimu that I knew...

Reimu: well... you become my second teacher and teach me a lot of things

Reimu: I'm very grateful for that

Kusa makes a small handkerchief and wipes her imaginary tears

Kusa: you are truly grown-up...

Marisa nudge Kusa's back

Marisa: should we find someone who knows what happened?

Reimu: Yes, that is probably the best course of action currently

Marisa: then let's go


The two people can be seen flying high up I'm the sky

Kusa: could you wait here for a minute I need to greet someone

Marisa and Reimu sees Yuuka on the ground

Marisa: just make it quick

Kusa: I will!

Kusa Jumps is currently sky diving and she become an adult she creates a green sun in her hand


Meanwhile, Yuuka is having fun because of the abundance of flowers

Yuuka: though it's kind of odd but who cares I'm just having a great time

Yuuka: Why is there a green light all of the sudden

When Yuuka looked up she is suddenly meet a green giant Orb




Kusa: I think I greeted her nicely let's go!

Marisa sighs and Reimu is just amused by Kusa and they continued their Travel

Leaving the twitching green girl in the ground


They first arrived in the misty Lake and saw a blue fairy playing

They approached the fairy

Kusa: Cirno! Do you know what happened?

Cirno: Kusa?... let me think for a moment

She is thinking hard

Cirno: if I remember this exactly what happened 60 years ago

Kusa: you remember that long!!!

Cirno throws a piece of ice in their direction

Cirno: just because I'm carefree doesn't mean I'm an idiot!

Kusa: sorry I thought you are an idiot too...

Cirno: you will take back what you said!


Cirno can be seen drowning in the lake again

Reimu: I guess let's move on

Marisa: you should make up with Cirno

Kusa: I will, she will forget everything when I gave her a basket of Lychee, Strawberry and grapes

Marisa: I guess that counts...


The group  are flying aimlessly and they heard someone singing

Mysta: A duck carries a leek and...

It's a girl that has Grey eyes, pink hair, pointed ears like an owl, light pink bird-like wings with purple highlights. Dresses in white and brown clothing. Hat and dress contain numerous bird-shaped ornaments.

▪︎Mysta Lorelei▪︎

Mysta: It's coming~ Ah~ it's coming~

Kusa: your voice is annoying as ever

Mysta: Huh?! Oh... it's you Kusa I thought its a mosquito for a second

Kusa: I'm pretty sure you aren't involved with the accident because you are such an idiot than Cirno

Mysta: then let's find out!


Mysta can be seen faceplanting with plants on her back

Kusa: sorry I got carried away

Reimu: it's fine...

Marisa: though How many yokai and humans do you know?

Kusa: I probably meet the majority of them

Marisa: so that's why you are missing sometimes

Kusa: what can I say, I have connections towards the surroundings


The group flies

Reimu: Even flying above the clouds...

Reimu: There's nothing that can be a hint

Marisa: Maybe they are ghosts and decided to become flowers?

Kusa: (No wonder I've become a grass, did I want to become a grass?)

*keyboard sounds*

Kusa: Hmm?

The group see the sounds coming from a girl that wears red clothing, is a keyboardist, and is the third sister. She has brown eyes, short light brown hair

▪︎Lyrica Prismriver▪︎

Reimu: you are alone today?!

Lyrica: I'm not alone, I just want to have a solo concert

Reimu: still it's very rare to see you being alone

Lyrica shrugs and looks at them

Lyrica: you want to hear me play?

Kusa: sure! We didn't get clues anyway

Lyrica: !!!

Lyrica: I'll make sure you won't regret it!!!

Lyrica is playing her instrument while the three people are relaxing


Lyrica: thank you for listening!

They bid farewell and they continued their search

Kusa: she is good

Marisa: I agree with you

Reimu: with the three of them no wonder they are popular

Kusa: Let's continue finding clues!
