
Granger's big adventure.

Journey among the dinosaurs

Rashida_Carter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

chapter vl

they are not landing. Said, Dean, the dino birds are flying overhead, they dinos fight with the Albertosaurus, Dryptosaurus,

Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus are over and they went on their own way.

" let's get a move on guys, said. Granger, " we back ⬅️ in business the Albertosaurus is going East, said. Pete. They got in the jeep and left 👈. " okay 😔 we got a herd of Hadrosaurus, said. Dean. " we probably going to be running 🏃 into a Spinosaurus

, said. Dean, " then we have to go around. said, Henry. " then we will avoid them, said. Granger, they drive through the pond and up the valley floor, and through a herd of Barapasauruses. " (stay on point we need to film 🎥 the Albertosaurus guys,