

Blanco a Superhuman , a very rascal superhuman was transported to another world with his son, Red a smart young lad to another world, by a wish , connecting both worlds together... Join this Rascal Father and his son to venture on this new world, along falling in love to someone that resembles his dead Wife, Empress Glycemia as they flirt on first sight, but developed to something Genuine... However, danger lurks in this world and its destruction. WARNING: Sexual Content/Swearing/Violence, not suitable to very young audiences

ErnyJRC · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Arc1: The Starting Adventures of a Rascal Father and Son 1/2

Chapter 1: The Gem Core

1. Blanco and Red, find themselves on a pristine forest pastures, the gushing waterfalls and the extra vibrancy of the colors, flowering trees and flowers…

It's Spring Time.

"Get away!" shouted by a man as Blanco and Red looks back. A 20 meter Gigantic… Blue gem Ratfish/Rat hybrid creature stares at them.

Blanco grabs Red as the Gem 20 meter Monster slaps its Tail at them. "Son… I'm sorry." Said Blanco as He throws Red away, embracing the Impact of the Gem monster's tail.

2. "DADDD!" shouted Red as the Man stops him. The smoke fades away As Blanco holds the tail as he cracks it. Blanco looks pissed off as he punches the tail breaking it.= "Arggggh!" shouted Blanco as he jumps very high and kicks the Rat head of the Gem monster as he bulldozes down to the Core, of a feint Blue Core about 10 feet big as he grabs it and throw it out. The Gem monster started to crumble in Teal blue sand then changes to crimson pink sand.

3. Blanco inhales and exhales as his body overheats, then started to fade away. The man was in shock, looking at them as he rubs his ring. A Crystalline Screen appears as he puts it in his ear.

"Hello, Gregory Villalobos Reporting… No, I'm safe, I lured the Garnet Gemlord away… Yes we have this core, a Color Change Garnet…And you won't believe what I encountered!' said Greg. Blanco rubs Red's hair. Red was in shock. "Dad… are you some sort of…Superhuman?" asked Red.

"I'm sorry, you have to see that." Said Blanco. "Wow… You are something…" said Greg as he raises his hand. "I'm Gregory Villalobos, Greg…" said Greg. "I'm Blanco, and This is my kid Red…" said Blanco.

4. "Huh… King Noir? No..No…Wow,Just wow… Anyways…even the Teenage kid was like Burg when we are young. You two sure are not… From the Krayon clan?" asked Greg as he rubs his hazel eyes in disbelief or confusion.

"I'm pretty sure no, Me and my son will be going, thanks" said Blanco as they walk towards a village. Red notices the sign board screens. "English… It's English and all alphabets… Time is Army time, 13:01…" said Red. He looks back.

Red notices a Board… a QUEST BOARD.

"Dad, look a QUEST BOARD! Literally!" said Red.

"Oh, you earn money by completing Quests… Imma pick this 2000gold ones…" said Blanco. It says "Collect Dragon Scales… 5 pieces, emerald Dragon of Cherry Blossom mountains." Said Blanco. Red looks at his dad. Red looks around the Map, It says: Mountain District… Oh, Cherry Blossom Mountain…View!" said Red. Blanco Takes another note.

5. "We need to lie low dad… And You did not tell me anything…Geez." Said Red. "I know, I know, I'm sorry…" said Red. "Let's get some simple ones…" said Red as he takes a Delivery Request. "Hunt and Delivery Class C, Subject: Live Chicken Rex… Bring a Chicken Rex… 50 Gold and 50 Silver coins." Said Red.

"Fine." Said Blanco as they walk by the Mountain View Plaza, looking at the Colors of Pink, White, Yellow,Fuschia Pink and Carnation Pink Stone fruit trees with Flower beddings. A witch riding a Roomba looks at them.

6. Wow! Can I take photos of you two? I'll pay 5 silver!" said the Witch. "Okay!" said Blanco. "Fine…" said Red. The witch jumps out of her Roomba as she rubs her ring, a Screen appears. "Hey Girls! I found 2 pretty men again, WitchTag!" said By her as The screen Flashes. "Oh You two are so Handsome, especially your older brother!He's kinda look like King Noir's twin…" said the Witch.

"He's my dad." Said Red. "Oooh… I'm sorry, your wife must be nearby…"said by the Witch. "Uhm… I'm a widower…" said Blanco. "Oooh… My-my…" said by the witch. "I gotta go. My Hex sisters are waiting for me…I'm Sunflower, what's your names?" asked Sunflower. "Red and this is my Dad Blanco…" said Red as Sunflower hands them 10 silver coins. "Laters!" said Sunflower as she flies away with her Roomba.

7. "The people started to look at them. Red sees a Library. "Dad! There!" said Red as they go inside the Library. A White Tigerman beastfolk looks at them. "Wow! So fluffy!" said Blanco. "Don't call me Fluffy…" said the Tigerman. "Can we burry some map and animal encyclopedia?" asked Red.

8. "Wow, at least you brother is well mannered…" said The Tigerman. "Sorry…I really mean, your fluffy, it seems you are talking care very well of your fur, very shiny Mr.Tiger…" said Blanco. The tiger looks away a little and say, "I'm a Liger…" said by him. "Even Better!" said Blanco. "Oh, no wonder you're a big Warrior… Liger genes doesn't have a growth stopper unlike Lions and Tigers, so technically you can be two times bigger! " said Blanco. He shows his Teal Uniform with Cyan Sash.

9. "I'm actually a Scholar… Not a Fighter class, but yes, I can do front line fighting…" said The White Ligerbeastman. "Mhhh... I wanna fight you someday… Never fought a Ligerbeastman before…" said Blanco. The Ligerbeastman stands up. Towering him at 2.8 meters while Blanco is 2 meters tall. Blanco looked serious. "Name's Kunis…" said the Ligerbeastman. "Blanco…" replied Blanco as they go outside. "Let's bet… If I win, you'll hand me 10 gold pieces if I lose, I give you 1 gold pieces…" said Blanco.

"Dad! Stop it!" said Red. "Get ready sunkissed pretty boy… We will be in the Mountain view arena…Wow, you look a lot like… Master Noir…" said Kunis as they walk few meters away to a 40 by 40 feet arena. Red sighs as the people looks at them. 'Got me curious, who's Noir? King? Master?" asked Blanco.

10. "Focus, we will brawl Pretty boy… So get ready!" said Kunis as he takes on a Tiger Kung Fu stance. Blanco Gets ready with his Kick Boxing Stance.

A Pink Plum blossom slowly floats by as it drops.

Blanco disappears. Kunis was punches in the stomach as he was tossed out the arena. Kunis fainted. "Dad! Why are you violent?!" shouted Red. "What! We need money and I'm hungry!" said Blanco. Red runs to his dad, Jumps and slaps his Dad in the back of his head. "Aw! Hey!" said Blanco. Sunflower the Roomba witch lands to them. "Wew… Kunis, baby…" said Sunflower as she laughs. "Oh tome of Protection, Grant me Restoration: HEAL IV!" said Sunflower.

11. "Oh She have Magic using books…" said Red. Kunis shines in soft white Light. He stands up. "Damn it…I lost…" said Kunis as he takes something from his Cyan tiger MASK bag. He pulls out a tall staff. Then he pulls a bag of coins. "I have that gut feeling that you are something else… I was right… Anyways, Enjoy your coins… King's Doppleganger." Said Kunis as he and Sunflower goes away.

Red goes to Blanco. He notices Sunflower's Green Dragon MASK bag. "They have a magic bag that seems to have some storage capacity vs. looks… Like a Bag sachelle Bag with MASKS"said Red. "I see…" said Blanco as they walk by a shop. Red looks at a MASK BAG but with Human masks. "How much is that?" asked Red. "5 gold coins, MASK Bag… It changes at your birth month, Let it be Early Spring, Mid Summer or Late Winter and so on…" said the Dwarf shopkeeper. "Mhhh. Should we take one?" asked Blanco.

12. "Yes, since it has unknown capacity…" said Red. "Oh, No, It has a capacity of 100 5 meter by 5meter by 5 meter rooms with 100 rooms and 10 tons capacity…It's not limitless you know…" said the Dwarf. Blanco looks at the dwarf carefully… The dwarf was a female dwarf with side burns. He looks around, the Male dwarves has full beard. The female either have side burns and beards but no moustache.

So are the Male elves looking like handsome androgynous men, and so are the females, androgynous women, only different in heights and no eye facial hairs. The beastfolk and varies from Full anthrophomorphic to humans with animal ears and tail.

"Okay! I'll take one!" said Red. Blanco gives him 5 gold coins. Red takes the Mask bag as the MASK bag turns into a Yellow Dog MASK BAG. Red puts his hand into it. "Oh! It's deep! He moves his hand, changing the Storage unit. "Wow… It's like a swipe screen…" said Red. "Mhhh… I was expecting to have Vampires, Zombies and other races…" said Blanco. "Oh! Most of them is in Undercity District because morning…" said The Dwarf as she curiously looks at Blanco. "Yes, yes, I look like Noir…" said Blanco.

13. "Oh, You're a Krayon Clan?" asked the dwarf. "I think so…" said Blanco. He and Red goes away. "Okay… Now… We need a Map! A General one…" said Red. The go to another both with Crystals. Teenage elves runs to the shop and seem to both some small crystals and ate it like candy. Blanco stomach's grumble. "We need food…" said Blanco. They saw a Convinience store. They go inside. A Koi Merfolk looks at them.

"Good Morning, welcome to 69/420…" said the Koi merman. Blanco smirks. Red squint's his eyes. "Haha, very funny dad, very funny…" said Red. The Koi Merman laughs. Blanco laughs. The point at each other. "Okay! Do you have some Hamburger or hotdogs?" asked Blanco. "Yes sir, what Hot Dog meat you like? Vegan Mandrake Dog, Fish Tunashark Dog, Beef Bison Burger, Pork Fireboar Burger or Chicken Rex Dog?" asked the Koi merman.

14. "Chicken Rex dog!" said Blanco. "That would be 1 silver and 5 copper…" said Blanco. "Make it 2…" said Red as Blanco gives 3 silver coins. The Koi merman give them some footlong hotdogs "Oh okay…" said Blanco. "Hey, Can we buy drinks too?" asked Blanco. "Sure… Our special for the day is Peach and Cherry Elixirs… 1 silver each." said The Koi merman. Blanco thinks a little and gives him a gold coin. The Koi merman gives him 98 silver coins. "Ten-Ten-Hundred…" said Blanco. As they go outside.

They rest under a Blossoming Cherry tree as the look at the Pink and Orange sunset hitting the City and shores in front of the mountain. "This place is very beautiful…" said Blanco. Greg walks by as he waves at them. They wave back. Greg sinks in the shadows as he pops up at Blanco's Shadows. "Wait, where do you two live?" asked Greg. "We're new here… We kind off… camping outside perhaps? Or find an inn." Said Blanco.

15. "Oh! How about, join me… In the Hutt on Shoreline District! G.W. also wants you two to go to his Tower for a reward defeating the Blue Garnet Gemlord…" said Greg. "Oh, why not." Said Red. "Okay then…" Blanco looks at his Quest Note: "In the morning we will find some chicken Rex…" said Blanco. "Hahaha, those monsters, they are Big lizard like birds…" said Greg as they started to walk towards the shore paths. Looking at the slowly vanilla twilight skies and sea. As the City started to turn on different colored lights, such beauty awes Red as he pauses. Remembering his boring life in the Town, to a newer more colorful one. "Red!" said Blanco. "Coming!" said Red. Blanco rubs his left eye as his blue right eyes slowly becomes green.

In the Castle halls. A Beautiful Silver haired Empress, stern,posied and stoic with Gray eyes stares at the Ocean and the Vanilla twighlight skies as she feels something. "Noir?" asked her as she looks back on the Direction of Blanco. "I must be imagining…" said by her.

Chapter 2: The Second Chance

1. Inside the Hutt, it looks like a mediterean Hutt with few floors. Greg rubs the crystal as it projects a T.V. Screen. "Whoa, what's that?" asked Blanco. "Vision Crystal." Said Greg as he rubs another orb with a Crystal floating inside. Then the lights turns on, and Crystal that releases icy air. "Oh! Nice!" said Blanco as he removes his shirt. 'Sorry, I still feel a bit hot because I used my abilities too much…" said Blanco.

Greg looks at his muscular body. "Wow, you seem to be a soldier of sorts…" said Greg. "Thanks… I work very well on my body…" said Blanco as he flexes. Greg flexes too. They look at the mirror. Greg removes his Shirt as the Flex in the mirror. Red sighs as he goes to the couch and lay down.

2. Blanco yawns. I think Imma take a nap…" said Blanco as he goes to the couch and snuggle Red. "Mhhhh… my Baby boy is tired…" said Blanco. Red pushes him away as Red moves to another couch. "But baby boy! Daddy wants snuggles!" said Blanco. "Fuck off dad! I'm not a kid anymore!" said Red softly and angrily. Greg laughs. "You two are close, I kinda envy you two… My dad…biological dad is very cold…" said Greg as he sips tea. He takes out some construction shirt and wear it.

Red snores. Blanco laughs softly. "I guess he really is tired…" said Blanco. Greg gives him pillows and Blanket. Blanco gives Red a Pillow and Tuck him in. Then cover him with a blanket and kiss him in the forehead.

3. "So we're you two from?" asked Greg. "Uhhhh, USA?" asked Blanco. "United Southern Assemblage?" asked Greg. "Yes!" said Blanco. "Oh, Emperor Fenrir Villalobos… How was he?" asked Greg. "He's… fine???" asked Greg. "I see. Uncle Fenrir is really very fine…" said Greg as he takes out another A-shirt. He gives it to Blanco. "Thanks." Blanco wears it. "I better sleep too…" said Blanco as he lays down and close his eyes. Greg smiles as he goes outside. A Black Lionbeastman goes out from his Shadow. "Mhhh… It's too early to tell… Anyways. Empress Glycemia will be moving you to as Academia's Coach… Please prepare…" said Abeco as he slaps Greg in the face.

"Sacrificing yourself for your unit is unacceptable… The Empress lost her Husband, some of our generals, lots of our soldiers since 5 years ago… I'll be moving you're just lucky some MONSTER, saved you this time… We have too much bad news already, Greg. Now. I order you to keep an eye on THIS MONSTER…" Said Abeco as he sinks in the shadows.

4. Greg sighs as he goes up to the second floor. With pictures of Him, the Liger beastman and a half elf blonde girl, as young teens along with few more teens in teams of three. Then With them and someone that Look exactly like Blanco but with Brown Hair and Green eyes. He was stern, stoic and very attractive. He seems to be a Paladin of sorts. Greg sighs as he sleeps.

The next morning. Red wakes up. He stands up. And looks around. Blanco was sleeping boxer brief naked again with his clothes on the floor. She sighs. Red slaps his face as he covers his dad with a Blanket. Red yawns again. Greg was in the kitchen cooking. "Oh, you're awake…uhm… Who are you again?" Asked Greg. "Red. Yes, My dad's favorite color is Red because my Mother was a Redhead…" said Red. Greg laughs and asks, "What you're mother looks like?" asked Greg. "Hard to explain…I think I have a picture of her tho…" said Red as he opens his MASK bag. He shows his Phone. Greg was shocked. "Emp...Empress Glycemia?!" said by Greg.

5. "Huh? Really?" asked Red. Greg shows him a Picture by a Crsytallline Screen. "Cool..what's this technology?" asked Red. "Mana Screen… Here, This is Empress Glycemia." Said Greg. It's the Empress on the window, with the silver hair, stoic stern beautiful look. "She looks like my mom…" said Red. "Wow… Lemmi see your photos!" said Greg. "Sorry, Low bat." Said Red. "Okay then… Oh! How about join me, I will be going to my Girlfriend's house and market, let's buy grocery, so I can tour you in town…" said Greg. They go out. Red inhales the seashore air. Sunflower and Kunis was in the Bench.

"Kunis! Sunflower! Join us!" said Greg. "Oh it's that new kid… Hey there!" said Sunflower. "Oh well, it's way too early to start in the Library…" said Kunis. They walk around the Sea plaza. It looks like the city scape in Greece. A Blonde Elf with quite a boobs and voluptuous body and long hair looks at them. "Ara-ara(My,My)!" said by here.

6. "Maize… This is Red… His dad saved me Last time…" said Greg. Red looks at maize, she is tall, has voluptuous body unlike the elves, looks more of… "A Half Elf?" asked Red. "Oh, Ara! Such a smart teen! Yes! You see I have eyebrows…" said by her. Red hide's on Greg's back. "Hey! Maize, stop intimidating the newbie!" said Greg.

"Oh well! Let's go to the Market!" said Maize. "Sunflower… How was the Undercity?" asked Greg. "Oh well, you know… We are preparing for the Night Class students. It's almost Mid Spring, so 2nd classers…" said Sunflower. "Eep… The Mountain District too… Oh! The Spring festival from 32-40!" said Kunis. Greg goes away and buy ingredients. "Damn, I can't wait on Greg's cooking!" said Kunis. "I hope Greg honeybear is fine… I'm worried…" said Maize. Sunflower sighs.

7. "Maize… This is Red… His dad saved me Last time…" said Greg. Red looks at maize, she is tall, has voluptuous body unlike the elves, looks more of… "A Half Elf?" asked Red. "Oh, Ara! Such a smart teen! Yes! You see I have eyebrows…" said by her. Red hide's on Greg's back. "Hey! Maize, stop intimidating the newbie!" said Greg.

"Oh well! Let's go to the Market!" said Maize. "Sunflower… How was the Undercity?" asked Greg. "Oh well, you know… We are preparing for the Night Class students. It's almost Mid Spring, so 2nd classers…" said Sunflower. "Eep… The Mountain District too… Oh! The Spring festival from 32-40!" said Kunis. Greg goes away and buy ingredients. "Damn, I can't wait on Greg's cooking!" said Kunis.

"I hope Greg honeybear is fine… I'm worried…" said Maize. Sunflower sighs. "I am too… But, Greg can handle this… Let's have breakfast with Greg…" said Kunis. Red seems concerned.

8. In the Hutt. Someone knocks on the door. "Hello? Gregory?" The door opens. "Oh! Pardon me, I…" said by Glycemia as she goes inside. He sees the naked Blanco on his belly down on the couch. "Oh… Oh my!" said Glycemia as she looks at his butt on his black boxer briefs. She looks away as she peeks again. She cover herself with a fan. "Glycemia…stop being… Unglamorous…" said Glycemia softly.

Blanco lays on his back as he covers his face with his arm. Glycemia peeks again as she takes the blanket and cover him with it and his something bulging in the morning, but she can't stop looking at his abs. She blushes as she walks upstairs. Blanco giggles. Blanco wears his a-shirt and pants.

9. Glycemia looks at the Photos as she slowly smile. Especially the Big Portrait of her and King Noir. She touches it and smile. "It's 5 years now my love…" said Glyscemia. She checks the rooms, it was well kept. "Greg sure is a good at house keeping…" said by her as she looks at the Portrait of her, Abeco, Noir, a White Lion Beastman, a younger Greg, Maize, Kunis with 5 other kids, A dwarf girl, an Elf with steel skin and white hair, one that looks like Red, someone that looks like related to Red and Blanco, and a Southeast Asian looking girl with blue eyes.

She smiles as she goes downstairs. Blanco was sitting in the couch as he says, "Hello there…" said Blanco. Glycemia froze. Blanco looks at her. "Oh my Good Lord, you look like Honey!" said Blanco.

10. Greg,R ed,Maize and the others goes inside. "Gregory, Uhm… My Creator… I'm lost of Words… I mean, I received the reports of someone that Looks like a Krayon Clan Member, I did not expect someone that looks a lot like my husband… Anyways, I am Empress Glycemia…Welcome to Oz…" said by her as they go in the Kitchen. Sat down. Queen Glycemia covers half of her face with a fan.

Red stares at her. "Wow, you look a lot like my mother…" said Red. "Oh… You look like Lord Burgundy too… and your dad… kind off… I'm sorry, even your left eye is the same color as his eyes…" said Glycemia. Red looks at Blanco's left eye. "What the... dad your eye, it's green! Your left eye… there" said Red. Blanco goes to the mirror. "Wow, I now have heterochromia…" said Blanco.

11. "It bugs me too… I mean, He looks like a sunkissed version of the King, he even have that look that melt's a female's heart." Said Sunflower. "I'm actually a Half Latino… You know, my Name is Blanco Carbonado…" said Blanco. "Oh! I thought you are a Krayon…" said Kunis. "We're distant relatives…" said Red. "No wonder…" said Sunflower. Greg goes to them with the Food.

"Sweet Thistle Salad… Fireboar Bacon , Emu Egg Omellete, Cheesy Garlic Bread and Shepard's Pie… The day will be stacked, It's King Noir's Death anniversary… Cheers to Us, To our Guild Mother, Empress Glycemia, and Guild Father, King Noir…" said Greg. They eat as they talk about things.

12. After they eat. "Thank you… White Iris Guild… I must go, It's almost 9am… Thank you." Said Glycemia as she goes out. Twelve People in Uniform looks at them. Glycemia sighs as she snaps her Finger, a magic circle below them appears as they are teleported. Blanco was saddened a little as they prepare. Kunis and Sunflower left. "We have a bath in the 2nd floor… It's a hot bath with herbal and sulfuric minerals…" said Greg. "Oh, why not…But I don't have clothes…" said Blanco. "Mhhh… SYSTEMS: SCAN" said Greg as a Magical Square appears on the ground. It shines in Cyan then disappears as a Cyan manacreen appears. Greg reads it.

"Oh… Not just a look alike, but You have the same proportions as King Noir… Maybe I will order some clothes…" said Greg as he goes on the window. He rubs his ring as a mana screen appears.

13. He calls, "Hello, yes… I will send measurements, send me clothes… Yes… Also underwear and sucks, footwear too a shoe, a sandal and flipflops… No, 1 Business attire, 1 casual attire and a bunch of 3 shirts and shorts… Blue ,Cyan and White on the larger measurement , red, brown and white on the smaller measurement… Okay, okay… Thank you." Said Greg as the Manascreen disappears. Few minutes Later. A Dwarf girl was carrying a box on the door.

"Thank you for ordering at Where's Wear…" said by her as she rubs her beard. She looks at Blanco she blushes. "Lord Greg, is he the rumored Krayon? He looks a lot like the handsome king!" said by her. "Yes, yes… Anyways…here's 50 gold coins…" keep the change." Said Greg. "Thank you!" said By her as she snaps her finger creating a magic circle as she teleports.

14. "Wait…It's 9:30, do you have work to do?" asked Red. "Well… Treating the guests… You two are branded as Guests by the Palace… and… I will be observing you…" said Greg. "Okay…" said Red. They go upstairs. "Here's your room…" said Greg as he hands a box to Red. "And Here's for you…" said Greg as he hands another one to Blanco.

"There are bathrooms their too if you want to have a separate bathrooms. I'll be using the communal hot bath, you can join if you wanted too…" said Greg. Red takes out a towel. Blanco takes out a towel too. Greg opens the door. They join him. Greg rubs the orbs. Blue, then Red, then Orange then Green and Lastly white.

'Wow! This look like Japanese hot springs!" said Red.

"No wonder you prefer this bathing area… It has a good city and sea view too! And an open roof! Wow… It's like a resort!" said Blanco.

15. "Oh! This has a unique cool feature! Censoring white orbs! Cool isn't it?! I made this you thought me how… too… Nevermind. Sorry."said Greg as his excitement flows down.

He removes his clothes then his shorts. Leaving his tightly whiteys

"You really worked your body pretty well!" said Blanco. "Same to you!" said Greg. Blanco removes his clothes except his boxer briefs. Red was in his blue boxer briefs.

"Oh! I forgot! I mean this feature!" said Greg as he removes his underwear, revealing a censoring white light. "Tadahhh!" said Greg. "Wow…" said Blanco as he and Red applauds. He turns back and flex, even his butt was censored by the light.

"That was very cool! Like in anime!" said Red. Blanco removes his boxer briefs.

He looks down. "Whoa! Look Red! I can even do the helicopter" said Blanco.

Red punches his dad on the ribs. "Dad! CAN YOU ACT MATURE!" said Red. "Aw! Hey!" said Blanco.

16. They plunge into the bath. Red observes the Orbs, then the circuitry on the walls… like computer chips but gigantic and fine, almost invisible. "Wait, how does your Magic work here? I heard, Oz has quite the Magic and mana usage…" said Red pretending he knows anything.

"Oh… Oz has advance Mana Technology, Artifical Manacites and Mana crystals are used to power most things… I mean, not everyone can use Magic, but everyone has Mana stored in them." Said Greg. "Thus Oz have people that move objects with their mind?" asked Red. "Psychics? Yes. It's one of the 9 basic Class." Said Greg. He looks up to the two moons, one Red one Magenta.

17. "What's the King like?" asked Blanco. Red looks at Blanco. "King Noir? He's… Kind, Silent, Stoic and Stern… but very caring… The way you take care of your son, is like the way he takes care of us… He looks a lot like you, Its uncanny. He has Brown Hair and all green eyes… Maybe a stubble from time to time, and he sometimes grow beard for MidWinter Festival. "I can't grow a Long beard tho…man now I'm envious." Said Blanco.

Greg laughs a little. "In a way, you personality wise are opposites… But, I don't know why, I feel, like King Noir is still here… Because of you…" said Greg as he smiles a little then took his towel and dry himself. "We better prepare too Dad." Said Red as they stand up and Dry themselves in front of the mirror. Greg and Blanco starts to flex in the mirror . They start to laugh.

18. Red wraps the towel to his waist down and go to his room. He looks at the clothes, he takes the navy pants and Blue shorts. He inspects more, few pairs of boxer briefs. Something even softer than cotton. Later he brushes his teeth looks at the toilet. Like a modern Toilet. A Shower, a Bathtub. He wears his new clothes as he goes out and wait for Greg and Blanco. Blanco goes out in his room in Blue shirt and Black pants and brown shoes he goes downstairs.

Red was inspecting the house. Then Greg appears out of the shadows in a sleeveless hoodie, brown pants and flipflops. They go outside. Red takes out a map. "Okay, So this is The Capitol… We have Shoreline District, Mountain District, Forest City Undercity…an underground city under the Capital… The Wild Plains… Desert Town, They even have Cold Mountains… What are this few Towers Scatted in the area?" asked Red. "They are Dungeons for adventuring, collecting Items like Mana crystal and things of sorts… said Red. Greg corrects Red as he turns the Map upside down. "Oh!OH!!!" said Red.

19. "So Wild plains!Chicken Rex!" said Blanco. "Okay I'll help!" said Greg as a Giant Shadow hole sprouts under them. They sink in the shadows. Greg holds their hands as they move in a gravity less void and sprung on a Shadow with some lights sprinkling in it. "Cool!" said Blanco. They look at the wild plains with lots of flowering field of plants.

"Wow, this is beautiful!" said Red. A 20 foot chicken with dinosaur like tail looks at them. "That's a Chicken Rex… " said Greg. Blanco stretches as he sprints and Tackles two Chicken Rexes. He tackles again another one as he punches another softly. Then he carries them like they were nothing. "Whoa… You have total control too!" said Greg. Red looks at the Emerald Tower. "Okay! Mountain district!" said Blanco. Greg opens a shadow again. They emerged to the Mountain view district. Kunis was outside the library. Blanco takes the chicken Rexes one by one as they cash out their quest.

20. Someone peeks in the shadow of Kunis. "Uncle Abeco…" said Kunis. The yes disappear. Sunflower goes to Kunis. 'I'm kind off happy that Greg looks happy doing his Job… But, That Blanco guy is kinda cute, don't you think?" asked Sunflower. "Cute my ass, that guy is a Monster… It's up for us to keep an eye on them…" said Kunis. Maize walks out a store as she looks at them. "Ara-ara, My honeybear is having a great time, he smiles like that as if…" said by her. "As if King Noir was their… Davion, Greg and Burg was especially close to him, all the 3 team leaders…" said Kunis.

"It seems, the empress is in a good mood too…" said Maize as she looks at her Screen with Glycemia smiling softly as she do Office like duties with few hundred people of different races.

21. In The Palace Halls.

Glycemia was looking at papers. She looks at a bunch of bread that looks like abs. She remember Blanco's 6 pack abs. The people started to get shocked. Some spit their coffee. The Empress Smiles lewdly and frantically with her hands on her face in delight. "My Empress, We can start the Telepathic link now and presume work!" said By a Blonde Half Elf man with Blue eyes and Eyebrows and athletic build.

"Oh, Pardon me!" said Glycemia as she composes herself, her eyes glows in magenta as everyone's eyes glows in magenta then the glow fades. "Okay, Mental link connected! Let's start work! No, Business Department, stalls are increased, Yes, we will celebrate it tonight Noir's death anniversary, No, Emerald Tower and Aquamarine Tower's fairs will retain to 3 gold for young adults and 5 for professional… Oh! The Academia's grounds… And tournaments…" said Glycemia.

22. In the Undercity. Abeco looks at a Dagger with a Violet Crystal blade. "In case of Emergency?" asked by someone in the shadow. "Fuck off." Said Abeco. The man Steps out in the Shadow. Revealing someone that look like a younger version of Blanco with Red hair and Blue eyes and a Teen Elf with White Hair and Green Archer uniform. "Burg… Mind your damn business…" said Abeco. "No, no… I mean, let's make a bet, chill out General… Everyone is watching…" said Burg as he looks serious as his eyes creates a shining gray flare. "Tsk…" said Abeco. "Thank you… This time, trust me and the White Iris…" said Burg as the teleports. The Elf teleports too

Chapter 3: Cityscapes

1. The Elf runs around the Woods. She looks at the noon sun. Red and Blanco was eating on the field. Blanco laughs as Red head chops his dad. The Elf passes by them. "Dad! Stop being the Rascal, she's the Empress and you… just." said Red. "Don't get the wrong Idea, I like her… Not because she looks like your mom… I find her… adorable." said Blanco. "Oh well… Anyways I bought 2 Merlin safety Rings…" said Red.

He gives one to Blanco. Red wears it, it transforms into a Red gem ring. Blanco's Ring transforms into a cyan gem ring. "Then we rub the rings… It will make a Mana card at first." said Red. Blanco Rubs his ring. A Manacard appears. Blanco Carbonado, Class SSS… Scholar/Scientist/Doctor… Press this button using mana to acquire Skill Crystals." Said Blanco. They sigh. "I cannot use Magic or Mana…" said Blanco.

2. "Let me help you with that." Said The Elf. Red looks back. "Oh! Thank you!" said Red. The elf presses their cards with mana. It shines as Red crystal, Cyan Crystal, Blue,Yellow,Green,Magenta,Black,White,Orange and Clear Skill crystals appear. "Oh! Those are the candies!" said Blanco. The pick it while it was flying in the air. The elf looked shocked. "Wow, that's a lot of Skill crystals… Ingest it." Said the Elf as the elf walks away. Greg passes by the Elf.

"Green! Where's Burg?" asked Greg. "Coach Burg is preparing his products for the festival… So, they're the ones under your watch. I admit, they are quite attractive, especially the teen boy, he looks like Coach, quite a lot. The Older guy, is it me or he looks like the King?" said Green. Green looks back. "Even a hotter version of King Noir… Anyways. See you around Lord Greg." said Green. Greg gives her an elixir. "Thanks." Said Green as Green walks towards the Hospital.

3. In the Hospital. The Dwarf in the Portrait on the Hutt was walking in her white uniform. "Serena.. I'm here to visit for the Gray Fever Unit. "Said Green. "This way…" said Serena as they go inside a ward full of People with Gray skin and sleeping. Abeco was sleeping on a chair, nearby White Lionbeastman on the care unit. Then she goes to the room of someone that slightly resembles Blanco,affected by Gray fever.

"Sir Davion, It's me, Green… Sorry, Coach Burg is a bit busy this time… Hope you are doing fine Sir Davion. Her eyes glows in Magenta as it fades. "Hello? Who is there?" said Davion mentally. "It's me Sir Davion…" said Green. "Oh! Green! Thank Crey! You're visits kept me a bit more sane… Burg visited me yesterday, he use a Dream connect so talk lots." Said Davion via Telepathy. "There is a New guy in town, He looks like a Krayon like you, he looks like a hotter version of The King, I heard… He defeated the Blue Garnet Gem lord that invaded few days ago near the Emerald Tower… WITH JUST ONE SWOOP! That man sure is… Pretty and Pretty Dangerous…" said Green.

4. Red and Blanco walks towards a Tower. "So this is it?" asked Blanco. "Yes, The Grand Wizard, G.W. Vermillion is waiting…" said Greg as they go inside. Burg was casualling talking to the Teller. He looks back. "Whoa! So the rumors IS TRUE! Damn, It's uncanny, you can be a doppleganger… A Carbonado, huh. Oh, so you are a distant relative! More of, a closer relative… especially, your son is a mini Me…" said Burg. Blanco laughs. "Ha! You look like me when I was 25…" said Blanco.

"How old are you anyways?' asked Burg. "35... My son is 15." Said Blanco. "No wonder you look young… The King is 37 if he's alive though… Anyways, Imma catch up with you!" said Burg. The people stares at them. Maize looks at them. "Ara-ara! Ohayou (Good morning)" said Maize as She hugs Greg. "Is G.W. vermillion there already?" asked Greg. "Oh, Dinner party later at the Hutt… Burg is preparing this time… Oh sorry, G.W. Vermillion has emergency on the Capital city Seed'Nu… So, They are transferring the Blue Garnet Core…" said Maize. Green goes inside.

5. "Green-chan!" said Maize. "Ohayou Maize-sama!" said Green. "Oh! The two new comers are here… Want to apply for work?" asked Green. "Kind off… Especially ones close to the Empress. They all look at Blanco. "Well, you could apply directly…" said By the Blonde Half elf , the Empress right Hand. "Cornflower Aniki!" said Maize. "Maize, we are not in Nihon, speak Anglish." Said Corn. "Fine fine…Oh! Greg! Also, I have a Quest… We will be helping in Mountain view!" said Maize.

"Oh! We should form a Party!" said Greg. "I'm in! Said Green. "Oh well, since I am here to OBSERVE our Guests…" said Corn, They huddle up. "Red! Blanco! Join in!" said Greg. They all huddle up as they put their hands forward. "SYSTEMS: PARTY!" said Greg. Screens started to appear. They look at the screens. "Wait, You're a Doctor? 4 Classes? What the… I expect you're a Fighter or Cleric-Monk…" said Greg. Blanco chuckles and say.

"I understand nothing…but okay." Said Blanco. "And Red is a Fighter, a Class 1. About right on his age… Next month, Mid Spring, They are having a 2nd Class promotion in the Academia. Maybe let's transfer him via test or merits…" said Greg.

6. Greg looks at his Screen. Okay… Archer: Green, Fighter: Red… Greg Blackguard/Assassin/Ninja,Maize:Archer/Gunner/Sniper, Cornflower…Mage/Wizard/Arc Wizard… Provide us, Support Magic. Kunis walks by to them and huddle. "Team 3 White Iris is not complete without me…" said Kunis. His screen appears.

"And Team 3 member C, Kunis… Kunis, Scholar/Librarian/Monitor… you'll back us up with support Magic, Green, Maize… focus on offensive magic using your elemental arrows and spell casts… Red… uhm, No idea what you can do… Stand and watch or… can you sue enhancement magic?" asked Greg. 'I cannot use magic at all…nor Superhuman liue my dad." Said Red.

"Oh no…" said Greg. Green gives him a Mana gun. "Here… a Mana gun, it has stored mana, Just average Mana bullets… It will automatically absorb your mana with empty so be careful…" said Green. "Thanks." Said Red.

7. Greg analyzes the Screen. "Class SSS and Class C… they are above average and TOO MUCH…" said Greg as he takes out the mana screens and put it in his DOG MASK BAG. Inside the Gigantic Storage rooms. Abeco emerges from the shadows. He looks at the Screens. "What? The…" said Abeco. He sinks in the shadows as he arrive in the Court halls. It looks Busy like a giant office. "Lunch break!" said Glycemia as she claps her hands. Her court people looks tired. "Remember, put on your papers so the next shift was will know where we are…" said Glycemia as Abeco gives her the mana screens. She looked shocked. They go in a private Luxury room, looking like a study with few books. Burg teleports to her side.

8. "I told you your Highness… We can defeat Fallen King Garnet…and Retrieve King Noir's body… and, the Gem core of Guardian Opal and Guardian Amethyst…" said Burg. Glycemia stands up. She thinks and she says, " What if we fail?" asked Glycemia. "Your Highness, We just needed to …distract Fallen Guardian Garnet… Find the Gem Cores… Then wait for Opal and Amethyst to spawn. Then we attack again with their help…" said Burg.

"I hate to agree with you…" said Abeco. "Then we will retrieve Blanco before he took heavy hits…" said Burg. "But how can we handle the Garnet Gemlords?" asked Glycemia. "We won't… Well, more of, I will trap them in the Silent sea… It will took them months to return in the flying archipelago…But first… We should watch, What Corn is viewing in the Emerald tower…" said Burg.

9. Corn was using the orb in his pendant. Blanco notices it, Glycemia's Face was showing. Blanco grins, as He raises his shirt, showing his well built body. Glycemia covers her face with a fan, Then Blanco smiles and wink. "Blanco why are you winking at me?" said Corn as he twirls his hair.

"Oh! Sorry, I just notice… some beauty is watching…" said Blanco.

Burg cuts off the feed.

"Burg! Why are you cutting the feed! We are observing!" said Abeco.

"It's pointless if the Empress is…" said Burg as he points at Glycemia.

Glycemia fainted with blood pouring on her nose. "Your highness!" shouted Abeco. "Just record the Orb feed Cornflower, We'll show it to her later.

10. Glycemia wakes up. "Oh no!" said Glycemia. She looks at the clock. "Damn It's 17:50… more and It's off work… Oh well." Said Glycemia as she remembers Blanco's abs on near view. She smiles lewdly as she giggles. Greg appears on her shadows. "Your highness, We are waiting for you in the Guild Hutt… We are in Celebration Party, Burg set up the party. Green teleports to her. "My Empress, I'm here to fetch you…" said Green.

"Oh, oh well… Greg, Green. I'll go later, I have to change clothes…" said Glycemia. She goes upstairs into her room. Her she took a shower and wear some jogging pants and sleeveless shirt as she ponytail her hair. She wears a hoodie. To cover herself as she flies out of her window and became invisible.

She lands on a Cherry blossom tree near the cliff with the overview of the City. Oh well.

She looks at the City and shore and the sunset.

11. It was full of rainbow colors, not as bright as the cities on earth, but enough to create multiple gem like colors. Looks more of a treasure chest with light, some are very well lighted with light blue light lamps, red fire lamps and yellow lights.

Glycemia opens her locket with King Noir and Her. She cries. "Sorry… I promise, I will burry your body…" said Glycemia.

Blanco drops from the sky into the ground. 'Aw! Aw! Aw! Damn, I almost had it!" said Blanco. Glycemia turns invisible as she gasps. Blanco heard her as he walks closer.

12. "Honey?No… Empress Glycemia?" asked Blanco.

She becomes visible. She looks away and wipe her tears. "Hey…" said by her. Blanco smiles a little and say, "Mhhhh…Hello." Said Blanco, Glycemia stands wipes her tears and smiles. He lifts his shirt, and wipe her tears with it. Glycemia sees his manly abs, she blushes "There there…" said Blanco.

Glycemia blushes as she says,"Your tummy showing…" said by her. "Wanna see it?" asked Blanco. Her face becomes red "I'm kidding!Or am I?" said Blanco as he giggles. She laughs. He laughs. "You even sound and talk like him, but you talk differently… Thanks, I need that…" said Glycemia as she smiles a she flies away.

Blanco smiles and giggles a little. Red runs towards them. "I told you dad! You cannot jump off towards the castle in one leap! We will be going to the library and study!" said Red.

13. In the Hutt. Glycemia landed on the terrace. Serena and Kunis was waiting. "Wait, where are those two going?" asked Glycemia. "They'll be studying with Burg… They will be joining us later." Said Kunis. Serena Writes on her screen. She shows it. "My Empress" they go downstairs. Cornflower and Maize was looking at the Orb's feed. Corn pauses it. "See! SEE! It's like woosh! The Emerald Wyvern cracked in a feel swoop…" said Corn.

"Oh! Oh my his body is hot and overheating, no wonder he removes his shirt!" said Maize. (HOT) was written on Serena's screen. Burg teleports to them. Guys, I'm back…" said Burg. Glycemia goes to the living room. "Wow… It's quite a party…" said Glycemia. Greg goes out from the Shadows , then Abeco. "Let's all start!" said Glycemia as they gather. "Oh our Creator, maker of all, give thy blessings through this daily bounty, Mana." Said Glycemia as they eat. "Your highness… This is the feed…." Said Cornflower.

14. Burg teleports towards a library. "So, I brought food… So what are you two managing to study?" asked Burg. "I'm studying mana usage… Like this Gun… It's says It's an Object type of Mana Usage…" said Red. "Oh! Wait, you can't use magic?" asked Burg. "Nope, neither of us do…" said Red. Blanco opens the Calendar. Mid Summer, Late Summer, Early Autumn… I see, I see, 40 days in total. 1,2,7,8 are red…so is 9,10,15,16 and so on till 40. "Oh, 4 weekends. Wow." Said Blanco.

"Mhhh… I don't have magic circuits too, but maybe, you two want a mana mark called Crest. Unlike natural magic usage, Crest usually forms depending on the user, giving you a chance to use Magic but Limited too what type. They grow with the user too, so, overtime , the crests evolves." Said Burg as he takes a 2 needle like crystals from his Red dog MASK bag. Your hands you two, back of your hands…" said Burg

15. They go to him and raise the back of their hands. Burg pricks them one by one with different needle crystals. The needle was filled with blood as Burg hides it on his MASK bag. Inside the Storage. Abeco appears from the Shadows and took the Bloodied needles as he sinks back. Burg looks at their hands as mark started to form.

"Oh! The MAGICIAN… Like mines… It means you can use every kind of Magic, Let it be Arcane: SECRETS Magic,Scientific,SYSTEMS MAGIC ,White,Black, Brown,Spirit or even Spacetime. Limits, you cannot Use Chi,Chakra but Psywaves is enhanced too…so You can be a psychic now too." Said Burg as he shows his Mark shinning if mana is used. "Mines a Magician too… Let me see yours Mr. Blanco…" said Burg. Blanco shows it to him.

"Oh! The Healer! You can Use all support and healing Magic… Enhancement, White Magic, Curing spells…Defensive Magic…Limits, you cannot use Attack Magic like Fireball, or curse Magic like Abyssal Poison…" said Burg.

16. "Neat!" said Red. "Where are your Skill crystals?" asked Burg. Red took out a pouch of two from his MASK bag a red one and a White one.

"Oh, Red like Red and Blanco like white… Quite an OCD you have…geez." said Burg.

"So what now?" asked Red. Burg grabs few crystals from his bag. Orange ones with white and black. "This is Basic Elemental Magic 1,2,3, White Magic 1, Black Magic 1…" said Burg. "So, what will we do with this?" asked Blanco.

Burg gives him 5 white crystals. Supportive Magic 1,2, Healing Magic 1,2 and Enhancement Magic 1…" said Burg. "Well, the more you drink it, the more you gain skills right? I read it few minutes ago." Said Red.

"Yes… Wait. I'll check on the Hutt." Said Burg as he teleports.

17. They are watching how Blanco just runs wild and smash everything in the Area. "What's the hardness of Emerald and Other Beryl minerals Burgundy?" asked Glycemia. "7.5-8.." said Burg. "It seems Blanco is hard as Diamonds… Look here, I accidentally hit him with a Ruby rock bolt…" said Green. "So, he becomes hard as diamond…" said Glycemia with her cold, stern look. Burg teleports. Blanco laughs as Red chops him in the head.

"We need to study for the entrance exam and Royal Knight written exam, Dad! Like Cornflower said!" said Red. "Excuse me…" said Burg as he grabs Blanco on the shoulder as they teleport.

18. Burg and Blanco teleports to the living room. "Oh! Right! We are having an all-nighter so change of clothes!" said Blanco. He looks at the Empress, Glycemia was eating popcorn. Kunis was laying on the other couch, drunk. Maize looks like she's drunk, so is Greg. Blanco looks at her as she notices him. They look away, blushing. "I saw that!" Said Maize. "Oooh… Do we need a new guild father? I mean they are about the same age…" Said Burg. "It's been five years already… She deserve to be happy." Said Sunflower.

"It's a matter of pride… Squadron; She wants to Burry her husband first. At this point, Blanco, that monster, is giving us the fighting chance to steal the cores, who knows… he can buy more time to find The King's body…" said Abeco.

19. Red goes down from the 2nd floor. "Did you just gave them crest?" asked Abeco. "Yes… The better the fighting chance, the more me have time… Those Mana needles in my bag was theirs… I know you let G.W. Vermillion analyze them…." said Burg. "Damn… I hate when you're right…" said Abeco.

"I have precognitive abilities, what can you expect?" asked Burg as his eyes flares in Gray flare. "We're ready…" said Red to Burg. Burg holds Red and Blanco's shoulder as they teleport. "Damn… we still need to study more…" said Red. "Take it easy, let's chill for a while then back to studying…" said Blanco. "Your dad is right though." Said Burg "Fine." Sai Red as they eat and drink coffee and elixirs.

20. After few hours, Blanco and Red continues studying . "Yes! King Noir was a former Knight, before he became King…" said Red. Blanco reads it. "Wait… Why is Glycemia EMPRESS though, not Queen?" asked Blanco. "Because she is rather a Nephilm Hybrid, Opal was the Guardian Nephilim of the Continent of Oz and King Lazarus Ozman, so in terms other, she's technically a Princess and a Continental Princess..." said Red.

"No, She's THE STRONGEST in the land of Oz… Let alone , one of the most powerful in the world… Granting her Empress, both as a Leader and as a Fighting entity…"said Burg. "Why the King died, though?" asked Blanco. "He sacrificed himself by teleporting the whole army, when we are in the pinch… Then, we never saw him, until we found out… He became a Host body of The Fallen Guardian, Garnet. His Body is somewhere, hidden in the floating archipelago. But, His missing an Eye… A Left green eye." As he looks at Blanco's Green left eye. "Anyways… Keep studying… I'll be going…" said Burg as he disappears. Abeco's eyes peeks in the shadows as he disappears.

21. Red yawns. "That was hectic… Imma sleep in the couch." Said Red. "Good night, I will sleep here…" said Blanco as he turns of the light orb by rubbing it. The Red and Pink moon shines, win white light reflecting them, on a bluish tint of light.

"Oh! Empress Glycemia!" said Burg as he takes out some elixirs and coffee. "Oh, they fall asleep…" said Burg. Glycemia knocks on the door. Burg opens it. "Your highness…" said Burg. She looks at them. "They look burned out." Implied Glycemia as she puts blanket on Red as well as Blanco. B

"We have studied all night long… Quite a smart Bunch…" said Burg as he yawns.

"You are dismissed Lord Burgundy, I shall take care here…" said Glycemia.

"Thank you my Empress…" he exits the Library.

Glycemia looks at Blanco as she sits down next to him. She smiles lays her head and stare at his charming face. Blanco laughs, shocking Glycemia . He faces her, "How are they doing beautiful?" asked Blanco.

He says, "Please stay like this…I want to look at you too…" said Blanco. They giggle as they stare at each other under the moonlight. "Thanks…" said Blanco. "Your welcome…I think" replied Glycemia. The court ladies looked happy for their Empress. "Let's live them alone…" said Burg as they go away.

Chapter 4: Mirror of Oneself.

1. Red yawns. He looks around, Blanco was sleeping with a blanket on the table. He yawns as he sees coffee and some bread. He looks at his mark. He goes down on the courtyard. The Nighshift court people goes out from work. He sees a Vampire Doctor, a Owl birdman and an Orc with Black skin and Red eyes. He looks at the Courtyard. He sees someone that look like General Vermillion. "Grand Wizard Vermillion! The data is ready!" said by a White skinned elf with black hair and gold eyes.

Her uniform was Blue with Blue sash. "Vampire, Dark Elf, Moon Elf, Moon Elf, Owl birdfolk, Cat Beastfolk… A Dragonfolk…" said Red. Kunis sees him. "Oh, Carbonado Sonny!" said Kunis. "It's Red…" said Red. "Hello It's Red…"said Kunis. "Haha… anyways. Who's that?" asked him. "Grand Wizard Vermillion or G.W… He's the one you two are meeting…" said Kunis. G.W. Vermillion walks by them. "Your Grace… This is one of the Guests…" said Kunis.

2. G.W. Vermillions walks by. The Steel Elf in the pictures in the Hutt goes to them. In her Violet and magenta uniform. "Mauve… Bring me the pitcher of my Mana-synth coffee…" said G.W. Vermillion. He opens multiple Mana screens. Mauve sees Red. "Burgundy? Hey! Burg! Why did you transformed into a teen?" asked her. Red hides at the back of Kunis. Burg walks towards them in his Red and Maroon Uniform with Green on her Green archer outfit. "Mauve!" said Burg. She looks at Burg, she looks at Red.

"Whatttt???" said Mauve. She seems confused. "Oh! Mauve! This is Red! Red Carbonado, His one of the Guests, since he is a distant relative, He will be under my jurisdiction along with his Dad…" said Burg. "Ahhh.. He's cute! I remember when You were this cute Chief. I hope Davion will see him soon, he will laugh and laugh and laugh!" said Mauve. A teen Vampire boy walks out with his Albino white skin, red eyes and White hair. "Oh! We must go…" said Mauve. Burg, Green, The Vampire boy and Mauve goes away.

3. Red looks at The Clock… It's a 24 hour clock…it's 8:30. Red goes inside the Library. G.W. Vermillion looked confuse. "No… No. His hair is black and skin is mildly tan…sunkissed." Said G.W. Vermillion. "Very cocky too, a bit of a jerk and joker… Very flirty to the Queen, an exhibitionist… and very cunning, I don't trust him…" said Kunis. "Bruh… I mean you are not wrong though… But geez, that's my dad." said Red.

"Sorry… I was describing my first hand experience with him…" said Kunis. Sunflower goes to them. "Oh good morning!" she yawns. "So describe, him for me…" said G.W. Vermillion. "Well, He is quite kind, a bit of a joker, he tends to make people happy, especially his body… is… Yummy." Said Sunflower.

"Uhm, can you don't lewd my dad, thirsty bitch!" said Red. "Sorry… I mean, he removes his shirt in the Dungeon Tower fight yesterday… He just… Buldoze everything from levels 50-99…" said Sunflower.

4. G.W. Vermillion spits his coffee. "What?" asked G.W. Vermillion. "Wait… why is my dad not walking up?" asked Red. He pinches Blanco. "Dad! Grandpa is here!" said Red. Blanco snores. "Huh?" asked Red.

Inside Blanco's Dream. He was having tea alone. King Noir walks to him, he sat down.

"Oh, King Noir… Glad you're here…" said Blanco. King noir sits down. He looks a lot like Blanco but with a full beard and a longer hair brown. His Left eye was lifeless Gray though. "So, how was my World?" asked Noir. "It's good, it's pretty, It doesn't have Global warming, Nuclear threats… or other things… The air is nice, it not as hot as my world…" said Blanco. "No no, I mean… How was it?" asked Noir. Glycemia… Glycemia seems to miss you a lot… She's drowning herself in work, her only rest time was with the White Iris guild… I hope I could help…" said Blanco.

"You could help her actually… But, will you also help me? Even temporarily?" asked Noir as he stands up and raise arm. Blanco smiles. A Giant woman resembling Glycemia covers them in her glassy hands. "I will be with you for a time being… until my wife fulfilled her mission, Burrying me, retrieving her Mother and Aunt's Gemcore and restoration of my world."

5. Blanco wakes up. His hair turns a very dark brown hue. A stubble grows a little. He yawns as they look at him. "Is it me, or his hair turn a tid bit lighter…" said Sunflower. "Good morning People, what I miss? Vermy?" asked Blanco. "Noir?" asked him. "Oh, It's Blanco…" said Blanco. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you are someone else, General Vermillion doesn't have Brown hair…His blonde" said Blanco.

"Oh! Skill crystals!" said Kunis. "Oh! Damn! I forgot to consume it! Since yesterday!" said Red as he takes the Skill crystals and ate it like candy. Blanco does the same. Sunflower laughs. "What the fuck, why are you eating Skill crystals like Candy?!" said Kunis. "Why not… It's tastes like one…" said Red as he fainted.

Blanco seems to be not affected. "Maybe we'll get a proper sleep, I'm sorry G.W. Vermillion… can we set another meeting tonight?" asked Blanco. "It's my free time so why not…" said G.W. Vermillion as he yawns and goes upstairs.

6. Blanco Carries Red on his Back. "We will go home too…" said Blanco as He jumps towards the shore coast. Sunflower rides her Roomba and flies away. "Byiiie!" said Sunflower. Kunis sighs as he walks to a teleporter.

Greg looks at the calendar. Wow, It's 31 already? Off days." Said Greg as he lays down on the sunbed in the second floor. He lays down on the bed. "Mind if we join in?" asked Blanco. "I don't mind, we used to pile up here when King Noir was sleeping…" said Greg. "You peeps really love him don't you?" asked Blanco. "We do… his just 12 years older but his more like a dad to us…Maybe because he acts very mature, caring and strict but stoic…" said Greg as he yawns and stretches.

7. Kunis goes upstairs too as he yawns and dig himself in the sunbed. "You too?" asked Blanco. "Don't talk…" said Kunis. Burg teleports as he lands on the bed. Blanco laughs. He yawns and sleep. He wakes up, His hair turns brown as he walks around. He looks at the Pictures. "Wow…5 years already…" said by him. Mauve goes upstairs. She reads the psywaves of everyone…"Asleep, Asleep, Sleepy Burg, Asleep, Asleep… Asleep? No I sense two people… King Noir?" asked Mauve.

"I guess I cannot fool you though, Mauve." Said Noir in Blanco's body. "But…how?" asked Mauve. "It's a wish between me and Silica… of What Silica remains…" said by Noir as tears falls on his Green left eye. "I have things to do… Please, don't tell anyone, yet…" said Noir as he teleports. He Teleports on his old room. It contains a chest of Skill crystal and memory crystals. He eats them. As he concentrates. Inside the mind void. Blanco was sitting on the Table. "So, how was my body?" asked Blanco.

8. "It's very well maintained…" said Noir as he removes his clothes and look at the mirror. "Wow, I admit, your body is… very sexy. Glycemia would love abs like this. Impressive man parts too…" said Noir as he looks inside Blanco's boxer briefs. He moves around as he opens his storage. Revealing armors and weapons. Then a Rabbit Mask Bag. He wears it and binds to Blanco's body. As he wears his ring with white gem. The rings merged. "Maybe I'll try using your body's innate ability…" said Noir as he teleports. They found themselves in a floating Island full of metallic and glassy rocks.

9. "Arena of Kings… My ancestor, King Arthur Pendragon's first contract with the Nephilim Garnet and the Armada race…" said Blanco. Inside his mind. "So, you are telling me…" asked Blanco. "This is where it all begun….That's Why It's called, the Arena of Kings…" said Noir. Blanco looks at the Table as he sees pictures of Glycemia and Noir on the Left side of the SUdy, and him Honey and Red on the right walls. He looks at Noir sleeping on the sunbed with Glycemia as the other teens took a picture.

"You did not have a kid on your own?" asked Blanco. Noir picks up a Gray round Stone apparently made of gray silver. "It's only half the size… Only if we have another half of it, even a replication of it…" said Noir. Blanco sits down, "What's that Metallic round Rock?" asked Blanco. "It's an Armada, Graywing… We now have at least 1 of the solutions out of 3 for, I located Graywing's first half, now another half of it, then I need a compatible user to awaken….Since, they cannot , move on their own after Garnet consumed the Armada's Race Core.

"What is that Arm..what For?" asked Blanco. "Graywing's parts was used to create gray fever… diseases that makes people… Stuck in their bodies, only breathing. Many have fallen to it.

10. In the Hospital. Kunis, Greg and Red was downstairs. Abeco was sleeping on a chair next to the Lion Beastman. Red notices it. Kunis gives some flowers next to him. "Next, Davion…" said Kunis. They go inside Davion's room. Red stares at Davion. "He looks a lot like Uncle Davion... Maybe I'll bring dad next Time…" said Red. Kunis give another flower. Red notices the flower was glowing softly as he removes a flower that's Silvery and wilted. Greg stays in the room. "

I will catch up with you guys…" said Greg as he puts a crystal coin next to Davion's bed. "Oh Secrets, Grant me the power to Sleep… SELF HYPNOSIS!" said Greg as Black Magic Circles appears around him. Red look at the flowers, there's a lot of them. "It seems like a lot…" said Red. "Yes… Let's go…" said Kunis as they go to the second floor. It's full of Gray fever patients. The Vampire Lady Doctor was sleeping next to a vampire man with Gray Fever. Red notices the Crystal coin but it's smaller and chipping away as it disappears. She wakes up. The Albino vampire boy goes to her with a vial of blood.

11. Then Kunis exchanges the flowers. Then to next room. "Who was the Lion Beastman that seems to White and the Black Lion beastman seems fund of him?" asked Red. "Alnes Claus… Uncle Abeco's Brother and My Dad…" said Kunis. "Wait… That's why you're a Liger beastman…" said Red. "They look like as if they are trap in time…" said Red. "They are, Their body ages still though, but they need no food nor life support…" said Kunis. "How many was affected by it?" asked Red. 12 thousand people… almost 1 half of the army… But, many succumb to it already… we were too late on some.." said Kunis.

Glycemia looks at the Graveyards as she and G.W.Vermillion puts on some flowers on the Graves

"It was too late for the 8000+ people, because they are both severely wounded before they catch up with the Gray Fever, Some just weaken overtime, and some… Just, died suddenly. "What happened 5 years ago then?" asked Red to Kunis

12. It was a Crusade, against the Fallen Nephilim Garnet…" said Noir. He sits down as he looks at the sky.

"There where about 30,000 strong of us towards the Battlefield, We are there to Defeat The Fallen Nephilm Garnet and retrieve the Gem cores of Amethyst, Southern Assemblage's Guardian Nephilim, And This continent's Guardian Nephilim…Opal, Glycemia's mother… Activate their Grandbooks so Mana could circulate properly…" said Noir as He takes a flower and smell it. It was the same flower as Kunis was giving.

In the Hospital. Kunis looks back to Red. "That was the First plan though… But… We did not expect the Garnet Sisters appearing, 30 meter tall Gemlord monsters made from different Garnets and Variation of Ratfish-Rodent shapes along with the smaller Garnet Golems… Glycemia protected us from the Sisters, but we are wiped out… We run, but fallen in the Gray mist that causes gray fever…this… It was the last ditch effort of King Noir to teleport all of us, using his last remaining Mana." Said Kunis as he adds, "He said—"

13. "Take care of Glycemia for me. I hand Glycemia over To Gregory and the Others… My bag, my armor… As a last ditched effort… I use my MASS TELEPORTATION to teleport all of them… Back in Oz, my Army, The USA army…" said Noir.

In the Hospital "We got back… only with few casualties… at first… Until, the gray fever kicked in…" as Kunis hands the flower. Mauve goes inside. "We are quite lucky we survived… Then, no one dared again to attack the Floating archipelago. Only to find out… The Fallen Nephilim, attacked us instead…" Said Kunis as he points a Broken tower. "That's The Opal GRANDTOWER… It can only be reconstructed If the GRANDBOOK of POTENTIAL… And Mana will flow naturally…." said Kunis. "So what will happen to mana in this world?" asked Red.

14. "It will manifest as disasters, like monsters out of no where, Gemcore animals out of nowhere, Natural disasters like Firestorms… Silicate rains…" said Kunis. "I'm pretty sure nothing of that are natural…" said Red. "That's why we need to restore it as much as possible… We are pressured too, since the destruction of the GrandTower of Opal 4 years ago…" said Kunis. He sighs as he takes the gray silver wilted flower. Burg teleports as he exchange the flowers with new ones as take the old ones.

In the Arena of Kings. Noir sighs. "I got what I needed…" said Noir. Blanco sighs and asks, "You are not even greeting Glycemia? On how much she misses you? She's been crying her tears out…man. We can basically teleport to her right now." Said Blanco. "I miss her too, but being here… Will make her miss me more, and not forgiving herself even more, I love her, I don't want to burden her, She's my one and only Sugarflower… and…" said Noir. "How about, Pretend to be me and just say high and hello…" said Blanco. Noir smiles as he teleports to the Castlehall. Red and Kunis sees him. "Blanco! Hey! Can you help us with this?" asked Kunis. "Maybe later, I shall be visiting The Empress to greet her Good Afternoon."

15. "No rub Red's hair so he will not suspect anything and say, Later Crocodile…" said Blanco inside the Mindspace.

Noir Rub's Red's hair. "Hey! Stop it!" said Red. "Later crocodile!" said Noir. "Now, What quests do we have?" asked Red to Kunis. Burg teleports to them. "Oh! Manaclothes store Delivery…"said Burg. "What are manaclothes?" asked Red. "It's clothes made from your own mana via Blood Magic, Mana Technology… Basically, you make artificial manacite from blood then made into threads… The Manaclothes change when The user wants it to change but uses mana when used 1% concentration per hour…" said Burg. "Maybe Tommorrow, I mean it's cool, but I need to study places even more…" said Red. "Okay…" said Burg as He joins them. Green runs to them. "I'll join!" said Green.

16. Noir goes inside the Courtyard Gardens. Glycemia is having tea and lunch with Abeco, G.W. Vermillion and Abeco as he yawns. Greg jumps out of the Shadows as he yawns. Noir looks at her wife as Glycemia's hair flows with the wind. She faces him. "Hello there…" said Glycemia. "Sugarflower…" said Noir as his hair turns black and all his eyes turns blue… Blanco found himself back to his body.

"Oh for crying out loud… Noir.." said Blanco silently. Noir seems to be asleep inside his Mindscape, sitting on the table, snoring. "Oh well, Hello." Said Blanco. "Join us!" said G.W. Vermillion. Blanco sits down. "Oh, you wanna join us… as Royal Guard?" asked G.W. Vermillion. "Wait? What?" asked Abeco. "Cornflower gave me your records yesterday… I look into it, why Not. Empress Glycemia , is it fine to you?" asked G.W. Vermillion. Blanco and Glycemia blushes. They look at each other then giggle, as they slowly look away. "I'm fine with this…" said Glycemia. "Don't tell it's Burg's idea?" asked Abeco. G.W. Vermillion drinks his coffee. "BURGUNDY!!!" shouted Abeco.

17. Red and Burg sneezes. "You two got flu?" asked Green. "Nope…" said Red and Burg. Kunis laughs. "First we will be in… Wait… lemmi see, Fountain District." Said Kunis "Roger that! Everyone pull my finger!" said Burg. Red looks disappointed and say, "You will fart won't you?" asked Red. Green Pulls Burg's finger. Kunis Pulls burg's finger. Red pulls Burg's finger as he farts as they teleport in the Fountain district. It was at the south of the Shoreline Coast. "Oh so that's why it's called the fountain district…" said Red.

They look at the Area, it was full of Channels and fountains. Mermaid and waterloving beastfolk, Lizardfolk and Merfolk was swimming in it and some are using boats. "Okay… we will be swimming and things the same so, let's change clothes." Said Burg. "But I did not bring my swim attire, because we will get wet, moist and dirty…" said Burg. Green punches Burg in the stomach. "Phrase is decently Coach, you are a Lord for goodness sake! Crey!" said Green. "Geez Green, That hurts!" said Burg as he casts healing magic to himself. They all go to the changing room. "Oh! No worries mini me! I bought you a water proof buttoned shirt and swimming shorts.

18. "Coach has Precognition ability, he can see in the future…" said Green. "Oh! Seeing the future is a nice ability…" said Red. They go to the changing room. Kunis and Burg removes their clothes. Red felt insecure seeing their bodies. Kunis looks like a tough towering strong man, while Burg resembles more like a model like Blanco's body. Change up dude!" said Burg. Red goes inside the stall. "Wait… if he too sensitive? Ha! Teenagers… like you when we are still teens…" said Kunis. "Yup…" said Burg.

Later they go out. Kunis was in a black trunks, while Burg and Red was in matching black swimming shorts and Palm tree hawaiin shirt, Burg was unbuttoned though. "Ahhh so cute!" said Green in her green monokini with yellow shorts. Burg goes near Red as he took a Selfie using his manascreen. "Selfie!" said Burg. As they walk the channels with knee length crystal clear waters.

Red looks down as he sees underwater buildings and Swimming merpeople , otter beastfolk, whalebeastfolk and few marine mammals and fishes.

19. "Hey!" said Red. "Come on, you are basically a mini version of me… My fiancé will love this picture!" said Burg. "Kyaah! So cute!" said Green as she hugs Red. "Hey! Hey!" said Red. "We're almost the same age… Wait, I'm older!" said Green.

"How old are you?" asked Red. "I'm 16…" said Green. "Oh, I'm 16 this year too.. In Nov… 11th month!" said Red. "You mean Mid Winter?" asked Burg. "Yes." Said Red. A Seaserpent Lizardman looks at them. "Oh! White Iris people, Hello!" said by him. They wave. "So it's here…" said Kunis as they stop by a Chasm. There is a lizardman that seemed to be drowned. Someone casts a magic as he was revived in white light. The lizardman spews liquids from his body. An Elf with Blue skin and Navy blue hair looks from above with her Blue bikini looks at them.

20. "Oh! You can second class this year too! Coach Burg! Let's apply him in the Capitol Academia!" said Green. "Oh, I'm applying for scholarship there…" said Red. "Oh." Said Green. Kunis signs the Elf above them. "What Elves are they those in Blue swimsuits?" asked Red. "Sea Elves… They're one of the Police force here since they are both mobile in water and land. A Tan skinned half Elf emerges from the water as she says… "BOOK OF POWER: Sa kapangyarihan ng True Love, First Love, Puppy Love at Pa-asa! OMNI BOOST!" said by her as a Book glowing in Red appears mid air. Then disappears.

As The Sea Elves glows in different hues. "Yellow! Kunichiwa(Good afternoon)" said Green. "Magandang hapon!(Good Afternoon)" as she swims back in the water. "Oh Yellow! So Did you passed again with flying colors?" asked Kunis. "Yeah… but.. I don't know if I could work in a team though…" said Yellow as she splashes out the water and jump to them in her Yellow and white Monokini and white shorts. "Red this Tan skinned Blonde half elf is Yellow, she's from The Philip Isalnds… She will be joining us tomorrow in magic practice…She's an expert in White and Light Magic…" said Green.

21. "Are you a Crayon, I mean, you are as handsome as Sir Burgundy…" said Yellow. "Kind off…" said Red. The Sea Elves Jumps out of the Water along by a Penguin… 2 meter Penguin with no humanoid features. He waddles around as he seems to be talking. "Oh! Principal Blissfoot! We are looking for you!" said Kunis. "Principal?" asked Red. "Oh! My Batch 2015 kids!" said Blissfoot. "What is Principal's Race?" asked Red.

"Magical Animals…They are the pre-coursers of Animalfolks… Very ancient." Said Red. "Principal Blissfoot, this is Red, he will be joining the exams tomorrow… And Also, A Deliver…" said Burg as he takes out a Magical Orb from his bag. "Oh! Oh!!! Your Blood Red Refined Manacite! It will power the campus for 5 years! What a bargain! Here! 10,000 gold…" said Blissfoot as he takes out a card and give it to Burg. "So, I'm leaving since your my only appointment… Adios(Bye)" as Blissfoot flies away, swimming in the air. "I'm lost of words…" said Red.

22. Blanco,Abeco and G.W. Vermillion was tailing Glycemia in the Undercity. It looks like a city with lots of nightlights and darkness mixing together. A Zombie man walks by them as he waves. They wave back. A Stitched Monster walks towards them as he asks, "Welcome to the Undercity my Empress…" said by him. "Pleasure is mine…" said Glycemia as they continue walking. "Wow, this look like a night city…" said Blanco. An Elf with Pale skin and fully black eyes looks at them, they are in uniform of Blacks and Some Magenta-Violet.

"What Elves are those?" asked Blanco. "Dark Elves… They are this District's secondary Police force. A Floating Corpse looks at them. "My Empress" as he bows and floats away. The Female Vampire Doctor, The Teenage Vampire boy and a Blonde armless vampire girl walks by them as they are laughing. "Oh! Orchid! Is Jet and Lilac joining the tests tomorrow?" asked Greg. "Oh! Yes! My son and Stepdaughter will do great in the Academia!" said Orchid. "My empress, Have a good day off!" said Orchid as they bow and walk away. "What are we doing here anyways?" asked Blanco.

"We are installing a Refined Red Blood Manacite to power the City for a year… Most of them here cannot use Mana unless one is alive, a lich or Moon elves and dark elves…" said Greg.

23. "Oh, I visit here from time to time, some of my friends are Wraiths , Ghosts or Vampires…" said Glycemia. "Oh, I never knew, coz you seem to have, a royal taste…" said G.W. Vermillion. "Oh come on… You are friends with few Lich, Undead and Necromancers… " said Glycemia. "Of course, I did not expect you are not as snobby as most royals I know…" said G.W. Vermillion. A Skeleton parades in the streets along with Zombies dancing to music. "We are here!" said Glycemia as they go inside. Abeco and Blanco Guards outside the house. "Wow, I thought Undercity would be spooky, but it's lively…" said Blanco.

"It was once spooky, no lights, full of thugs, even the races are against us, but when King Lazarus Ozman…He improved the city… It became a tourist spot know, Look at the tourists there… Then real live haunted houses, and even film sets for zombies to play as zombies… They keep having purpose even if they died years ago…" said Abeco. Sunflower sees them. "Hey-ho!" said Sunflower along with her Hex sisters of different races. "Oh my crey! He is yummy!" said by them as they took picture of Blanco. "Here!" said by them as they hand 1 gold each (12) "Uhm, Thanks." Said Blanco.

24. "Laters!" said Sunflower as they ride on… Vacuum cleaners, Roombas, Air filters and Foam Mops. "The Hex Sisters are bunch of weirdos…" said Abeco. "By the way, why you and The King seem close…" asked Blanco. "King Noir is my foster Brother… We grew together, well, I am 10 years older than him… So his a little brother to me and Alnes. He was kind, but very strong willed too… We thought him everything we knew…"said Abeco.

As he looks at the Graveyard. Some Necromancer was talking to a zombie. The Zombie nods as they go away. A cat beastwoman jumps out of Abeco's shadow. "General… Emergency… Shore Coast district…" said by her. "Monster, please guard the Empress…" said by him as they sink in the shadows. Greg appears out of the Shadows. He gives him some coffee. "Thanks…" said Blanco. "So what's bugging you?" asked Greg. "It bugs me why The King cannot teleport back… Didn't he have mana potions?" asked Blanco. Greg laughs as he started to cry. "King Noir is a dumbass! Why he did not drink some mana potion to come back…" said Greg as he breaks down crying. Blanco rubs his head. "There there…" said Blanco.

"It's Not…If you deplete your mana, you will be unconscious for few hours…" said Noir in the mindscape.

"Sorry I was too naïve…" said Blanco. "It's fine… You became unconscious for few hours…" said Noir. "Then what happened then?" asked Blanco in his mind. "When I woke up…I was dead in a White Void, a floating spirit.Then, in the mirror, then here…

25. Inside the House. The Banshee looks at them. She sighs and asked, "You want to summon the soul of your husband, My dear empress?" asked by her as she floats around. She takes an orb. "My Empress… Let me divine the soul, if it still lingers… BOOK OF SECRETS: REVEAL THINE SOUL, DEATH MAGIC:RECALL!" said the Lich. As a Book shines in Blue appears out of thin air.

Another Book shines in Cyan."BOOK OF SYSTEMS: INCREASE POWER AND RANGE TO GLOBAL, SEARCH MAGIC:WORLD OVERHAUL!" said G.W. Vermillion as their Books shines even harder. "BOOK OF POTENTIALS: HERE ME OUT! MAGNIFY THEIR POTENTIAL:OMNIBOOST MAX!" said Glycemia as Her Book shines in Amber glow. Then it stopped. "He's… he's soul is nearby, but inside someone else's body…" said the Lich as she looks at the window. "That guy…" said by her as they look at Blanco. Blanco faces them with his Blue eye and Green eye.

"No, That's Blanco! He just look a lot like Noir! Even… their names are parallel .. of.. COLORS…" said Glycemia as she remembers him saying "Sugarflower…" said Glycemia.