
Grand Theft Auto: Newburg

"Did you get the game? Alright, fire up the PS3!" "Grand Theft Auto: Newburg" is an action-dramedy based on the Grand Theft Auto series created by Rockstar Games. Set in the winter of 1996 the story follows Donald Remus and John Slater, two men, who after accidentally ruining a major drug deal, are indebted to Jack Napier, a powerful drug lord and gang leader. As a result, they are forced to do work for Napier's gang, known as "Full Deck." They are used by the corruption of the Newburg Police Department, mainly the D.R.E. (Drug Response Enforcement) unit led by Officers Ward, Lowery, and Pulaski as they use the unit to manipulate and threaten anyone who tries to step up to them. Their hell is a 5-borough city steeped in grit and crime, tainted with gangs, mafias, shady politicians, and power-hungry celebrities. Amidst this chaos, Remus and Slater attempt to make and expand their gang and survive the sinister streets of Newburg, San Andreas.

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16 Chs

Mission 4: Law and Disorder

Date: November 25, 1996

Location: Pinewood Inn, Newburg, San Andreas

"Remus, wake up," Slater said gently, tapping Remus to wake him up. "Remusss," Slater said once more. "Oh, for fok sake, REMUS!" Slater Yelled. "OH FUCK, THEY'RE IN THE TREES, DUCK!!!" Remus yelled after flying out of his bed. Remus looked around the room only to see slater. "Dammit, boy, you don't do that shit to us old folks...whew, I need a cigarette" Remus said as he grabs a pack of cigarettes out. "Here want one?" Remus asked, "Ohh, no thanks, I got my nicotine gum" Slater said back to Remus. "Nicotine what? Nevermind, let's take a trip uptown. I need some new clothes" Remus said, "Ohhh I agree, I also need to shower. I smell like I'm fermenting" Slater said as the two headed out the door.

Remus and Slater get into their car and drove off. "Ight, lets take a stop at Sub Urban" Remus said, "Jeh, not that cheap, Remus" Slater said mockingly. "Look son, our budget is what ever the hell we got in our wallets, we only got this money untill I can try to get ahold of the police and get us out of this mess" Remus said to Slater. As they pilled into the clothing department. The two men head inside, unaware that they were being watched by Officer Ward. "What the hell are those two doin'?" Ward pulls the car to a separate parking lot.

After coming out, Remus was now sporting new pants, a hawaiian shirt, a trench coat and a fedora, and Slater was wearing a black black zip up sweater and a black beanie that says "CANADA". "These mother fuckers, don't know style" Ward says...as he is wearing a very retro and out dated police outfit.

The two men walk to their car and start to drive to the Kinzua river walk, Ward starts to follow them. After they pull up, Remus and Slater get out and start to walk to an old structure. "This here is where I keep my stash" Slater says as her grabs a few bags of weed. Ward walks up to the structure and kicks the door down. "NEWBURG POLICE, YOU MOVE YOU DIE!" Ward yelled. "Turn around and face me gentlemen." Remus and Ward turn around, "Remus? What the hell are you doing with this here druggie?" Ward asked, acting surprised "Heyyyy" Slater said angered. "Look Ward, me and Slater here have been through hell these last two nights" Remus said. "Yeah, I saw you last night, yall done caused about $2k worth of damage and caused traffic to be backed up for 6 hours!" Yelled Ward. "What the fok are you talking 'bout?" Slater asked. "Remus and Jack Napier went on a Westvillain killing spree last night" Ward said. Slater looked at Remus "Shit old man, didn't think you would be a killer" Slater said "Look it was just the one time ight, I was forced...wait, Ward how do you know Napier?" Remus asked. "Napier is a very powerful drug lord that pretty much owns this city" Ward said. "Whats in those bags?" Ward asked Slater. "Uhhhh, oregano" Slater said as Ward walks over. "Huh, seems like all this here is evidence, hand them over" Ward said. Slater looked at Ward "Look, weed is legal here, I dont thin-" Ward pulled his gun out and aimed it at Slater "GIVE. ME. THE. WEED...NOW!" Ward yelled. "Shiii you ain't even gotta tell me twice, sir here you go" Slater said handing the weed to Ward. "Good, now the both of you, get in the car" Ward said. "No, we can't be seen affiliated with the police, Napier will have us hunted down," Remus said. "And? Like I give a shit. Get your asses in the car" Ward said more sternly. Remus and Slater reluctantly got in the back of the police car.

Ward started driving the two down to Napier's crib. Once there, Ward had the two follow him in. "JACK NEVAL NAPIER!" Ward yelled. "Now who the fuck is using my government name" Napier said as he looks at Ward, Remus and Slater. Napier pulled his gun out and aimed it at Remus and Slater. "YOU TWO DONE RATTED ME OUT?!" Napier yelled. Ward quickly took out his gun and shot Napier's gun out of his hand. "Napier, I don't give a fuck about you using these two unless vagabonds" Ward says. Remus looked at Ward "WHAT?!" Remus yelled. "Look Napier, I just need these two for a bit, capeesh" Ward said. "What is up with yall and sayin' capeesh" Remus asked. "You wanna use my men, it's gonna cost ya, pig" Napier said. "My men will back down from Westville so that your little group can go and take care of the Westvillains" Ward said. "Deal" Napier said.

"Alright boys, get your asses moving, we got shit to do" Ward yelled to Remus and Slater. The 3 men get to the police car and start to zoom off. "So you are not going to save us?" Remus asked Ward. "Remus, I don't care about yall, I just need you to do a job for me" Ward said. "Ugh, shit, what?" Remus asked begrudgingly. "There is a law attorney over at the FIB building, he is going to try and testify against one of the fine officers in our unit. I need yall to take this here evil green plant and plant it in his office" Ward said, holding the bag of weed he stole from Slater. "You are actually pure scum Ward" Remus said "Sounds easy enough, ay" Slater said. "I won't count on it" Remus said looking at the towering skyscrapers of the downtown district. The three pull up to the FIB building, "Alright, I already made an appointment for yall to see him, his name is Louis Dubois, don't get caught" Ward said as the two men get out of the car. "What the hell did I do to deserve this?" Remus asked while looking up at the sky.

Mission: Get through security

The two head to the lobby. "Hol it there now, bois," said a security woman. "Ima needa search yall," she said. "Fuck" Remus said mentally. The woman started to pat Remus down until she felt the bag "Is there sum you wanna tell me bout' what I'm feelin'" the woman asked. "Uhhh, it's...my...enema bag" Remus said embarrassed "ewww that's jus sick Remus" Slater said. "Ohhh, ok old timer, let's get you goin. I know at your age, time is valuable" The lady said. "What, now hol on-" Remus said. "Ok now baby, let's search you now" the security lady said as she started to search Slater.

After going through security, Remus and Slater went to the receptionist. The receptionist was filing her nails and talking on the phone. "Excuse me, sweetie" Remus said trying to get the receptionist's attention. The receptionist lady kept talking on the phone. "Hey, I need some help here" Remus tried asking again, still to no avail. "Fok, watch out Remus, I got this" Slater said as he walked up to the desk. Slater rung the bell and started to talk "Hey jolie demoiselle, tu veux venir chez moi et baiser?" He said while winking at the receptionist. "Sorry I don't speak Mexican" the receptionist lady said "WHAT, now hol on that was french, the most beautiful language in the whole world" Slater rambled as the receptionist and Remus stared awkwardly at him. "Look lady we have and appointment here for Mr. Louis Dubois" Remus said. "Oh? Why didn't you just lead with that, 33rd floor, he's waiting," the lady said. "Ok, Slater let's get going" Remus said "Ok, stupide bimbo ne parle pas français" Remus said side eyeing the receptionist.

Mission: Get to Louis's Office

After getting in the elevator, Remus and Slater start to make small talk. "What were you doing before this, son?" Remus asked Slater. "Ohh, me and my best bud moved here from Canada, we came here to try and make a name for ourselves," Slater said. "I don't know where he is at tho, I haven't seen him since that night," Slater said. "Son, the apartment yall were in went up in flames, I saw it on a newspaper last night," Remus said. "Ohhh fok, I really hope he got out all right," Slater said as the elevator reached the 33rd floor. "Alright, let's make this one count," Remus said "Yeah let's get to his office," Slater said.

The two head to an office that says "Newburg Cheif of Federal Reserve. LOUIS DUBOIS" Remus and Slater look at the plaque on the door and look at each other. "He didn't tell us that we are dealing with the fucking CFR" Remus whisper yelled. "Jus don't fok this up" Slater said as Remus knocked on the door. "Come in!" A voice yelled. Remus and Slater walked in. "Hello Mr. Dubois my name is Mr. Remus...ton and this is my colleague Mr. Bartholomew" Remus said, Slater looked up at Remus with a look of anger. "Well Mr. Remuston I need to grab a drink of water real fast, please wait here. Louis said before walking out and shutting the door. "Foking Bartholomew" Slater said angered. Remus started to look for a place to put the weed. "Jus foking put it down in his drawer" Slater said. "Nah thats too obvious" Remus said. "Ok, here now" Remus put the bag of weed in a cupboard above his desk. Louis stepped back into the office and at his desk. "Ok, thank you Mr. Dubois for this meeting me and Bartholomew will be heading out." Remus said as he stood up. "Sit down Donald" Louis said. Remus looked at him wide-eyed and sat down. "What the hell are you two doing here, huh, trying to frame me?" Louis asked. "Look, we just came here to...ask about...taxes? Remus said/asked. "Bullshit, I saw yall plant that bag here" Louis said as he grabbed the bag of weed. "FOK RUN!" Slater said. Remus and Slater bolted for the door but Louis had an electronic lock. "Shit" Remus said. "No one, tries to frame me and get away with it" Louis said as he stood up with a gun, "what the hell is up with this city and murder" Remus asked before seeing a second doorway without a lock. Remus grabbed a spare flash bomb he had and grabbed Slater's hand as the flash went off. "AHHH, FUCK!" Louis yelled. Remus and Slater ran to the door, "THIS WAY SON!" Remus yelled. "FOK, YOUR JUS DRAGGING ME" Slater yelled. The doorway let to a set of stairs. "Shit, this must head to the roof" Remus said, "HEY YOU FUCKERS, GET BACK HERE!" Louis yelled "Shit, let's go" Slater said opening the door.

Mission: Fight off Louis

On the rooftoop, Slater and Remus saw a flare gun, and Remus grabbed it. "WHERE ARE YOU AT, LITTLE BASTARDS!" Louis was yelling while firing his gun in the sky. Remus jumped out from behind an AC unit and shot the flare gun at Louis. Causing him to stumble back, "YOU FUCKERS!" Louis yelled. Shooting at the AC unit. Soon the wind started to pick up, being in the 34th floor the wind was intense. Slater tried to hold on as his short stature and even lower weight. "SHIT REMUS, I'm about to be with the birds!" Slater yelled. Remus looked at Slater and grabbed him taking him to a wall away from the wind. "There we go son, now you sut here and have a little cry, Ima get this fucker" Remus said running back. "I am about to cry, we jus wasted my weed for this" Slater complained to himself.

Remus looked around for Louis but couldn't find him, "HEY FUCKER!" Louis yelled from on top of an AC unit at the edge of the building. "Shit" Remus said before ducking behind another AC unit. Louis tried to shoot at Remus but hit the AC. The AC started a little fire. "Shit, wait, if I shoot his AC then that will start a fire" Remus said. "HEY ASSHOLE LET ME TELL YOU SOMETH-" Remus was cut off by a large gust of wind. The wind caused Louis to fly off of the AC. "OH SHIT!" Remus yelled. Louis flew off of the AC but grabbed onto the ledge. Remus ran over to try and help him, "Hey hold on, I got you" Remus said before Louis pulled his gun on Remus and shot him in the shoulder. This caused remus to stumble back and knock down a peice of metal rebar to fall and stab Louis in the eye. The metal went through his skull and Louis fell 44 stories.

On ground level in the parking lot, Ward was looking at a Declasse Tornado "That is a nice ass car, horrible on gas but it is nice." Soon Louis's mangled corpse fell on top of the car. *SMASH* "OH SHIT" Ward said.

Soon Remus and Slater came rushing out of the building. "SHIT, REMUS WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!" Ward yelled. "I got winged" Remus said holding a paper towel to his shoulder. "Shiii let's get you to the hospital, don't get blood in my car." Ward said as he drives away.

**All units, citizens report a dead body on top of a Declasse Tornado outside the FIB building in Downtown, Allegheny. Waste of a good car**

Mission Passed

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