

CHAPTER 5: Magic

Ray,Zerav,Koska,Edna and Louisa were all in the same the same class along with Amelia and Alium.in class while thier teacher a purple haired lady was explaining the forms of magical attacks,many seemed to be listening except from Ray who looked distracted as he stared out the class window which was beside him.

Ray was enjoying the glorious secenery of the school grounds,when the teacher Miss grey noticed him not listening.

She threw a small white solid substance at him,who acted on reflex and subconsciously caught it between his 2 fingers unknown to him that everyone in the classroom was watching.He looked at the solid between his finger and then saw that it gave off a light yellow glow,and then the solid blew up in his face causing white power to spread over his face.

There was an uproar of laughter from the class and murmurs after.

"Silence!!!"Miss grey yelled and the entire class went quiet instantly.

"Mr White here is going to tell us the forms of magical attacks since his to incompetent to listen during class"Miss grey said


Murmurs began to pop up with students laughing quietly at Ray.The other 4 Ordinaries had and bored look on thier face assive nothing in this life is interesting them.

Ray stood up from his chair,

"Forms of magical attacks are divided into"

"Shot"he said and countinued

"A straight release of energy with out complex movement or manuver"


"An attack which takes time to manifest or burst,it is often used as traps by many socerers and rearly used in battle"


"A type of attack of the same kind of entity which follows each other to the same direction"


"This is a complex and popular form of attack by turning your entity in a Dragon representation"


"An original form of magic a soccerer can use but cannot be learnt"


"A wide range attack which strikes a multi targets at the same time"

"Thank Mr White"Miss grey

"Others also include delay chain, consecutive strike and also Drago effect"Ray said and he sat down to his seat.

The students had a shocked look on thier faces in hearing what Ray had said.

"Seems like you've been studying"Miss grey.

"Yes those are forms of magical attacks but I'm going to show forms of magic"Miss grey said

"It's like coding,it starts from the mind bringing something which is not existing into reality"Miss grey said and then stretched her hand forward to the students.

"They exist in 4 forms" she said and clenched her hand into a fist and a light blue glow came from it

"Solid"she said and opened her hand reveling a large blue ruby.

"Woooooooow"some students exclaimed.

Miss grey clenched her hand into a fist once again and as she opened it revealed a blue liquid.The liquid began to drip down through her hand and slowly began to turn to gas assive I was evaporating.

"And gas"she said as the gas evaporated completely.

"And finally"Miss grey said and put her 2 hands together and then as she slowly separated them a large purple electro ball appears.

"Plasma the most unstable of the forms"he said

The bell then rang.

" My class is over for my next class will be creation so study on it"Miss grey said and they were all dismissed.