
Grand Magus

Someone transmigrated into the body of a noble that was on his way to become a Magi. His only keepsake, an AI-Chip that had the ability to calculate and store information. Thus, follow the journey of Fraser Rosethorn. Author Note: Hiatus until the Year 2020. Be Patience and be Excited for the upcoming Year. Yay. Every week one chapter. :). Links: Discord(due to an event 11.03.2020) https://discord.gg/VhEXNXg Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzRm4Vucs2tKj0RUfAj_8Qw Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikeLongChen Instagramm: https://www.instagram.com/mike_long_chen_/?hl=de Sites where my novels can be found: Webnovel on the Username: Vajira Royalroad on the Username: quebooks If you've read this far then I wish you a wonderful day/week/month/year/ or a wonderful life depending on if you ever visit this site again. "I am a somebody with a name that shall be part of your world and with my written words I will feed your imagination and thus enrichen your life" ~ Quote by UniqueBooks

Vajira · Fantasia
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69 Chs

Basic Meditation Technique

The small flask with an unknown substance in it appeared to be dangerous yet Fraser didn't had any choice.

There was a choice, not to drink it. However it also meant giving up this entire choice of going to learn magic in the first place.

Holding the small flask into the light in order to see the substance Fraser could only sigh in disappointment. It only looked black. No reflected light, no heat, nothing special.

Only the darkness of the substance made Fraser wary. How could this substance be so dark?

Closing his eyes Fraser for short moment he thought about his life till now.

'Without risks, there won't be any "special" in my life and everything will only be boring and mediocre.'

He opened the small flask and began to swallow the black substance.

A sudden pain pierced into his head as he could see weird letters floating around his head, the letters or runes shined as they enlighten the darkness surrounding them.

[AI protect protocol activated, sorting and analyzing the memory]

As sudden as the pain appeared in his head it disappeared.

'This could be an effect of the AI. It should be something along the lines of a memory transfer substance, but is such a miraculous substance even possible or even creatable in this world?'

[Sorting and analyzing of memorys has been completed]

'Then sum up the entire memory which somehow invaded my mind. Is there any indication how the black substance is able to transfer memorys?'

[No indication possible, the black substance didn't entered the stomach and it wasn't possible to scan the body when the pain hit you]

[The memory of the black substance consisted of a Meditation Technique called the Basic Mediation Technique, the three ranks of 1-3 are accessible in the memory storage bank. Each Rank is called Apprentice with the level. Else the substance isn't generally isn't harmful as it only stuffed information in your brain, thus causing it to overload for a short moment]

With tons of questions Fraser sat down on his bed. He wanted to ask people why does the substance contain these memorys, does every student of the Howling Abyss Academy receive these Basic Meditation Technique or is it a gift from his future Mentor/Master Sept?

Thinking for a while Fraser in the end just decided to do it. He heard of treacherous schools and organizations which were all evil and even read about them. But where did he read all those books about all of these different things?

Fraser tried to remember it but it didn't appeared.

'I will remember it sooner or later, the most important thing is the gathering of Data for the AI.'

Fraser actually quickly realized that with his brain and his talent he wouldn't be so strong right now if the AI didn't helped him. It did almost all of the brainwork, like analyzing, sorting memorys and even storing information.

However it did have no mind on its own, thus Fraser just commanded it to record every data which he or his body received in order not to miss anything that might be important.

'Okay so just sit down and then relax, breath in and out in a certain rhythm. It feels like another version of the Basic Knight Breathing Technique, only in the Basic Meditation Technique I need to sit calm and focus on the particles in the air while in the Basic Knight Breathing Technique I need to do different body positions.'

As soon as Fraser started to train in the Basic Meditation Technique he tried to sense the so called particles however he felt nothing. He adjusted his breathing to the technique and continued to sense the particles with no success.

However he knew that it was almost futile as apparently the sensing of the particles in the surrounding had a lot to do with the talent grades.

It took a few hours for a grade 5 talent, a few days for a grade 4 talent, a few weeks for a grade 3 talent, a few months for a grade 2 talent and a few years for a grade 1 talent.

Though there was a mysterious factor in the particle sensing. Meditation somehow knew if you didn't practiced and if you missed the practice then you needed to meditate as much time as you missed in order to sense magic.

That means that hard work might beat one talent grade if the one who had the higher talent grade didn't practiced as much as he should.

This information was also stored in the substance, probably in order to motivate the students to practice as much as they can.

As Fraser practiced his first session with the Basic Meditation Technique he couldn't felt anything. However he didn't cared, the AI should detect if there were any changes.

One practice session took Fraser around 10 to fifteen minutes which is way faster than the Basic Knight Breathing Technique. The only difference was that Fraser actually could see an improvement in the Basic Knight Breathing Technique, in the Basic Meditation Technique he could feel nothing.

However Fraser continued. One session, two, three, four, five, six….

As Fraser neared the seventh session he couldn't help but close his eyes, it felt like he strained his brain for hours without any break in between.

Closing his eyes Fraser immediately fell asleep with his new magic robes on his chamber bed.

As he woke up Fraser didn't knew what time it was, he only looked at the indicator in his chamber which showed a dark circle meaning that outside it was night.

'AI is there a detectable change in my body? I felt like I strained my brain so it should be obvious that the Basic Meditation is training something. Does it train my spirit or my brain? Is there even soul?'

[Detected a variation in an unknown region in the body, the unknown thing increased in the Basic Meditation sessions]

'So there was a change, mhm … what could it …'


The AI let out a sound as the voice in Frasers Head somehow sounded stronger.

[The unknown energy increased the processing speed of the AI, thus improving analyze]

With a dazed look Fraser lay on top of his bed.

'The processing speed increased? Does it mean that if I ascend higher in the Apprentice level then my AI will get better and analyze things even faster? Maybe there will be new benefits like scanning outside my body. After all tasting the material will only give a tiny amount of information compared to a scan. Wait where do I get all these thoughts from?'

The Question seemed to appear in Frasers mind with a random thought. A message from the AI interrupted him.

[Please name the unknown energy in your body]

'Lets name it Spirit and put the changes in perspective from when I started. The starting point is 1.00. Show me my body stats AI.'

[4.54 strength, 4.92 agility, 4.39 vitality, 1.87 spirit]

'An increase of 87%? That's ridiculous! Doesn't that mean I need like 30x the starting me in order to sense the particles? And this is only the starting line in order to become a level one Apprentice.'

'Well I should rest for today and continue tomorrow. Probably try to search for my Mentor/Master in order to choose one of his three free lessons.'

Quickly Fraser fell asleep.

[Protocol ___ activated, remaining from ____ discovered and eliminated]

[Fusing the eliminated particles "spirit" with the Full Access Host]

[Increase in "spirit" detected]

Enjoy the Chapter, visit my other social media channels in order to help me. Else have a great day/week/month/year/life depending on if you will ever watch a chapter of me again.

Vajiracreators' thoughts