
grand interpretation

what's happens when you give an opportunity to a jobless man? what happened when you give authority to an underdog, what happens when you give power to someone who hates the world? again I'll ask: What is the definition of a Violator? a person, government, etc. that goes against or refuses to obey a law, an agreement, etc. that's who I am.....

OceanStar · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

chapter 21(offer and sudden change)

the altar plotted

when they started getting interested in the subject of the offer,the altar started getting excited and more enthusiastic

then suddenly the being which I couldn't assess his power level or his grade asked a strange question which I was expecting

"alright...I think this would be helpful for one of you, but you still haven't told us which profession it's for?" emz asked with a strange expression

the first part got me more excited even though he wasn't talking to me but the second part, I had to quickly calm myself and reply

"I don't know either" I spoke answer

then he asked what I've been waiting for

"but the main question is-" the being asked but the look in his eyes gave me a feeling I thought I had los after staying in this damned altar for so long

the feeling of FEAR

the experience was similar to standing before a BEAR while being a SLOTH

every action I make are all within his SIGHT

his eyes gave me a feeling of SUFFOCATION and DESTRUCTION

like he is STARING into my SOUL and SPIRIT

that my flesh,if I have any at all, couldn't DEFEND against his GAZE

then it all went away in an instant



"-is what do you want in return"

blinking his eyes slightly,most of them didn't understand what transpired but amon could feel it, at that split second or so emz did something to the altar that caused it to release small vibration through the air

only someone as sensitive to change as he is could understand it

'interesting.....' amon thought

"no-nothing much.....I just want a new body or vessel I can possess, something that has slightly trance of energy and is movable by self,I don't know if you have it in current times,but in our time we have a wooden carving of humanoids ,I don't know what normal people call them but we of higher power usually use them for substitution magic"the altar asked

"oh?you mean dolls? alright then" emz answered with a calmer expression

"alright then....."the altars tune sounded firm and heroic like before again but even a amateur can easily tell he was faking it, all one could hear was a man trying his best not to sound happy and obvious

"alright then....where is the map? then"emz asked

'' I am sorry O great being, but I can no longer trust words alone...do you have a doll with you or how am I, such a pitiful being,to know if you would return with one if you don't have any with you currently?" the altar spoke with the tune of someone who had no choice

"I have one with me here.....but I must tell you in advance it's female not a male doll " Silvia asked

"you still carry debia around?I thought you said you have already stopped " Amon asked with a slight smile of mocking

"humph...if I didn't carry debia around which doll would have saved used in such a savaging situation"Silvia pouted and defended herself with seemingly accurate logical reasoning

"alright, alright you win " amon surrender

"thank debia....it's her who saved the day note me..."Silvia spoke with a look of expectations

but what she wished for Never came,what came in it's place was

"NO" a plain and simple"no" which even a one year old could understand

"but----"before she could continue the conversation return to business

"female???....don't worry I can change it to something else when I live here " the altar spoke up

"alright then where is this map you speak of then.....?"emz asked

"sir if you go towards my back....I mean the back of the altar, you would find a small opening covered by a small piece of altar tiles,in there you would find the map,the teleportation array scroll,and a small compex " the altar spoke with a voice of someone who is being cheated out his money

when they all heard him,emz told them to stay put,that he would check it out himself

when he walk close to the back he saw the opening which the chiefs turned altar spoke of

when he walked towards it and he was about to open it the Altar suddenly spoke up

"sir... this things which I giving to you is a very important treasure of my tribe please take good care of it"

emz didn't answer first but proceeded to open the opening first and what was in it was exactly as it said a scroll made of animal skin, another old parchment of paper, and a skull made from unknown material with a nail stuck on it's head and another tied sideways on it

"okay...it's starting to get a little more trustworthy" emz stated

when he reached out for the items, one of the items suddenly opened up

with a flash of light both emz and other items

disappear from the environment and surrounding

"HAHAHAHAHAHA....DID YOU SEE HIS FACE....YOU SAW IT RIGHT..... YOU'LL SAW IT..... HAHAHA!!!!!''the altar laughed in a frenzy, displaying a character vastly different from the one he had been portering so far

"what's the meaning of this!!!!.....how dare you touch sir emz...what have you done to him???'' Amon screamed in rage

"shut the fuck up brat and stay quiet----"