
Grand Festival: To the Top

The title of Top Coordinator is an honorary title bestowed upon a Pokémon Coordinator who has won the Grand Festival in recognition of their merits... And Alpine Latom intends on being the next.

Batman117 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Oreburgh City

"You excited Sparky?" Alphine asks as she walks towards the bus station, her trusty partner in his normal spot on her shoulder.

"Ri-risu."  He replies and makes a gimme motion with his paws.

"Ah right.  Is it bout that time huh?"  She says, reaching into her handbag and pulling out a bottle.  Professor Rowan never figured it out fully, but unlike other Pachirisu's, Sparky required an unusually large water and food intake.  Normally every hour or two he required one or the other.

But that quickly became a hassle for poor little Alphine because as a child, she could never keep the required amount of food or water on her.  So, Professor Rowan made Release. An extremely popular, 12 Fl. Oz. meal replacement powder for Pokémon.  One box came with 12 packets and each was about the size of a teabag with about 64 different flavors.  However, they were high quality products.  Even Sparky, who normally required either food or water roughly every two hours only needed to be fed once every four to five hours which was great for Alphine, as a child with crackhead energy it made her playtime with Sparky even better.

However, just like how meal replacements for humans aren't meant to cut out all of your daily meals; the same rule applied to Release.  It was never designed to be an actual meal replacement and thus a lot of trainers and coordinators would do just that and would end up being fined or having their license revoked entirely for abuse.

"Morning Alphine!  How ya doin?"  The dispatcher asks as she enters the bus station.

"MORNING MRS. POSS!"  She excitedly replies.  "I'm doing great.  How about you?"

"I'm doing quite well.  I take it your off to Oreburgh?"

"You betcha!"  Alphine responds.  "1 ticket please."

"My, my.  It's finally the time huh.  It was quite the shame when you suddenly became ill and ended up missing the one here."

"Ugh.  Don't remind me.  The shame is unbearable."  Alphine whines looking away.

"Hehe.  Apologies deary.  Here you go.  That'll be two coins."  Mrs. Poss says, handing her the ticket and receives the two coins.

"Thank you!"  Alphine says gratefully as the doors slide open. "I'll be sure to write you lots!"

"I look forward to it."  Mrs. Poss says waving the little girl off happily.  "She's definitely your daughter Razellia." She thinks to herself with a chuckle as the door slides closed.

"Oh yeah.  I should call Papa huh?"  She says to herself as she places her index finger on her chin in thought as she climbs the few stairs onto the bus.  She takes a seat not too far from the back but quite the middle and then pulls out her phone and taps a few keys.

"Hey pumpkin!  Whatcha up too?"   A young man answers energetically.

"Hey Papa!"  She says with equal excitement.  "I just got on the bus to Oreburgh City and I remembered I forgot to call you before I left.  SO, here I am hehe."

"Awwe.  Thanks pumpkin.  Are you ready for your first Competition?"

"Oh yeah.  Me and Sparky are totally going to shock 'em."  She replies with a bright smile and he chuckles at her attempt at a play on words.

"That so?"

"Yeah…"  She says and they continue their conversation until finally the driver makes the announcement that they had arrived in Oreburgh City.  "Thank you!"  She tells the driver as she hops off and takes in her surroundings.

She was in complete awe of the city.  The city streets are lined with sturdy stone buildings, their facades weathered and tempered. Smokestacks rise into the sky, belching plumes of steam and smoke that mingle with the crisp morning air, a testament to the bustling industry that thrived within the city limits.

Just like any tourist, Even Alphine found herself slowly waking towards the Oreburgh Mine, a sprawling labyrinth of tunnels and shafts that delve deep into the earth in search of precious minerals and ores. Miners clad in sturdy work attire emerge from the depths, their faces streaked with sweat and grime, their pickaxes and shovels slung over their shoulders.  Unlike most of the girls from her town who would have been disgusted by the amount of dirt and thick smells of burnt rock, earth, flames, smoke, and grime, Alphine was absolutely thrilled.  She was a collector of rocks when she was smaller, so she had a deep respect for the miners.

Once she had her fill of the mines, she made her way towards the large and imposing Oreburgh Gym, its stone walls a testament to the strength and determination of its leader, Roark, a skilled trainer specializing in Rock-type Pokémon. Trainers from far and wide flock to the gym, eager to test their skills against the formidable gym leader and his team of powerful Pokémon.  However, she was on a different mission.

"Welcome! This is the Oreburgh Pokémon Gym! I'm Roark, the Gym Leader! I'm but one Trainer who decided to walk proudly with Rock-type Pokémon! As the Gym Leader, I need to see your potential as a Trainer. And, I'll need to see the toughness of the Pokémon that battle with you!"  Comes the familiar voice.

"Yeah, no.  I decline."  She replies bluntly.


"I'm just here to see if I can crash at your place uncle Roark."

Roark's confusion quickly dissipates as the little girl in front of him becomes familiar.  "Oh, Alphine.  It's you and Sparky."

"Yup!"  She replies happily as Sparky hops off her shoulder and scampers over to Roark who reaches into his pocket and gives him a nut.

"Yeah, you can crash at my place.  Your dad already told me the dealio.  If you want I can teach you a great move that will definitely wow the Judges.  It won't guarantee you'll win, but it'll definitely give you an edge."

"REALLY?!"  She asks excitedly as she follows him out of the gym.

Despite its industrial facade, Oreburgh City is not without its natural beauty. To the east, the rugged peaks of Mt. Coronet rise majestically into the sky, their snow-capped summits a stark contrast to the rocky landscape below. To the west, the tranquil waters of the Ravaged Path wind their way through the countryside, teeming with wild Pokémon and hidden secrets waiting to be discovered.

She was only in the gym for about 15 minutes but she was absolutely, amazed at how quickly Oreburgh City began buzzing with activity, its streets alive with the hustle and bustle of daily life. Traders were peddling their wares in the bustling market square, while artisans ply their trade in workshops and studios tucked away down winding alleyways. Pokémon trainers and Coordinators alike roam the streets, their companions by their side, ready to embark on adventures both thrilling and perilous.