
Grand Eternal Phantasy: I want to have fun playing video games

Grand Eternal Phantasy, or GEP, is a game released in the 21 century. It was the first VRMMORPG, a successful hit, and became one of the most popular games on the planet. The game has a fantastic graphic, simple and yet deep combat system, with many adventures that players can go on in the game and create a fun experience; it was no surprise the game became a massive hit. The game quickly creates many business opportunities for players in many ways. But all of it changes when it introduces a way to exchange the game currency for real-world currency; the game has now become a fast way to earn money for many people. Many guilds were made, and many had fallen due to how cut-throat the game has become. Hao Greval is one of the many players GEP; he belongs to one of the most famous guilds of all time in the game called Olympia, but he was nothing more than a middle-rank member of the guild and no matter how hard he tried, he never get the recognition that he wanted. No matter how hard he tries, the guild always seems only to pay him in a minimal amount or sometimes none. Hao starts to hate the people in the guild, leading him to hate the game itself before quitting it entirely. Finally, one night, Hao found an old video physical copy that he used to play a lot as a child, so he decided to play it again. Having a fantastic time with his old childhood game made him realise or remember the true purpose of playing games. Waking up the following day, he discovered that he had been transported back in time, where GEP had just come out and decided to give the game a second chance. What does he want to do with this new opportunity? Does he want to make an unimaginable amount from the game? Or to become the best player in the game? Well, no and also yes. Those are only his second and third priorities when he decides to play the game again. His first and most important priority is to do something people seem to forget while playing games: to have fun and have the best time of his life.

Galatea1o1 · Jogos
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25 Chs

Ch 17: The Dragon Chain That Wrapped Around The World (7)

'Should I accept this? From what I have read, this is a big benefit and seems to have no downside, but maybe...'

"In a normal situation, I would certainly agree to this contract; I would like to add another condition to this contract," Hao said while looking at Kaori, who curiously raised one of her eyebrows. At the same time, Valka himself seemed to frown a little.

"Ho? You think the reward from this contract is not enough?" Kaori said while tilting her head a little.

"No, the money I get from this would help me greatly. However, the things I want do not relate to money." Hao said, "What I want is that since I will be helping you take out this guild, I also want your help with something."

"Interesting, you want us to help you with something? May I ask what sort of help you need?" Kaori ask

"I'm glad I have your attention. You see, what I'm doing right now is a chain quest; you probably already know what that is, so I will not explain it. As for the quest, it wants me to clear some dungeon, four specifically."

"You want us to help you clear dungeons? I thought you could do it solo?" Kaori immediately ask back

"Well, you're not wrong with that, but here is a problem, it took a very long time to clear a dungeon solo. I mean, have you tried to do it solo? Besides, three is better than one, which would help me greatly if you do it. Not only that, if you help me, we will be able to finish that guild much more easily."

"Well, it doesn't seem that hard I admit..." Kaori said while looking at Valka, who only nodded as a response.

"Very well, I will help you clear these dungeons," Kaori said before taking the contract back and starting to write conditions into the contract, but the moment she finished writing, she said something else. "However..."

Kaori then shows the contract to Hao, who immediately reads it.

"I will be reducing the amount of money you get. What do you say seems fair enough?" Kaori said, showing the contract to Hao.

'As expected, it's not that surprising. While I certainly would try to keep the same price, I probably can't consider her the one with the upper hand here. Besides, the money is still good enough.' Hao thought

"Very well. I accept." Hao said, grabbing the contract before signing it.

[You have signed a contract!]

[You will help players Crimson Kyuketsuki and Valkahayn to disband the Asgard guild. Player Crimson Kyuketsuki and Valkahayn will help player Actuallyfiend to clear four dungeons.]

[Reward: 250 000 gold/Punishment: You will be punished according to the game system]

With that notification done, the piece of paper suddenly burst into flame.

"Pleasure to deal business with you," Kaori said. "Now, how about we head toward those dungeons of you immediately."

"Well then, follow me," Hao said before walking toward the nearest dungeon marked on his map.

While making their way toward the dungeon in silence, Hao decided to break the silence.

"So... What subclass do you guys have?" Hao said, breaking the silence

"That your conversation starter?" Kaori cannot help but ask back.

"Hey, I don't want our travel to fill the silence, ok? Besides, do you have any other interesting topic to talk about?"

"I guess you're right in that one, but how about this? If we told you what our subclass is, you also have to tell me what is your subclass, deal?" Kaori said

'Trying to fish out more information, huh? I can't blame her, considering I'm doing the same thing.'

"Sure. As for what my subclass is..." Hao said

'Should I lie? I mean, what is the pro can con here? If I tell her the truth, I will gain some of her trust, which would certainly be good in the long run. However, if she decided to betray me, she would undoubtedly have more advantage over me. However, what if she lied about her subclass?

While I already know about her subclass, if she lied to me, that means she has not trusted me yet.' Hao thought

"How about you tell me about your subclass first? Then I will tell you mine." Hao said suddenly

"No, you tell me first," Kaori said firmly

"No, you first." Hao immediately responded back

"No, you first."

"No, you first."

"No, you first."

"No, you first."

"No, you first."






Hao and Kaori kept saying back and forward together before it slowly and sure started to escalate. Before it was even tone, both began to shout at each other.

"Come on! Why don't you tell me what your subclass is?! It's not that hard! tell me what your subclass is!" Hao said while looking at Kaori, standing next to him.

"No. You are the one who asked first, so it should be you that should tell me what your subclass is first." Kaori immediately responded back

"What? That's just dumb. Besides, haven't you heard about something called lady first? So it should be you that tell me what your subclass is!"

"That's not what lady first means, you simpleton!! Why are you so stubborn about this? All you have to do is tell me about your subclass! Are you trying to trick me into saying it first so that you don't need to say it after?"

Following them from behind and watching the scene in front of him silently, Valka didn't say a single thing before sighing and suddenly saying something to interrupt their current argument.

"How about both of you said your subclass simultaneously?" Valka said, causing Hao and Kaori's argument to stop.

"At the same time?" Both Hao and Kaori said before they looked back at each other eyes, seemingly having a silent conversation on their own.

"Arcsnake Trickster/Over Heaven Bloody-Mancer." Both Hao and Kaori said at the same time

"Arcsnake Trickster? I had never heard about that subclass before. I never heard a name like on any other MMO. Are you lying to me?" Kaori immediately said

"Oh, you want to play that game? How about you? Over Heaven Bloody-Mancer? What the hell is that supposed to mean? If anything, it sounds like you are lying to me." Hao said even though he knew that what Kaori said was true, he could not help but snap back due to his current location.

However, before the situation can escalate any further, Valka immediately interrupts.

"I can assure you that what miss Kaori said is true. You do not have to worry about us lying to you; my subclass is called Arch Silver Moon Lord." Valka said

The moment he said that both Kaori and Hao stopped their argument and looked away from each other, while Valka could only shake his head, seeing the current situation in front of him.

"Miss Kaori, please, you should not be acting like a child. It is very unbecoming of you." Valka said, causing Kaori's body to went stiff a moment before relaxing as quickly as Hao heard Kaori taking a deep breath.

"You are right, Valka. I should not have acted like a child. It seems my emotion had to get better for me." Kaori said

"Your welcome, miss," Valka said before bowing.

Hao did not say anything and only watched the situation silently.

'It seems there is more to The Blood Witch Princess than meet the eyes, and not many people know about this. I guess she is still a teenager after all.' Hao thought

With a cough, Kaori immediately snapped Hao back out of his thought.

"As for my subclass, I can reassure you that it is real, and Valka too. However, that might not be true about your subclass, now is it? How can I be sure that you are not lying to me?"

"Hm, how about this then?" Hao said before waving slightly to his friend, causing Kaori and Valka to stop on their track.

"Yes, this is certainly a way to prove whether you are lying or not, and also help to prove me and Valka are not lying," Kaori said before a nodded toward Valka and seeming to press something on their menu.

[Player Crimson Kyuketsuki has accepted your friend request!]

[Player Valkahayn has accepted your friend request!]

All Hao has to do is send their friend request toward them because, with this, they can inspect Hao gear and subclass by simply using a function in a friend, and Hao can also do the same thing back.

Not only that, their being on Hao's friend list can help him communicate with them much better.

"It seems that you are not lying. While I was certainly surprised with your legendary growth-type gear, everything else seems just plain bad, and you still have some of the beginner gear. However, those gears of your... What the hell are those? Why can't you go and buy more new gear."

"Well, I'm sorry for not being as rich as you to buy more gear. Those gear in the shop are not that good, and you should know that. Besides, I have my way of finding better gears." Hao said, "However, your gear, on the other hand..." Hao said before inspecting Kaori's gear.