
Each Point More Ridiculous Than The Last.

The more Ryu looked around, the more he felt that this Ice Devil simply wanted everyone to die. Ryu's frown only became deeper as he continued forward. 


Ryu picked up his pace. He wasn't the type of person to care about the deaths of others. No one who had entered this place was a child. Plus, most of them had some sort of enmity with him and wouldn't hesitate to take his life should they get the chance. 

However, none of this stopped Ryu's heart from beating faster and faster. He felt his intuition screaming at him, making his blood boil as though it was priming his body for something big. However, as one might expect from something like intuition, it gave him no details, no explanation, no information… It was as though he was being surrounded by walls closing in from all sides, but he still had no idea how much distance they had left to travel or even how fast they were going. 

He could only go faster, move faster.