
Graduation Year

Graduation is upon us. The seniors are taking a trip to California but don't quite get there. Instead they encounter town full of crime and no police. What happens to the children you might ask well not all of them go to graduation this year. Who you might ask? Read to find out. WARNING Story contains rape, DETAILED torture scenes, bad language, traumatizing experiences.

JessTheMess2018 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Who's This Nerd?

"Kyle? KYLE?!" Stan hollered in the building that his friend was chased into.

"Stan, what if he's hurt?" Jess asked as she was now walking on her own.

"I don't want to think about that, not until I see if it's true or not. KYLE ARE YOU IN HERE?!" Stan yelled out while cupping his hands together to echo louder.

Jess was holding a golf club that she found at the front entrance as she was just waiting for someone to jump out at them. The two both froze when they heard loud yelling and they both recognized the tone. "KYLE!!!"

They both ran as fast as they could as his screaming got louder and louder then it was suddenly muffled. The two were ready to kill the thug that was hurting Kyle but it wasn't a thug so much as a student that they recognized.

"Amber?" Jess said while quickly running to them both while Stan followed behind. Seeing blood all down Kyle's throat. Jess and Stan's whole bodies flushed as they didn't know what to think. "AMBER, WHAT HAPPENED?!" Jess yelled out while grabbing Kyle by the hand.

"He got sliced in the throat but it's not deep enough for it to be fatal. I have to disinfect the wound and then sew it up. I told him that it was going to hurt like hell but.... I can't seem to think calmly. I don't want to hurt him anymore than I already have." She said with tears building up in her eyes.

"Are you done disinfecting?" Stan asked.

"Yes but now I need to stitch him up." Amber said.

"Here you and Jess can go find a first aid kit of some sort and I'll make sure that Kyle is alright."

"All I found was fishing line and a needle. Apparently this place was a sports and hunting shop."

Stan let out a sigh and simply nodded as he grabbed the needle and fishing line. He knew that it was going to be difficult since the line was so flimsy but it was all that they had. "Why don't you girls check and make sure that no one gets in. Once I get Kyle patched up then we need to hide somewhere else until the time being."

The two nodded as they quickly made their way out of the room leaving Stan and Kyle alone. Hearing Kyle shaky breathe as he was fully conscious, Stan begin to hold the needle close to his friend's neck while swallowing the deep knot in his throat. "Kyle, I'm sorry but this is going to hurt."

As the girls were making their way near the front entrance it pained them to hear Kyle's shouts of pain.

Amber couldn't help but softly cry amongst herself while trying to hide it from Jess. Jess however showed it as Kyle was her close friend. Jess slid down the wall while sitting against it thinking to herself if her friend was going to live or not. Amber repeating the same method, they were both sitting on the floor next to the open door.

"Did you really save him from that thug?"

"I didn't save him at least I could have done better and he wouldn't be in this state right now. I just.. wish I got to him first, now he's suffering a terrible injury to the throat all because I didn't get to him quick enough. This whole thing is my fault."

"It's not your fault, what are you talking about. If it wasn't for you he would surely be dead."

Amber wiped the tears from her face as she balled himself up. "I don't understand why we are here.. we were supposed to be in California. I was actually talking to Kyle on the bus. This trip I was actually hoping to tell him how I've always felt about him. I know I always said I didn't like the idea of dating and my grades matter more but.. if he ever asked me out. I... I would be a foul to not accept from a brilliant man like Kyle Broflovski." She said while blushing.

"Oh my god.. you like him? Like really like him?"

"Oh course.. he's perfect in my eyes. I just.. wish he approached me about it sooner. He was so forward about how he felt. It felt amazing to be honest. He made it seem like on this trip we could try something out.. like... Well you know?"

Jess's face grew hot as she was a bit taken back. "Holy shit! You wanna fuck Kyle?!" She bluntly asked which caused Amber to glare at her.

"Wanna shout a little louder, I bet a fucking crook will hear you from a mile away. Let alone Kyle and Stan in the other room."

"I'm sorry.. you know Kyle never had a girlfriend.. right?"

"Yeah and I never had a boyfriend, your point being?"

"You wanna just fuck him on this trip? Are you sure you don't wanna build up a relationship with him?"

Amber let out a sigh as she hid her face. "I never thought that I would be given sex advice from a girl like you."

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?"

"You and Stan fuck all the god damn time! That's all you ever talk about, you're like the horniest fucking girl in school. I'm honestly surprised you are telling me to not fuck Kyle."

Jess let out a sigh as she looked over to the other room where her boyfriend was. "The only reason why I talk about him like that is because of how it makes me feel when we are doing it.. it's not just the fact that I get to tell people, 'I had sex, I'm special.' It's not like that.. it's the fact of I found a deeper meaning of what love feels like. I go around telling my friends this because I want them to know that sex isn't always just for fun. For me.. it's deep and meaningful. When I'm with him it kinda feels like... I don't know.. we just connect. Kinda like our souls are bonding into one. You know?"

Amber let out a sigh while looking at her feet. "I never thought of it like that. I thought of it to be something to get out of the way. I'm honestly tired of being considered a lame nerdy virgin. Why would I wanna go to college being labeled that?"

"Look Amber.. you might see this as a fun opportunity and a once-in-a-lifetime event for you and Kyle to hook up.. but what I see is this could lead down to a really bright future for the two of you. I mean you both have matching GPA scores and it seems that you two get along for really well on the bus and during class. I honestly think that if we get out of here that you should look into maybe developing a relationship with him.. it's just something to think about. " Jess said.

It grew silent until Stan called the girls to come in. As they walked in the room they were both relieved to see Kyle drinking from a water bottle and had gauzes wrapped around his neck. Jess smiled as she looked over at Amber seeing her lip quiver. It was clear she was terrified he wouldn't make it. Jess nudged Amber which made her look at her. "Go get him." Jess softly said.

Amber looked at her for a second before looking at Kyle as if something clicked in her head. Taking a step forward, Amber slowly approached Kyle while Jess grabbed Stan's hand and pulled in him the other room to leave them alone.

"Kyle.." Amber wept out while dropping to her knees and checking his neck.

"It's okay. I'm alright." He said while grabbing her hands away.

"I'm so sorry.. I should have tried harder than you wouldn't have gotten hurt!!" She said while closing her eyes and hiding her face under her bangs.


"It's all my fault.. I.. I'm the reason why you almost died!"


"None of this should have happened.. I just want to be in California with you by my side-." Getting cut off by her words, her lips met his as he snuck a quick kiss. Her eyes shot open as her whole body was shaking from anxiety and just straight up nervousness. This was her first kiss. A final tear falling from her eye as her heart was warming up. Her stomach coated with moths while she wanted more. Now she had a better understanding of what Jess meant my feeling like your souls are combining into one.. now she was really eager to know what sex must feel like. Especially when you love one another.. something she was starting to question toward the other nerd in her class.