
Graduation with an unknown message

Notjustanysimp · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

パート3 - 不明なメッセージ(Part 3 - unknown message)

As Ren , Kenji , and Lana were all having a good time laughing , dancing and singing ,the time has come for it , The message .....


"I like this party it isn't as bad as I thought it would be " Lana laughed and Kenji just kept spinning  , I just chuckled at her complement as it took me some time to process what she was  saying , turns out she meant   that our school is dumb and never did a party for our grade this fancy and awesome .... but it's ok since this our last year anyways .

   We were dancing and talking until I felt my phone vibrate . "Oh it's ri- ..." I stoped as the name suddenly changed into numbers and letters and I wasn't able to catch the name and my friends looked at me with a curious face "What ? What is it ? " Lana asked  with a worried face as her hazel eyes stoped sparkling and she got worried since my face was shocked and my eyes were full of fear and anger from this message .

"Dude are you ok ? Your face got all ugly " Kenji complemented an unnecessary complement while I just glared  at him.


   I was joking about our school and how useless it is until I turned and found Rens face I got worried about him since his face was ugly and all "What ? What is it ? " I asked with a worried face  and Ren didn't answer and just kept looking at his phone while his eyes were full with fear and anger .

Kenji said something stupid and I smacked him "Ow ! Why would you do that ?!!" Kenji pouted " DONT SAY THAT TO RE-" I stopped when I felt my phone vibrate and took it out while glaring at him and took a look at the message and let out a gasp , a few seconds later Kenjis phone also got a message and also looked shocked and scared as well .

We all looked at each other and turned our phones for them to face each other  and read each others messages , and it turns out that we all got the same message. The message told us to go outside of the graduation hall and go to the back of the building , we looked at each other whispering to one another if we should or not .

One of us finally got the courage to talk "I'm gonna try and messaging it back they may give me an answer " Ren said as he looked at me and Kenji . Kenji just nodded and I wasn't able to process what was happening the message was too threatening and terrifying.


"I'm gonna try and messaging it back they may give me an answer "



                    Who are you? And what do you mean by go out of the graduation hall and go to the back of the building ,im watching you ?!

User63819#%|*+ :

I meant what I exactly said .

Go outside of the hall

And to the backyard of it

I'm watching you ...

always watching you Lana and Kenji

and if you three don't come  ....

Well I guess you'll have to say bye bye to your little friends...