
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · Livros e literatura
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38 Chs

A Poll

Okay, this is a poll that will determine whether or not Barthogan becomes A King of Winter or King of Seven Kingdoms. Now Rather than be straightforward and have you pick one or the other I'm gonna be a Dick and have you guys pick a Small Council for North or All. And it will be for one not two.

Now before getting into the voting, You MUST VOTE IN EACH SECTION. I won't count it otherwise furthermore I won't be putting the Kingsguard in the Voting Sections until this is concluded, and it will be irregardless of the outcome of this Poll.

Okay Here we Go First up Hand of the King:


Ned Stark

Stannis Baratheon

Jon Arynn

Augustus Tarly

Randyl Tarly

Brynden Tully

Paxter Redwyne

Tywin Lannister

Rickard Karstark

Wyman Manderly

Rodrik Ryswell

Howland Reed

Tyrion Lannister


Next up The Master of Laws:


Jon ''Greatjon'' Umber

Jorah Mormont

Jaime Lannister

Tyrion Lannister

Randyl Tarly

Kevan Lannister

Tywin Lannister

Jon Arynn

''Bronze'' Yohn Royce

Edmure Tully

Jason Mallister

Roose Bolton

Jonos Bracken


Next we Have Master of Coin:


Tyrion Lannister

Wyman Manderly

Rickard Karstark

Robett Glover

Jon Arynn


Nestor Royce

Barbrey Ryswell/Dustin

Paxter Redwyne

Matthis Rowan

Walter Whent


Next Master of Whispers:



Tyrion Lannister

Beric Dondarrion


Renly Baratheon

Tytos Blackwood


Next we Have to deal with a Master of Ships:


Stannis Baratheon

Paxter Redwyne

Mace Tyrell

Wyman Manderly

Willam Dustin

Howland Reed

Jon Arynn

Oberyn Martell