
GOT: The Black Prince

After losing the game of thrones on his world, a prince is blessed by The Seven and reincarnated as the second prince of Westeros. In our world,an ASOIAF fan also die and are reborn as the daughter of Daella Targaryen and Artys Arryn. Will these two souls whose destinies are intertwined be able to win the game of thrones? *** (Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire nor its characters. Those all belong to George R. R. Martin and HBO, aside from my OC's.)

Oshborne · Livros e literatura
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12 Chs

First Battlefield Experience

295 AC

Crownlands, King's Landing

After the conversation between Edward and Alyssa, Edward made an official engagement proposal to Jon Arryn for Alyssa, and Jon accepted the offer after learning that Alyssa was also interested in this engagement.

Lysa Arryn was much happier, because if that little girl got married and left Vale, the threat to her son would be eliminated.

After spending some more time with his family in King's Landing, Edward set out for the Stormlands with his subordinates.


297 AC

2 years have passed since Edward Baratheon set foot in the Stormlands, and during this 2-year period, Edward developed good relations with his vassals and used the ancient and old method of carrot and stick, by rewarding the Lords who supported him and punishing the Lords who opposed him with different methods, thus allowing the Lords to fight against him. It made him more loyal, but although this method was effective, some lords were still against him.

Apart from this, Edward began to build a very large city around Storm End, which he personally planned, since there was no city in the Stormlands.

The only thing Edward built was not a city, Edward was building new roads, ports and new towns. His aim was to increase his control over his lands by allowing people to migrate to the places he built.

Edward devised and implemented many other plans to control both nobles and commoners, but our topic right now is not them, but the upcoming war.

A title long unknown in Westeros has been causing trouble for the Dornish March lords lately, the Vulture King.

To solve this problem once and for all and to increase his own reputation, Edward gathered an army of approximately 10,000 men and marched towards the red mountains of Dorne.

When Edward and his army reached the Red Mountains, the Vulture King adopted a more guerilla style of attack and made Edward's job difficult.

Edward realized what the Vulture King was trying to do, so he had to bait the man to draw him out of hiding.

Edward determined himself as the bait because he knew that he was the thing that would attract the attention of the vulture king the most. Some lords opposed him and said that he should listen to their opinions, but Edward was sure of his plan, so he did not break despite all the pressure and implemented his plan.

Edward, who was constantly patrolling the area where the Vulture King was with his cavalry, was again chasing a small unit of the Vulture King.

Edward and his soldiers pursued the fleeing troops from a safe distance, and then the fleeing troops took a defensive stance and stopped running.

After Edward was secretly happy that he had finally managed to attract the man's attention, he and his Cavalry began to flee towards the area where the rest of the army was located.

The Vulture King chased them, thinking that allowing the King's second son to escape easily would not bring any good.

The chase continued until Edward had lured the Vulture King to where he wanted him, and then Edward and his cavalry rushed into the Vulture King's infantry, which had broken down and moved erratically as he chased them.

After realizing his situation, the Vulture King wanted to retreat, but every direction they could escape had already been blocked by the Stormlands Soldiers, and his entire army was slowly being surrounded.

Seeing that the situation was dire, the Vulture king did the most logical thing and attacked towards Edward's side.

If he could kill the boy, they could escape this dire situation and even win the war.

Although the Vulture King's desire to win the war was exaggerated, it was still within the realm of possibility because the Vulture King had managed to gather a small army of 6,000+ people.

After the Vulture King found Edward, the two began a duel.

The vulture king, who was being destroyed by Edward, realized that if he continued like this, he would die at the hands of this boy, so he put aside his honor and instructed all his soldiers to attack Edward.

Edward was determined to kill the Vulture King, so he slaughtered everyone who tried to come between them.

While the Vulture King was trying to escape on horseback, Edward overturned the horse with a spear and stabbed his sword into the chest of the Vulture King, who had fallen to the ground, killing the Vulture King.

After the Vulture King died, Edward spread the news on the battlefield, further demoralizing the army, which was already demoralized by being surrounded.

After the war ended, Edward refused to accept the surrenders and killed every vultures.


Author :

English is not my native language so please ignore any spelling errors.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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