
Got into some otome game I never asked for (BL)

Michael is an average man that was one day was playing games on his computer then an ad showed up and he happen to miss clicked it, a white flash covers his screen and his whole room...things happen... and he woke up an a child's body. otome game that his sister plays... he is still a boy so he might not end up with the characters... ... right? will he get out of this so called hell he says? will he still be straight throw this game? Credit is to the artist "Sinaco_O" on Twitter

Hadia_Zia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter three: Golden eyes

'I knew these type of characters will show up soon but I never thought they would show up this fast!'

"Your greatness in The Red War was amazing when you-" The man was trying to sweet talk to the duke to cool him down but that did not help as he seems even more cold.

"Get to the point"

"Y-yes, right! I am worried for you sir duke-" 'huh, what is he babbling about now?'

"After the duchess death you can't have a second child, there are illnesses that kill many children before they become an adult-"

'What a nice way to say I will most lucky will die and there needs to be a replacement for me as someone needs to be the next duke and to say it right in front of me.'

"-I thought that my dear daughter Amber who turn Eighteen next year could be your best match!" he smiled at the duke.

Amber looked at the duke smiling with such loving blue eyes and even more of love aura coming from her. she played with her long brown hair, when she saw that Michael was looking at her she still was smiling, but her face was darken and was more darken when she saw that Mike was squishing the duke's arm.

"That wont be necessary" 'yes' Mike was smiling in joy as the duke put his hand that Mike was holding on to on top of his head, patting him.

"I'm sorry can you say it again?" he was sweating not believing what the duke has said.

"I said that I will not marry your daughter who is ten years younger then me" Amber and her father looked shocked. Sir Richard opened his mouth with an odd smile.

"B-but you need to have two or more children- you can marry my oldest daughter she is twenty two-"

"You oldest is already married sir Richard, I am not marrying any of your daughters nor anyone" he glared at the man as the Lady was also glaring at him in betrayal.

"We have mages in this kingdom and if you do not know my son and I have a bloodline that is known to be the healthiest bloodline, no one in our bloodline ever have died of an illness"

"Oh! I seem to have forgot about that! ahahah!"

"Then leave"

"I-I will, but you see it's always good to marry-"

"I said I will not remarry-" his glare of an white tiger was looking at the nobleman as sir Richard was shaking like a little mouse.

"My dear died no less then a week ago and you dare to come to my home and disrespect my men and say to me to marry your underage daughter? do you take me as a fool?"

"O-of course n-not!"

"Then leave my palace or else"

The man and the lady ran out with the nobleman looking like he was going to piss himself while the lady looked like she will burst into tears.

'Did she not hear how old the duke is? will I guess she was too young and naive and followed her fathers words blindfolded thinking that she would marry the duke, how stupid. My sister is way smarter than her at least'

"I'm sorry Yuno... do you want to continue reading the fairy tale? I'll ask to get sweets and some tea"

'a second ago he looked like he was about to kill someone now he looks so soft as a puppy, sheesh.

what a mood swing'

"Sure!" I smiled at him as he gave me a smile too

'god dammit, his handsome face is so bright its now annoying me'

I looked at him as he called for butler Alex.

'The plan is working and He's not a bad a father'


[week later]


'That fucking duke is so annoying'

Mike walked out of the palace to the garden with the a maid walking behind him.

'I know you want to protect your son but dame it let me protect myself!' he bite his lip.

'I tolled him I want to know how to use a sword and his mood changes from sun to moon as he just says "no" with out telling me why!' "Yuno" stomped walking in anger.

'Young master have so much anger inside his little body as he was going to burst, even when he is angry he is so adorable' The maid smiled.

'I know you don't want me to get hurt but fuck-!'

"Young master where to you want to put the basket at?" The maid that was taking care of "Yuno" asked him.

'For her to wear all of that big clothing under the sun must be tiring' he stopped as his anger disappeared.

"Just under the tree would be nice!" he gave her a cute smile as she got the basket down on the red cloth as while "Yuno" sit down on it with his books in his hands, with a special one that was covered with the kids ones.

"Emma you can go inside"

"huh? what makes you say that young master"

'I know she wants to take care of me but she needs to take care of herself... this heat will kill her with that big maid dress she's wearing'

"I'm worried if you burn~! I don't want Emma to turn into egg because of me!" he gave her a sad puppy eyes that always work.

"Y-young master! will, if you say so! I will be going inside then please take care of yourself alright?" she smiled at him.

"I will don't worry~ bye bye~!"He wave her goodbye as he lay down.

'...Such quietness...' a small wind hit "Yuno's" face as he closed his eyes.

'What is mom and Lily doing right now...? do they realize I'm gone...? is the time there stopped when I got here? or not.... if I go there will they be thirteen years older? what will happen throw those years? are they okay...?'


*Creek! Rustling...!*

'who the fuck is that' "Yuno" got up starting to walk to the small noises.

The palace was covered as a cage with black bars because, they don't want people to get in there.

'why is the sound coming from there? don't tell me someone is trying to get in here..' He quietly walked to the noise.

A poor boy was under the bars and was struggling as his shirt was stuck on one and he didn't want to lose his clothing as he struggled, he was on his stomach and reaching for his back were his shirt got stuck on a twisted bar. he looked so pal, his dirty curly brown hair was getting dirt in it as he moved.

'he looks so young, probably one or two years younger then this body, he looks so skinny. too skinny'

Michael had world history he seen pictures of wars and people who were caught up in the war, some were poisoned with barely any food. he seen pictures of of those people with no stomach that looked like they were nothing but bones. But he never seen a child one, a moving one and in person. Michael himself took care of his sister and other kids for years, when his mother and her friends go somewhere they drop the kids in his arms. He hates kids but also loves them, he always had a soft for children even when times would get difficult.

his heart was itching.

The child looked up seeing him as he panicked.

"Hey it's okay! I wont hurt you, don't move that much or you'll hurt yourself."

Yuno crouched getting the child's shirt off the bar and then helping him up.

"Are you alright?"


"come with me I can give you some food" he reach for his hand as he said nothing while he didn't move, his words sounded too good to him.

"it's alright, I'm the only one out in here" the child did not move for a few second before holding onto Yuno's hand.

'his hand have no fat in them, when was it the last time that he ate?'

First time in the child's life was he ever was treated with kindness.

His rough golden eyes now sparkled.

ayy what yall think??? who this a male lead?? maybe??? maybe not??? thank you for readinggg

Hadia_Ziacreators' thoughts