
Got into some otome game I never asked for (BL)

Michael is an average man that was one day was playing games on his computer then an ad showed up and he happen to miss clicked it, a white flash covers his screen and his whole room...things happen... and he woke up an a child's body. otome game that his sister plays... he is still a boy so he might not end up with the characters... ... right? will he get out of this so called hell he says? will he still be straight throw this game? Credit is to the artist "Sinaco_O" on Twitter

Hadia_Zia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter Seven: The Male lead and The villainess

"...." the Duke said nothing as tea was served with Luke looking down, not daring to look at the duke with Mike looking at the duke with an uneasy smile. The maid left to make her escape.


"So father, what do you think?" Mike smiled

"... what do you want me to do with Luke" the duke stopped his stare at Luke looking at Yuno. He held his teacup. "Do you want me to put him in an orphanage?" The duke seems to know Luke's position.

Luke held the hem of his shirt tight, and Mike noticed it.

Luke opened up about the orphanage he was in, Luke could handle the small amount of food and over-storage with many children that lost their homes and parents after the War. Children there call him a demon child because of his eye color, a demon's eyes are Yellow but they have their pupils in the shape of a goat's yet the children seem to bully him for that.

The orphanage was a place where children competed for food, and space because they all wanted to live, harassing younger kids, and stealing food was the tip of the iceberg.

Luke left that place after a year on a cold Christmas.

Mike does not want the child to go through that again.

"I want Luke to stay here!" Mike huffed. "I want to play with him more! If he goes to an orphanage I won't be able to see him! I don't want him to go there!"

The duke glanced at the boy Luke who slowly looked up at him with mercy and puppy eyes like Mike.

"....He can stay for some time" The duke sighed putting his teacup down, Luke and Mike glanced at each other with a big smile before looking back at the Duke.

"But! Only for some time before I decide what I should do with the kid"

"Thank you, dad!" Yuno ran up to his father jumping up a hug at him

"Whoa! Careful Yuno-!" The father held his child. Luke smiled in glee.


Months passed and Luke was getting in better shape, he still looked a little skinny but he looked much healthier now, he had a hair cut making his hair shorter.

His father made up his mind about what to do with him.

"Train to become Yuno's Knight, If he can't do that then he'll be going to an orphanage" Duke smiled coldly, he knew the training was going to be rough as it will be taking him years for him which meant throwing away half his childhood, it was an impossible task that the Duke was just saying to Luke to "give up."

"I will become Yuno's Knight!" and he was not kidding, he was lacking at first but he was strong! Mike thought this might work!


"My Duke, the birthday party of the Shibuya's children will be happening in a week, would you like to go?"

"...Yes, tell Yuno, and Luke"


"I will be with adults, if those kids try anything Luke, you know what to do" Luke nodded and mike could not help but look at them in trobled 'to do what?! kill?'.

"These kids might be kids but that also makes them dangerous because of their naive mind and their lack of understanding of what they hold." the duke patted Luke's and Mike's heads before leaving them.

"protective as always right mike?" Luke smiled at him.

"Yeah..." smiled back joining the children that dresses up like dolls.

Michael could feel the children's eyes on him and Luke.

"Hello, you must be sir Yuno Mochizuki." and there it was the second male lead, Hikaru Shibuya. his straight black hair and hot pink-colored eyes were in view as he gives Mike a bow.

"happy birthday Mr. Shibuya-"

In the Empire of Sunrise, there are three families of nobles that are higher than any other. one being the royal family, of course, then the Mochizuki, the duke and the knight of the empire, and Shibuya, The family of pure magic. their bloodline has the most magic, in this world only some have magic and none of them are pure as Shibuyas which is why they are the magicians with the most Magic.

another reason why it's so rare is that whoever is the successor is a man or woman. when they are married and they have a child they can only get pregnant or pregnant with their wives once. The family is cursed with only being pregnant once.

But now, there has been a change as there have been twins.

"-and miss Shibuya" Yuno smiled giving a bow.

"Nikki is fine," Nikki Shibuya said with an uneasy smile. she had curly black hair unlike her twin and orange eyes like a sunset.

Nikki Shibuya the Villainess.


(SORRY FOR THE WAIT ;-; I took too long for a break