
Got into some otome game I never asked for (BL)

Michael is an average man that was one day was playing games on his computer then an ad showed up and he happen to miss clicked it, a white flash covers his screen and his whole room...things happen... and he woke up an a child's body. otome game that his sister plays... he is still a boy so he might not end up with the characters... ... right? will he get out of this so called hell he says? will he still be straight throw this game? Credit is to the artist "Sinaco_O" on Twitter

Hadia_Zia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter four: Friend

Yuno sat down on the cloth as the boy followed him, Yuno opened the basket, getting out a triangle shaped sandwich with many fillings. The boy's mouth watered. When Yuno was about to hand him that he stopped and put the sandwich on a small cloth that it was ripped around.

"Your hands have dirt on them, give me your hands"

The boy was being shy but he crossed his arms to Yuno as he got a cloth from his pocket and rubbed his hands with it. He was being gentle and thought it might just rip his skin off.

The boy watched him as his cheeks flush pink.

"There we go."

He put the small cloth away as he gave the boy the sandwich. The boy looked at him before munching on the sandwich.

"There is a lot more food"

It was true, there was another big sandwich with baskets, slices of cake and pie. And a lot of candy with a milk bottle, water and tea.

'They sure love to spoil the young master, guess that is what it feels like to be the main character' Yuno was right, The butlers, maids, chiefs- everyone in the palace adored the little boy.

"*cough!- cough! Cough!"

"Hey-!" Yuno hurried to get the water out as the boy saw a cup of tea and drank it but stopped as it burned his tongue.

He was freaking out as his eyes watered before Yuno shoved a glass water bottle on the boy's mouth as the boy drank.

"Calm down, little guy. I'm going to be out here all day" he got another cloth as he cleaned his face.

He stopped as he shifted away from him.

"Sorry-! I must have scared you!"

'Fucking dame! Guess I still have have the 'Mother' habit as my sister tells me'

"...It's fine.." The boy whispered as everything went quiet for a moment.

"...what's your name? I'm Yuno Mochizuki"

"... I don't have a name…" his tiny hands tighten around the sandwich.

"oh..." Yuno looked down.

"It's fine… but people call me 'demon child' so I guess that's my name...." his whisper got quieter, but Yuno heard him.

"....." they both said nothing before Yuno looked up.

"You don't like that name do you?"

"....." the boy's mouth shifted into a "No"

"Do you want to have a name…?" The boy's eyes were opened wide.


"...Then what about Luke?"

"...I-I like it " Luke couldn't help but to smile at his name. 'Luke, such a pretty name for me…'

"Alright then, between you and me, you can call me Michael or Mike"

Michael has been called 'Yuno' for weeks to the point of him thinking that he might forget his own name to Yuno if he's going to stay in here for thirteen years, no one calls him by his real name.

"....?" he titled his head like a confused puppy.

"It's just-! a nickname! That I like-!"

"Oh…! Then can you give me a nickname…?" The brunette was turning red saying that.

"Hmm… I can't think of something right now… tell you what, I'll come up with one, okay?"


"Now come one, eat your sandwich. I want to give you some desert after"

Luke did not know what 'desert' meant but he was happy to get some of it.

The rest of the day he was with Luke, the more he talked to him the more he opened his heart to Yuno. Their talking felt like seconds before hours and hours passed by fast.

"Luke, when the the sun is on top of your head like straightforward on top of your head, come to the palace's right side-" Yuno pointed "-that side's second floor is my bedroom there is a big balcony for you to see where my room is, the floor under is the guests room so no ones there to look outside the windows but still try your best to ignore windows, okay-?" Luke nodded

"-And then I'll make a rope for you to climb on okay?" Luke nodded again "-wait, do you know how to climb?"

"Yeah!" he was much cheerful now.

"Okay, but be careful to not go anywhere else because a knight or a maid might caught you" he patted Luke's head making him even more red, he gave him the ripped food that Luke did not have time to finish.

"I don't want you to go back to wherever you're going to get your stuff but you better get it, I will talk to my father about your stay but to than please be careful and come back"

Yuno watched as Luke got under the bar this time not getting his shirt stock and walking away with waves before disappearing into the trees.


Yuno still was not sure, he wanted to talk to his father about the boy maybe adopting him or giving him a better life right now, but Luke said that he wanted to get something before any of that happens. He said a necklace to get that was given to him by his parents before their death so he didn't say anything. Yet he still was not sure.

"Young master!"

"Young master, it's getting late, where are you?"

"I'm here~" Yuno walked back to see Emma.

"You scared me young master, where were you?" Emma was close to bursting into tears as she thought a few seconds ago that Yuno was kidnapped.

"I'm sorry Emma! I was exploring around!"

"Will next time don't wander off too much, alright?"


"Now come lets go, the dinner will be ready soon"

Two more maids that were behind Emma walked to the picnic as they started to clean up, Mike quickly walked to the picnic picking up the books that he did not read.

"I wanna help~"

'They can't see that book' Michael smiled at the two maids who awed.


The Mochizukis were eating dinner. The table with the luxuries food was not long as it had three chairs in the left side and the right while there was two crossed to each other on the corner, they both were in front of each other, the duke being on the right side while Yuno was on the left.

"So, how was it outside..?" The duke is not a social person and it was easy to see it in Mike's eyes.

"It was a great day outside father~!" Even though Michael has been acting like this to him for two weeks, it still hurts his pride saying, He bite the steak on his fork holding himself together.

"That's good to hear" he sip his glass of wine with a small smile

'Will, here goes nothing.'

"Father~ can you do something for me?"

"What does Yuno want?" The duke was starting to baby talk to him.

"Father, can I invite a friend here?"

'I'll just act as an innocent child that takes in a homeless boy as a friend! I have to make them pity Luke. easy peasy'

"What friend?" The duke's cold eyes were back again.

"My friend named Luke! And I want him to stay here!"

"..and he's a male?"



Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

looks like the dukey is madddd

Hadia_Ziacreators' thoughts