
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Book&Literature
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189 Chs

180 R18


299 AC


Cirilla Blackfyre


"It feels odd." I mutter as I sit on the Iron Throne with Eragon standing at the bottom of it looking up at me with an amused look on his face.

"Worth fighting to the death for?" He asks as he slowly steps up the melted sword steps with the look on his face turning a bit pitiful.

"No." It's an easy answer, neither the seat itself nor the power it gives is worth the chaos that is dealt in a frantic attempt to sit upon it. " I think Daemon would find it a bit hollow if he was still here." I doubt he would be satisfied if he had ended up winning, it was never about the throne but about the path he was set upon.

There was once a time when he humored the idea of becoming the Prince of Pentos and reforming the ruling structure of the Free City. He thought if he could turn it into a Free City for House Blackfyre it could become a foundation for the House's future. It seemed much more attainable than the Iron Throne and could have let House Blackfyre grow solid roots. But the voices in his ear would never let him settle for something like that, the Golden Company would never settle for something like that.

They all wanted this throne, lands in Westeros, and gold as high as mountains to roll around in.

"Seems almost pointless once you actually are up here." Eragon stands before me and I can smell the scent of his dragon heavy upon him as he turns his back to me and looks over the throne room.

"Don't you need to wash so you don't smell like smoke and ash when you dine with the Tyrells?" I ask and he turns back around, his black riding outfit with the red dragon sigil in the center of it right before my face.

"I could care less if I went to the Tyrells smelling of the lowest gutter in Flea Bottom, everyone needs to learn their place somehow." I snort and rise up from the seat making the distance between us a fingers width.

"I am sure it will inspire everyone to learn the regent upon the throne is a smelly man who thinks it somehow gives him prestige." His face goes stony as he glares at me, I hold my gaze with him until he slowly smiles.

"Maybe a bath is in order." He maneuver's around me and sits down on the throne but out of nowhere his hands snake around my hips and he pulls me onto his lap. "I suppose you need one as well... we could always share." I shift around being mindful of the sword points surrounding us but eventually give up and relax against him.

"I am certain that your bath has plenty of warm bodies to accompany you in without me joining." I swat at his playful hands and he eventually gives up resting them around my stomach.

"Certainly there is... but have you not heard the stories of 'Eragon the Lustful'?" I can't help but chuckle a little remembering the washerwomen talking about Eragon and how they expected to be pulled into his chambers at some point.

"I have." I respond and gaze toward the door hearing distant footsteps making me nervous to be spotted on his lap on the throne.

"Then you have already made a mistake approaching my strike range..." He mutters in a dark but playful tone as his hands once more slide around searchingly.

Against my wishes my lips slowly curl up making me equally annoyed as I am surprised, Helaena's voice echoing in my mind. My Sister did say something about me on the throne and getting... impaled, but I did not think it would be like this.

"Should you not be concerned about being spotted doing this with me upon the throne?" I ask while fighting back a breathless feeling as his hands do what they want.

"Black and Red Dragons dueling upon the throne, instead of being concerned about being spotted I am interested in seeing who people place their bets upon." His voice in my ear sends a shiver down me to my core as I slowly feel like I am melting against him. "Plus, I am trying to make sure any stench upon me rubs off onto you so you have to join me in the stupidly large Kings bath. It can be quite lonely in there regardless of how many 'warm bodies' I seek to join me in the steaming waters." I bite my lips no longer caring to retort back and forth with him as I rock my hips back and forth.

The very same arms I am used to receiving powerful sword blows from in the training yard now hold me tight. The mouth that always has something to say back to annoy me now kissing on my neck making me feel weak. Sitting in the lap of someone I thought would be the death of me while he rests upon a throne that has ended almost everyone from my family line. The sensation inside of me feeling and doing things I never expected with someone I never would have imagined...

It's lighting a fire inside of me that I have never felt before.


299 AC


Margaery Tyrell


Sitting in the guest chambers after preparing for the feast with the Targaryens my Grandmother told me to wait behind with her. The rest of our family have headed out to reach the hall where the feast is being held while we stay behind. I do not know what for but I know Grandmother is waiting for someone and she wants me to sit in on the meeting with her.

"There he is." A knock at the door gains both of our attention and it is soon opened by the guards outside who let in a cloaked man who is hunched over. "I got your message... Spider." The cloak is removed and I raise a brow as the bald man stands taller and his purple eyes search the room.

"It is a pleasure to be able to meet you Lady Tyrell, your name and actions speak loudly around all of Westeros." The man quickly tries to get on her good side but she remains neutral as she looks the man over.

"Should I call you Spider... or Blackfyre?" My eyes widen and I look to the man with new eyes as I try to search out any features that resemble any of the Targaryens I have seen.

But I see none other than his eyes.

"Whichever pleases you more Queen of Thorns." He stuffs his hands into his large sleeves and locks his gaze with my Grandmother.

I am left feeling very confused, I know there are still two Blackfyres who are 'guests' of House Targaryen. They are both said to be beautiful women who Eragon claimed as a prize after he assassinated their Brother. I do know not the truth and it is hard to give credit to the rumors but I do know Eragon has a lot of wives. I have seen them and the way he acted after greeting us in the yard with his dragon. He did not strike me as a lustful beast as the rumors say but it's hard to deny when he has so many to join him in his bed.

"Sit, let's not waste more time than necessary as I want to reach the feast as soon as possible... I paid for the damn thing." He smiles wide before his eyes settle onto me as he pulls the chair out.

"It's nice to meet the Golden Rose of Highgarden as well, my Dear Nephew tried his best to gain your hand before his death. It would have been the strongest union House Blackfyre had ever had..." He trails off and looks toward the table with a distant look in his eyes.

"The dead do not matter anymore, you also already have a stronger union for your dead House." My Grandmother replies evenly and I look at her in confusion. "House Targaryen devouring its branch House Blackfyre, I am certain that King Eragon will swell a child in both of your nieces before long. Everything I have heard leads me to believe that is the case if he has not already, so let's move this along to why you wanted to speak with me." I smile on the inside and nod in approval as Grandmother puts into action the lessons she has taught me on taking charge in a meeting like this.

The Spider shifts for a moment before looking us both over with critical eyes.

"It's about the future of Westeros and your part to play in the new Great game." He responds no longer talking in the sickly sweet voice.


299 AC


Nata Targaryen


I smile as I watch Danny give Eragon all seven of the Westeros hells while pinching at his muscular and toned stomach. If I did not know better I would assume she is with child again but I know she is just sour and missing her little babe back on Dragonstone. But Eragons actions and her catching him fucking Ciri on the throne has set her off before he pulled her along to join them in the bath where he stuffed her mouth so she could speak no more.

My body aches with longing as I missed my chance to join but I have been taking care to be mindful of my condition. I am certain I am with child and I want to treat my body with care and not be fucked ruthlessly in scalding hot water. I can wait a bit longer to know for sure before I ask Eragon to take it easy on me and ease the ache in my core.

"Have you tried this?" Visenya asks as she offers me some roasted quail and I shake my head before leaning in to take a bite of the offered meat.

Juicy with a crisp skin, the flavor is like any other winged meat but with a hint of citrus.

"It's good, I think I prefer the Stag though." Eragon has loved to serve Stag at nearly every feast so far, a sign of the slayed Baratheon and making a joke about it.

I am just happy something I like is served regularly.

"Do you think we can expect a black dragon nesting in our 'Royal Chamber' from now on?" Rhaenys asks from my other side and all three of us look over to Ciri who looks like never before.

The guarded look she has always had has slowly dropped and more of her emotions have shown in our presence. It shows brightest next to her sister or in the training yard but right now like never before she is an open book. The red in her cheeks almost looks painted on when considering who I am looking at and when looks at Eragon she frowns cutely before munching on her food.

Ciri catches the three of us looking and goes wide-eyed with her mouthful and almost looks like she is trying to turn into a statue. Helaena on her side pats her back making the Blackfyre shake her head and return her attention to her food ignoring the three of us. Helaena offers a smile and nod of her head before trying to steal something from her sister's plate to distract the 'blushing maiden'.

"I am going to sit on her face the second she does, all those snarky words I have had to listen to when she duels with Eragon will be silenced for good." Rhaenys says her words a bit too loud and Rhaenyra a few seats down starts coughing as she choked on her drink.

"I might have to join you in that, it would be interesting to see what else she can do with that tongue she has." I respond and if I did not know better I would say Ciri could hear us as she tries to sink into her chair.


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