
GOT: Bjorn The King Beyond The Wall

Bjorn Ironside was a King among men it has been told that it was impossible to kill him. But on his final day Bjorn Ironside Unites all of Norway, Bjorn gets shot with six arrows everyone thinks he’s dead, But he slowly lifts his sword one last time, When he does this the Kings, Queens, Jarl and Earls of Norway answered the summons of Bjorn Ironside and came to save there Country for he was truly the King of all Norway. No one else could have untied all these people. The Valkyries summon you home Bjorn Ironside. Bjorn draws his final breath and closes his eyes when he opens them he sees the gates to Valhalla he starts to walk towards them but once he reaches the gates they won’t open then Bjorn hears a voice, “Bjorn Ironside Your journey does not end here.” Once he hears this voice his vision goes black again, when he opens his eyes he is surrounded by snow…….. __________________________________________ The novel will be based off The Vikings from The series Vikings. Yes i know a lot of what the show portrayed as facts were actually false but I still wanna do it:)

Thrust · TV
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7 Chs



Just want a cheap laptop to make fics with. Using my phone now.


Check aux chp first.

(Narrator POV.)

Bjorn Ironside is on his horse slowly walking toward a large army he is on the verge of death, he has already been stabbed through the chest by his brother. It has been said that he is favored by the gods and it is impossible to kill him.

The large army in front of him starts to murmur.

"How is he alive I watched him get stabbed, I saw it with my own eyes." a soldier says.

"I saw it as well, he has to be dead, This is some kind of trick And I will prove it." The leader of the army says now riding his horse towards Bjorn with a bow in his hand.

He rides till he is about 30 feet away from Bjorn, he nocks an arrow and releases the arrow.

The arrow hits Bjorn in the chest all he does is take a deep breath. The leader nocks another arrow and fires again, this time hitting Bjorn's stomach. Born takes another deep breath, Bjorn looks at the leader then his army they all see his eyes.

"He does not fear death, he is welcoming it." a soldier says.

"H-How is he still alive." the leader whispers under his breath.

The leader nocks another arrow and fires this time hitting Bjorn's upper chest, when he does Bjorn starts to cough up blood, but he does not stop staring at the leader.

The leader starts to smile and turns around to his army thinking he killed Bjorn.

(When I saw the show this scene gave me goosebumps.)

"You see? HE'S DEAD" the leader yells at his men.

But behind him, Bjorn is slowly reaching for his sword.

The army seeing what is happening starts to worry and gets nervous thinking he is unkillable.

Bjorn reaches for his sword and slowly pulling it out and raises the sword above his head.

"It's impossible," Ivar says (The brother that stabbed him.)

"I told you Ivar you can't kill him," Hvitserk says Bjorn's other brother.

"B-But he's not a God," Ivar says nervously.

"Neither are you," Hvitserk says to Ivar

The soldiers in the army start to pray. While Bjorn is lifting his sword. Once Bjorn lifts his sword pointing to the sky an army of Vikings starts to appear behind him walking closer to him. The army starts to get nervous, the army in front of them is already two times the size of theirs and they're still coming.

Born points his sword behind the army in front of him and tries to yell but little to no noise came out. When he did this everyone turns around and sees they are surrounded. All the Vikings pull out their weapons and start to run toward the army.

(Narrator talking.)

"And so it Happened, as my saga will tell, the Kings, Queens, Jarls, and Earls of Norway Answered the summons of Bjorn Ironside and came to save their country. For he was truly the King of all Norway and no one else could have united all his people and brought them to victory.

Hvitserk POV.

Born slowly drops his sword breathing his last breath, Hvitserk seeing this says.

"Farewell my brother, it gladens me to know that Odin makes ready the benches for a feast. Soon you'll be drinking Ale from curved horns. The Valkyries summon you home."

Bjorn POV.

I close my eyes and when I open them I am no longer on the field of battle I'm now in a field of grass, I look around and see a Giant Golden Gate.

"I made it to Valhalla," I say with a smile.

I start to walk towards the Giant gate but once I reach the gate I try to open it. But it doesn't budge. I hear a voice in my head.

"Your journey does not end here Bjorn Ironside son of Ragnar Lothbrok, you have more to accomplish.

When he stopped talking I start to get dizzy and closed my eyes when I open them, I'm standing in front of a giant man sitting on a throne.

"W-Who are you?" I ask.

" I am Odin"

'The God of all Gods Odin how am I speaking to him. I immediately kneel.'

"W-Why am I not aloud to go to Valhalla I died a warrior's death in battle."

"Bjorn Ironside your journey doesn't end here it has only begun.

"What do you mean just begun, where am I going?"

"You will be going to a new world of Blood, Ice, and Fire, Your task will be to save our people and help them remember us. The Viking way of this world has long been forgotten and forsaken by the people of the lands."

"But do not fret you will have my blessing and with my blessing will come my knowledge and strengths your body will change and adapt with my blessing. , I will also give you 3 gifts choose wisely."

'This is a lot to take in so to get to Valhalla I must save our people in a world I'm not familiar with, he said the world has forsaken us if that is the case I will kill anyone who dares stop me from saving my people. He has given me his blessing what an honor to be blessed by the God of the Gods. He said I can have three gifts if that is the case.'

"For my first gift, I would like your best set of armor and a weapon to go along with it."

Odin smiles.

"The sword, shield, and armor will be made out of the world's strongest material Valyrian steel." Odin says

"My second wish is to have your ability over ravens.

Odin smiles and says

"I will allow it."

I start to smile.

"For my last wish, I want Fenrir to be my pet."

"That will not be possible, I can't let you a mortal have a god as your pet, but I can let you have one Fenrir children and this child will have skin as tough as Valyrian Steel and teeth as sharp as Valyrian steel. How does that sound."

"Sounds good to me" I say.

"when you open your eyes you will be south of the wall our people are on the north side of it you must meet the Starks they have Viking blood in them ask the Starks to go north of the wall and become a vassal of his until you are strong enough to take the crown for yourself and rule the north. Goodbye"

"Wait what do you mean the wall?"

Before I could get an answer my vision goes black.


Word count-1241

AN. Hi reader this is the start of a new journey if y'all have any suggestions let me know if you think I should change anything as well.