What happens when a passing omnipotent being gives a lost soul with delusions of grandeur a path to infinite power? He aims to put everyone and everything under his heel, of course. Sure, maybe he's gained a few personality disorders from his time spent in the void, but hey, would a sane person even attempt conquering the Omniverse? First World: Game of Thrones/Asoiaf
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners.
Gwenell hummed a happy tune, tossing ingredients in a pot for tonight's stew, smiling at her two darling girls carefreely playing with their dolls.
Before the new Lord–a true god descended onto the mortal plane–blessed them with his rule, she would have never imagined enjoying a full belly every night and allowing her little ones to behave as children should.
Her daughters were fast reaching womanhood, and not too long ago she'd been worrying about them getting stolen away one night. Now, however, stealing wives was put to an end by the mercy of His Grace. The first men who tempted the new law were immediately hunted down by the Lord's warriors and hung in the town square.
Gwenell heard the door open, turning to see her oldest child and only son walk in. She'd been worried about the lad. He hadn't taken well to the loss of his father, and she feared he may be bitter toward their Lord and Savior.
Of course, she too grieved the loss of her husband, but she was only fond of him as much as possible considering she, like her mother before her, had been stolen as the man's wife.
She had no true love for the man; the only good thing from their pairing was the children she loved with all her heart. Her son, though, looked up to his father as a role model, and she feared he'd soon go down the wrong path.
Gwenell frowned, her son had brushed past her without so much as a word.
She cleared her throat. "Arik, what have you been up to today?"
Children these days, she scoffed. "Have you heard the news? His Grace will be opening the Divine Realm to those in need of work," she asked her son who was still trying to ignore her.
"Why would I care?" he replied, making her brows furrow.
"You should care so you can get off your lazy rear and be a productive member of this town," she scolded, beginning to tire of this boy's attitude.
"Why bother? Food is freely handed out," her son said.
"The Lord blessed us with these gifts to get us through hard times. Now it's our turn to prove our own worth."
"It was our so-called Lord that put us in these hard times to begin with!" he burst out, making her pause.
Gwenell couldn't believe her ears. How could a child of her own speak such blasphemy?
She knew what she had to do. It would break her heart, but she wouldn't tolerate this heresy under her roof.
Cries of pain rang out from the small house, and she was sure all the neighbors would hear. They would understand though; this wasn't the first time an unruly child had to be taught a lesson.
As her wooden ladle continued slapping her child upside the head, his cries for mercy went unheard.
"The… Lord… Giveth… And… He… Can… Taketh… Away…" she shouted between each strike, her son whimpering in the corner. Luckily she'd sent her daughters to their rooms so they wouldn't have to see such a sight.
"Okay, Ma, I'll go and work for our Lord," her son pleaded, making her stop mid-swing.
Gwenell put on a pleasant smile and patted her son's bruised cheek. "Good boy. Now go and get some rest before supper," she praised.
She went back to the pot of stew, picking up the merry tune she'd been humming. She'd done the Lord's work today, she thought to herself.
~A New God's Conquest~
Bellatrix rubbed her bulging belly. Any day now, she could go into labor, and she couldn't wait to bless this world with a child from the divine loins of her master. Bella could already imagine it: this would just be the first, and soon she'd be able to revive her fallen family. Her master had already promised her that their children could take her family name if she desired—not the damnable Lestrange, but rather the noble House of Black. She'd do her best to single-handedly repopulate her house.
Besides her fantasies of the future, Bella stretched, feeling better than ever even while so heavily pregnant. Over the months of carrying their child, she'd noticed herself changing. She was physically stronger, her magic had become far more potent, and what she was most pleased by was her ability to better keep up with her master's lust.
She smiled. Being able to spend an increasing amount of time in her master's bed had begun driving Rose crazy. It was obvious that the young girl was hopelessly in love with her master, and to her disappointment, her master never took things beyond the occasional chaste kiss.
Of course, there was no need for her master to seek other lovers, not when she was only growing into her own sexuality. Even with a belly bloated with child, her master only seemed more attracted to her new motherly figure. Still, she knew that she wouldn't be able to keep her master to herself forever, but she could at least enjoy it while it lasted.
Even with all the time spent satiating his lust, her master was, by no means, neglecting his duties as the lord of the unworthy locals. The advancements he'd made with the society that was nearly in the Stone Age were nothing short of astonishing. And that wasn't even mentioning the revolutionary magical knowledge he'd stocked the libraries full of, the students progressing far beyond what a graduate of Hogwarts would.
Just thinking about her master's greatness got her feeling a certain type of way, figuring she could arrange a special gift for tonight's activities.
"Leaf," Bella called out to thin air, the pale-skinned beauty with vibrant red, brown, and gold hair appearing with a pop.
"How may I serve, Mistress," the little elf politely bowed.
"Your presence will be required in His Grace's chamber tonight," Bella said, noticing just the slightest tremble run through the elf's petite body.
"Yes, Mistress. Is there anything else I can be of service with?" Leaf asked, making Bella smile. She did love how obedient the little creatures had become.
"That will be all for now," Bella waved off, the elf leaving with another pop.
Tonight would be fun.
~A New God's Conquest~
Lux sat on his golden throne in the center of the great hall, awaiting the arrival of a group of prisoners that his undead commanders had captured. He ran a hand through the soft coats of Noire and Aurora, the two wolf pups purring as much as wolf pups could.
Before the two little girls could fall asleep, their heads perked up at the same time, sniffing the air and noticing the arriving prisoners just as the doors to the great hall were pushed open.
An eyebrow rose as Lux watched his undead usher in an all-female group wearing ragged furs. He quickly scanned their surface thoughts, and the name of a tall blonde caught his attention. He hadn't expected his actions in this world to have such an effect on the greater surroundings already.
The blonde's name was Val, and unless it were a coincidence, she should be the sister of Mance Raider's wife. Other than Val, the only other woman of the ten that caught his eye was a timid-looking foreigner. If this were his past life, he'd assume the girl was Asian, but since this was Planetos, the woman—who, even covered in dirt and grime, was clearly a beauty—must be from Yi Ti.
"You are in the presence of Lux Tenebris, God of Holy Light and Eternal Darkness. Kneel before His Grace!" a girl in black robes cried out from the side. Lux rolled his eyes. This was Bella's doing; his favorite slave insisted on having one of her students on standby as a court announcer.
The wildlings scowled while the YiTish girl knelt, clearly surprised. Lux guessed the young woman was more surprised that the voice she heard came from her mother tongue, the student wearing one of his enchanted translation necklaces.
"We kneel for no one," one of the older Wildlings said, spitting on the ground. One of his undead whipped the woman in the back of the knees with his spear, making the woman unwillingly kneel with a cry of pain. His other minions immediately did the same, though less painfully, forcing those still standing to their knees with a strong hand on their shoulders.
Lux rose from his throne, the little wolves hopping down too, before walking over to the kneeling group. As he paced back and forth, deciding their fate, he thought about all the opportunities he could make out of this.
First was the fact that he finally knew the exact year from the mind of the YiTish woman: 287AC. It was honestly further back than he'd expected. Don't most fan fictions with this plot start closer to canon? Well, whatever, his life wasn't a fan fiction, so he'd just go with it. Besides, there were some fun plans he could put into motion with so much time on his hands. Soon, he'd be expanding beyond this dreary little island.
Yes, yes, it will be perfect, Lux thought, rubbing his hands together with an evil smile, not noticing the aura he was giving off putting the prisoners on edge.
"Ahem," he cleared his throat. He'd told himself that he'd try to stop cartoonishly plotting. Clearly, he was addicted and it wouldn't be so easy.
"Now, what should I do with you lot?" Lux asked himself. The group of Wildlings just growled and grumbled. The YiTish girl just had a blank look on her face. Aside from the first time hearing her language, her facial expression hadn't changed. Even without going through her memories, Lux could guess that a beauty so far from home wouldn't be having a pleasant time.
"Hmm, I have a mind to simply have you put to the sword. After all, I'm sure a bunch of savage raiders wouldn't follow my rule of the land," Lux nonchalantly pondered, making a few of the Wildlings squirm.
"If you can send us back, she's the daughter of a chieftess. I'm sure you would be rewarded," one of the smarter women bargained, the others giving her a dirty look. Presumably, they'd rather die than negotiate with someone they considered a kneeler.
"Oho, now that's something. At least one of you is somewhat intelligent," Lux mocked, and he was sure he'd have been attacked by now if not for the spears at the women's necks.
"Take the Wildlings to the dungeons," he gestured, the undead following his orders, leaving him alone with the woman from Yi Ti. He'd visit his captured Wildling princess another time.
"You may rise," Lux offered a hand. The woman hesitated but eventually took it, pulling herself to her feet. Standing a head shorter than him, Lux smiled at that. Okay, yes, he was still bitter about the fact he was still a growing boy.
"Tell me your story," he gently placed a hand on her soft cheek, some light returning to her eyes at his touch.
It was a tragic story, of course. Lux simply let the woman he now knew as Yaling get her anger at the world off her chest, letting her cry in his arms when she needed to. Simple skin contact while channeling his Holy Light was enough to keep her worries at bay.
Yaling had been sold into slavery, and her most recent owner was the captain of a Tyroshi slave vessel. Obviously, she wasn't put to work as a sailor, instead warming the captain's bed and those of anyone he allowed.
Lux knew the girl was a broken husk of her former self, and if it wasn't for his presence, she wouldn't have been able to get her story out.
He'd been wondering what changes he'd made that ended up with Val getting captured. From Yaling's story, he had a pretty good guess. After taking control of the island, Lux had his minions destroy any of the false lights lining the shore that the locals used to lure in ships.
In the normal timeline, the slaver's ship would have probably wrecked before making it beyond the Wall. How unlucky for them to have ended up doing the same on the way back anyway.
Looking at the broken woman, Lux decided he could fulfill his yearly good deed.
"Tell me, Yaling, what would you give for me to take all your pain and suffering away?" Lux asked, making her raise her head to look him in the eyes.
"Anything, My Lord," she said through her tears.
"And if I want you in your entirety?" Lux questioned.
"Then it'll be yours, My Lord."
Lux grinned. He may be doing a good deed, but he'd still take advantage of the desperate woman.
Lifting her chin, Lux placed a light kiss on his newest slave's lips, golden light surrounding her form. The dirt and grime vanished, what little scarring disappeared, and any hidden injuries healed. At the same time, his improved mental magic sealed away her time spent as a slave. She'd still remember the years, but it would be like a listener hearing it as a story without any of the intimate pain to go along.
Again, tears fell from her eyes, though this time he could tell they were filled with relief. The jade beauty was unable to contain herself, latching onto her savior like a limpet as he gently caressed her lithe back.
~A New God's Conquest~
Down in his man cave, Lux toiled away on another of the designs he would soon be implementing. This one, in particular, was that of an enchanted flying ship. He had already had a few of the base ships put together; now all that was left was to create the complicated runic matrices.
"Master, I have something special planned for tonight," the seductive purr of his favorite slave distracted him from his work. He had done enough for the day, he thought. Besides, he was genuinely curious about what Bella was up to.
Putting his tools aside, he wrapped the temptress in his embrace before teleporting them both onto the lavish mattress in his chambers.
Lux snapped his fingers, their clothes vanishing. He was ravenous at the moment and didn't want anything to get in the way.
Trailing a finger from Bella's lovely lips, he paused at her milk-filled breasts. He swore those things had nearly doubled in size by now. Continuing, he traced along her exceptionally round belly, the fact that his child was growing there only increased the attraction he felt toward the lovely woman.
As he finally reached her sacred garden, a knock on the door interrupted his fun, making him scowl.
"Were you expecting someone, my dear?" Lux asked, still gliding a finger along Bella's glistening folds.
"Nngh, yes, master. It seems my gift to you has arrived," she moaned her answer before hopping out of bed, sexily sashaying over to the door.
Bella opened the door, pulling in Leaf, dressed in her little French maid outfit. The petite elf did her best to avert her eyes from the scene, but all that did was increase his anticipation for what was to come.
"Well, Master, how do you like your gift?" Bella asked, having dragged the timid elf over to the foot of the bed.
"I couldn't have asked for a better one," he praised, raking his eyes over the light-skinned elf's form.
Bella started with the girl's top, slowly peeling the clothes down to reveal an almost completely flat chest topped with two tiny pink pearls.
The juxtaposition of the little elf next to the ridiculous mommy milkers Bella had out on display was a sight to behold, his cock rising to full mast. Even without Bella, Lux didn't discriminate between chest sizes. Any size got his wood to rise, and all that.
On the bright side, the interdimensional FBI wouldn't be knocking on his castle gates, considering the elf was about two hundred years old.
Bella turned Leaf around to face herself as the outfit reached the elf's tiny waist. She finally peeled the outfit over the surprisingly bubbly rear, the clothes pooling at the elf's feet.
Now that everyone was completely nude, Bella dragged the still quite as a mouse elf over to lay on the mattress.
"Master let me get you ready, we wouldn't want you to break the girl, now would we?" Bella said, reaching for his manhood before taking it between her soft lips.
He'd learned that the elves of this world only copulated for the purpose of reproduction. On top of that, they'd only attempt reproduction when it was foretold. Something about it being whispered in the wind, or some bullshit like that. Hey, Lux wasn't complaining, not when he got to pop the cherry of this gorgeous little elf.
After a few minutes, Bella seemed satisfied with the state of his saliva-covered cock, moving to the top of the bed and pulling Leaf into her lap.
"Come, claim the fruits of your labor," Bella urged.
Lux, of course, wasn't going to refute, moving to kneel between his elf's legs held wide open by Bella, rubbing his tip against the tiny hairless slit.
"My Lord… P-Pleas be gentle," Leaf begged, making his rock-hard cock twitch. Leaf didn't know it, but those words really did it for him.
But he would be nice enough to make her first time as painless as possible, slowly pressing into the virgin canal.
As much as he loved fucking the seductress that was Bella, there was just something empowering about taking a woman's first time that he couldn't get anywhere else. Not to mention the insanely tight grip doing it best to wring him dry, as if it wanted his seed at all costs.
Lux couldn't get enough of the elf's cute little squeals and moans as his slow thrusts worked deeper and deeper.
Despite the little cunts best efforts to milk his dick dry, he was able to hold back until Leaf noticeably shuddered, not able to hold back a loud moan of her own. With the little elf receiving the first orgasm of her life, Lux plunged as deep as he could get, unloading the first climax of the night.
"Master, it's my turn now," Bella declared, flipping on top of the panting little elf, her dripping slit now infront of his still-hard shaft. It seemed watching him claim the girl's virginity really got his slave going.
Lux wouldn't deny his loyal baby mama's needs, lining his cock up and sending it home, Bella's moans filling the room.
"Damn, woman, this shit really turned you on, huh," Lux teased, the obscene amount of her ejaculation soaking his balls, not even minutes into his thrusts.
"Master, that wasn't my orgasm," Bella deadpanned, making him freeze.
Well, shit, it seems he fucked the woman into labor.
"Aight, imma head out. I'll send in some elves to help," Lux said, vanishing from the room. Yeah, he wasn't going to deal with that nonsense.
AN: Reader interaction fuels me, so leave a comment or review and the collective dopamine hits will probably have me pumping out more chapters.
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