
A dream

It was in the middle of nowhere red, pink, and purple tulips. Trees surrounding the field with white flower blooming on the trees quicker as time goes by. A girl sitting on a bench smelling the the fresh air of Hokkaido and admiring the beautiful flowers. A green grass luscious path way leading out off into the distance. Birds flying in the air with there flock shined by the sun. The wind passing through the girls bright black hair.

The girl from the bench gets up and walks on the green carpet grass. She sees a girl from a far distance the girl gets closer and closer. All of the sudden she runs to the girl from the bench and gives her a big hug. The other girl from the distance tells her, "It's ok I am here for you don't worry I'll always be by your side." The girl tears and the tear drops from her eyes sliding down of her cheeks. The girl from the distance unravels herself from the hug and wipes the tears of the girl and smiles with joy.

The girl slowly walk away out to where she came from. She waves goodbye and keeps on walking. "What's your name?" Said the girl from the bench. The girl from the distance turns her head and says her name in a soft toned voice. She turns her head back and walks even further and then disappears.

The girl walks back to her bench and sees a note under neath the bench. She picks up the note and opens it saying,"You will make it you'll find that one person and she will always be by your side never letting you down. Helps you on what you are having trouble with. Remember never stop loving yourself." From future friend.

The girl finished reading the note sitting still with a smile on her face. All of the sudden the girl that dreamed this dream wakes up and smiles.