
Chapter 24 The Road to Strength

However, Apep's aura is extremely weak.

  He didn't notice it at first, but a fiery power suddenly surged out of his body.

  It was Ra who gave him the remaining power of the drop of blood, and

  Seth could smell the subtle scent of Apep in the wine.

  But the smell was only in the wine, and Nephthys' divine body was pure, without any abnormalities.

  That's why Seth confirmed the origin of the wine to Nephthys.

  Was Nephthys trying to kill him because of love?

  However, just that little bit of Apep's breath couldn't kill him.

  It couldn't even hurt him seriously.

  However, these are not the most important.

  The most important thing is that Seth originally wanted to say that there was the smell of Apep in the wine.

  However, his instinct told him that speaking out would be dangerous.

  The God of War's intuition has always been accurate.

  Therefore, Seth chose to leave.

  Standing there, Seth was thinking.

  What to do about this matter?

  Tell La?

  Seth thought for a while and rejected it.

  He didn't keep the drink, there is no evidence.

  There is also no evidence that Nephthys was tainted by Apep's breath.

  However, I need to tell Isis about this.

  Discuss how to respond.

  After making the decision, Seth was still uneasy.

  Whether it's Bast and the Blood River, or Nephthys and her wine.

  It can make him feel that his own safety is threatened.

  He must be stronger to protect himself.

  But, how to become stronger?


  Seth's first thought was to increase his authority.

  But here's the thing.

  Deserts already occupy 80% of the earth.

  If he uses desert to encroach on the remaining 20% ​​of forests, grasslands, swamps and other land.

  There will definitely be controversy and even punishment.

  As for war, a race that can start a war?

  It seems that there are only humans in the world, but the number of humans is too small.

  Others, like dryads, orcs, monsters, and animals, all have limitations.

  In addition, the gods have temples on the ground to frighten them.

  Hundreds of races live peacefully and cannot start a war.

  Strength and authority want to increase.

  The simplest and most convenient way is to increase the number of lives with power.

  This takes time, a lot of time, even an epoch is unknown.

  As for possessing the fourth authority, Seth did not expect it.

  Among the main gods, most have three levels of authority.

  There is no one with fourfold authority.

  He thought that Ra would not give him new authority.

  As a result, the authority was blocked all the way.

  Seth thought about the power of faith again.

  It was just vetoed immediately. If it was fused with the power of faith, it would pollute its own authority.

  Not only will it not strengthen itself, but it will actually reduce its strength.

  And he will be regarded as an evil god and will be punished by the gods.

  To stand on the opposite side of the gods is to be another Apep.

  But he doesn't yet have Apep's immortality and the powerful power to counteract Ra.

  After thinking about it, Seth only felt despair.

  Wait, there is still hope!

  Seth suddenly thought of the Book of True Names.

  If he gets his true name recorded in the Book of True Names, he can't use it even if he usually doesn't.

  But in a critical moment, it is his life-saving means!

  After the crisis, tell the Book of True Names and let it take the blame.

  The wrath of the gods and Ra will also be borne by the Book of True Names!

  The more I think about it, the more I think this plan is feasible!

  Seth immediately returned to the temple, he wanted to become one with the desert again.

  Then look for the bloody river and ask for the true names of the gods from the Book of True Names.

  The Book of True Names will definitely give him his true name.

  If you don't give it, the Book of True Name will face La's extermination again.

  Yes, he will report that the Book of True Names is still alive!   

  Jie Jie Jie!

  After laughing at his own wit for a moment, Seth felt something was wrong.

  "This is a bit like a villain..."

  Forget it, a villain is a villain, and he must get his real name!

  Making up his mind, Seth returned to the temple.


  over the dense forest.

  Nephthys sat on top of a small house with an expressionless expression.

  The moonlight was like water, falling on her body.

  "Your plan to marry Seth with wine failed."

  Suddenly, a man's voice came from the small house.

  "I know." Nephthys said coldly: "He rejected me again and again."

  "Best changed his heart."

  "What are your plans next?" Man the voice asked again.

  "Set is not irreplaceable." Nephthys said coldly: "I just need to find another god."

  "A god that is conducive to my plan."

  "Do you need my help?" a man's voice asked.

  "It's not to help." Nephthys sneered: "It's to fulfill your promise." "

  The contract we signed is very clear."

  "It's my fault." The man's voice immediately apologized, and said: "But, Isis seems to be planning something."

  "You should pay more attention to her movements."

  "Yes." Nephthys responded.


  In the Yellow Sand Temple.

  Argo, who sent the seeds of Hathor to Osiris, has returned.

  Seth told him to play with Aka, he was going to be busy.

  Set thought for a moment before becoming one with the desert.

  Nephthys was decided not to tell Isis beforehand.

  Last time I merged with the desert and spent half a month searching for the bloody river.

  It might take that long this time.

  Whether communicating by letter or face to face.

  Seth couldn't spare the energy, so he had to wait until he finished threatening the Book of True Names.

  After giving Ankh power and covering the temple.

  Just when he wanted to become one with the desert, he saw blank power attached to the statue and was swallowed by Ra's golden feather.

  It seemed that those people were offering sacrifices to him again.

  Beyond this, a papyrus arrives outside the temple.

  Seth put in the papyrus.

  It floated to Seth, who touched the papyrus.

  In an instant, the papyrus disintegrated into a series of sacred text.

  It was Thoth's reply.

  After reading it, Seth frowned.

  Thoth told Seth that he could not answer Seth's question.

  Hathor is a god who existed before the creation of the world and is older than him.

  The creation of mankind from tears, as well as the first man and Hathor, was also at the beginning of creation.

  At that time, he, the god of wisdom, had not yet been born.

  I have never experienced those things myself.

  The gods who have experienced it are not willing to say much about those things.

  Therefore, Thoth has only recorded the creation of human beings with tears so far.

  However, Thoth also believes that the ability that distinguishes humans from other intelligent beings is due to the influence of Hathor's power.

  However, humans have reproduced for hundreds of thousands of years.

  Hathor's power would have only a minimal impact on them.

  This is the content of Thoth's letter.

  Seth was disappointed that there was no answer to the ancient secret, but he didn't care too much.

  The unraveling of ancient mysteries added no power to him, only the satisfaction of curiosity.

  That's not necessary, strength is.

  After calming down, Seth mobilized his authority.

  The nearly infinite burst of divine power transformed by the triple authority.

  Seth once again became one with the desert.

  With the temple as the source, sight and consciousness spread out quickly like running water.

  (End of chapter)